Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• fVf Sermon preached their beart: their cdnjcimce acculing them, and a wo:me there~ , when):hey fhall fee the ev1ll, that doth follow of theJr carrying matt~. unduely; fee any foundation fhaken by it; crs Or,in the midfl (that is) openly: as;open/y He hath ever made it appeare 1 that e)Jill coun[eH, firft or lafl:, fhall prove worfl: for them that ga)!e it. ' ;h?tf,~~!~. Or in media, referring it to theParties : that is; in tl1e middejl betweene and them them both. Thofe tha. regard : and thofe other~ that never looked after tham.~ard nor cared for Him nor His Jl'andin~. ' ' • ;~~future And it is well for us, it is ludicabit : for fo We havea time to be~ iOfthe '1Porid. jNditAhi~,and rhinke us of it, and to prevent it. And againe, iris well for us that it is m mfdto,are 7 d' F [c h r jid h' h jid ' two favour~ mme 10: or o, we may yet c oote our 1 e, w IC 1 ewewill fall on: to us. for indeed, IuJicare is ./18zu in medio ;'it may befor, and it maybeagainfl. !t is n?t neceffary it fhould beagainft : Goo forbid: we may not pre. ptdtce Jt then. -- All is, as wee carry our felves here. For, as 1Pee ~m fo Bee there. They that faw Him ftanding and demeaned themfd;es accor– dingly, a iudicabit for them. Thofe other, that ranne on their owne cour. fes (His flanding there,notwithfl:anding) abardjudgement will they have . they that be loth to endure it: And this for God, His fla11ding andHi~ judging. - -· .,... ·- ' - •V. . And now to eurfel ves," and to our duty to G0 »,' thus jlmldin~ an~ Our'owne d dNtytothe JU :ging. Text. To avoid GoDs judgement (the Apojlle tels us) there is hilt one way !. ~:;;):,,_ ""To judge ourfe/)Jes. And here now in this, not upon many, but up– ing. on this one Point only of Goo's ftanding (for, I will be bold to cut off ~ 1 Cor.;~: the other, Hisjudging :)RegardHisstanding, and you fhallneverneedt~ feare His j11dging. Fourltbltlgs To regard that, doe but thefe foure : I Set doume this and belee)Je it; tob~ done. that Hee is prefent. z So beba)Je your felves, as ifyou did fo helee)Je, 3 To doe thar, Chew your felves well af]e8edto l1is Handing. 4 To fhew thar,Procurebut thofe meanes,thatHe may take pleafure in His fianding~· Thefe foure. 1'ro belee~re Firfl:, never imagine this, that God is farre enoughof, or hath other~ God u prefent wife tobulieHimftlfe, than to have abandorfoot in thefe a./Jemblies :But 7ob 9 . 1 i. (with lob) beleew, He is hard by M, though 1Pe percei)Je Him not: 0~ (as. the 13aptift faid of CH 1t i sT) MeditM rve.ftn'tmfletit, quem rvos neJ:ttu; Johnt.26. He .ftandeth in the middeft oftu, though 1Pe know notfo much. To fee Blm[o Heb. n. 2 .s. flanding, with the eyes of faith, with which (the Apofllefaith) Mofes fat~ . Him that tVM in)Jijible. . "1"0~'have Then will it folloWofit felfe To doe all we doe Tanquam'Deo flante if'~~~~; _as 0 infpe8ante, A:; if G oD flood m:dheheldzu. This w'e behove to thinkoe :, · WhenHe comes thus toHand amon& M, He will fay as mu~f~ !!i_~ifelfi, - . ----- -- ---·- -·-- . -- . - . ... - ~~