Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

at the opening ofthe Parliament. But by this we lee before I told you) while Heftood,He Hoo~tl:n~ so whilehe ti'}le: He flood not like an idol!; was all the while no idleftander bJ, or loo- jfMd,hefto•d ker on_,but as the Writil(g 1l>M on the wall, Mene,Mene,Hc to!d4.nd lzumbred; ~:~:;;;, and Tek.el, Stetit wm Hater a, He _weigiJed and pandered welt, e'Very motion that was made, ewry Bill that was read, every Cmrfent or otherwiie paf.- fed upon it: And weighed withall, whence every ofthem proceeded, whether from aduti(ull regard ofhimandbu pre~nce; or otberwiie, for ,. , fome by-refpeEt ofour owne. Stetit ut teftis; as aWitnejfe, He flo od : Se- Th j> . Jet ut Judex; Now fits as a Iudge, and will give His doome accordingly. H:witnl. And upon whom will He give it ? Not upon the meaner fort, upon in- judge the .{, . ,(, b h a V "" h G d h G•ds, Veu. 1 ersor per;ons, ut even upon t egreate,.: pon v eos, t e o s r em. felves. For even to them doth this His judgement extend. They thatfit and judge others, fhall then fland and bejudged themfe11Jes. They be Gods; but He is 1JeM1Jeorum,P[al.5o.1. T hey are Iudges; but He Judex Iudicum : Iudex judicm11 and judiciorum, both ; Iudge ofludges and of( ourts ; and even of tbu High (ottrt and all. Men may not; Go o may and will convent even the Con'Ventions themlelves, if they forget themfelves. Yea, even therather,for that they are Gods, £hall He judge them. And name– ly, how they uied themfelves in their:Deitie, when they fate in His place, and went under His Name. An'd not for any fault they ever have made, a·s for thofe they have made here, in Synagoga. Above all, for them: for not regardingHis prefenceand fl:andiog here, And becaufe there is herea double mention of':Deorum, and :Deos; The iliff'; X>eorum i11 Syllagoga, and :Deos in judicio : It will not be amiffe w fee them rpeo~ of:n~ b c b ' h , I fi . S • h I . er,ons' erore us otn at once, Now w en t 1ey It tn ~nagoga, ow g on- IJeur,m ir; ous! But wheninjudicio, they ihallftand to be judged, how poore then! Sy•a!.oga, WfienGod but Hand.r and lookes on,how fecure! when He £hall fit downe j~1i<;t;,:• to His Sentence, how full of feare then! Specially, when He £hall take, and they £hall gi11e accompt ofabujing His prefence here. For a lpeciall judicabit belongs to chat, and remaines for them that fo doe. T hey th;:t defpife Go o's long fuffering, when He ftandshere,fhall finde and fuffer .1;-lis levericy, and luffer it long, when Hefits to judge there. , But I cannotfay, this will be prcfemly, or out ofhand. It maybe, it will be deferred yet, for 'awhile : it is nor Iudicat in theprefent; but judi- The ,;,; 1 ; cabit in the Future, He will judge; Cum accepero temp lW (as he faith Pjal.75· Thisjudge~ 3,) He will take atime <or it. · ment wdl . r. . r ' notbe prt• But take attrneHe lVIII, and fudge He w1ll. Even the!Jeathen, that have ft•t. It is~ written de [era Numinis rvinditla, are cleere for this point; That you f.i<abit th• may well accompt ofit, He that ft~nds, will fit, andJitting,judge: judge, ;~~r~tac1; and never aGodofthem all £hall efcape Him. ~ will . And in media He will doe it; in the midH, it £hall bee. The midll:, ~~~ge '""''" either inwardly oftheGods owne [elves, even oftheir owneheartr (:l1j':l t..Oftbe,_;, ~ig ~c:~re it, and fo it is taken, lerem. F· 33.) There in the middeH, infehm~ QG)~OO 3 theiJ;