at the opening ofthe Parliament. 155 as he did for his Son ne in the G~fpell, Certhelimbunttlr Me, Surely they Mat.u. 37 , will yet re11ermce Me; nry flandmg, my bemg there, will make them the more carefull : Ifl come and fland among them, all will goe the better; ifit be but'becaufeiam there. Not any thing at all fhall (I rrull: ;) but if ought !hould be moved againll:Hiogood,fhall not our owne hearts fmite us, and tell us flraight;What? G. o o ftandmg and looking on,fhall we offer this ?What, give Him an affront in His owne prefence, to His 11 owne face ? 7:1/.. 01tne itldicabitJuper.boc? what: Tvill hee ne'ller judge forth~ geare? And when He doth, fhall ir goe for nought? Thus, to behave our ldvesasin His prefence. . - Bur yet (I know not how)this is not it; To doe it for feare ofHim, 3 Tolland or ofRio ju.bit : but to doe it willmgly, that is it. For, as iffome were well •ffe£/ed "11' 11 TJ' 1 { h a. d. . h k. d to Goasfl•~t• not Wl mg to a ow=tmapace, not o muc as to"an m; Wtt a ·m ding. · oflronie (fomethinke) he faith: Well yet howfoever, Goo ftands in the ' Congregution, though againfl fqmebodies will, that would be content (if they durll:} to fay with them in Efay 30.11. [aufe t!Je Holy One of Ijrael to eeaft from m, Get Him away; Or with them in the Gof}ell (the Gergefites) 'not onelygiveChrift good leave, but even topray Him faireto begone,and Mar.s.w takeHi~ eafe fomewhere elfe, their matters would fpeed better; if Hee ~ereout·ofthe way. . . . . . . . Never fpeake ofthlt: there He flands, and there He will fland; He ought not, will not, cannot be excluded. To endure Him, that is not it : The point is, how we fland affeEied to His fla11ding: Whether we be wil– ling with it: \vhether it be the defire of our hearts, that He fhould, and ~he joy, that He doth ll:and, and willll:and there. , Put cafe He flood not: would we earnell:ly intreat Him to vouthfafe Ui His prejence, to take up Hisftanding among us? If He made a<i if Hee "il>ould begone(as Lt1C.24.29.)would we be inll:ant withMane nehifcum 'Do" mine, Stay "I!Jith m flia good Lord? M,(es faid, IfThougoe not "I!Jith M,rarry E ci , __ m not hence; would we fay, If thou Lord ftay not "I!Jith 110, what doe we xo .;p; here? If Godbe gone, migremm hinc, let us be gone tool And never hope for good ofthat AJfembly where He is not; . ~ow fourthly, ifwe be willing and glad; ifwetake comfort in Hio 4 To pro: ·Jtanding, hereby fhall we be tried; ifwe ufe all meanes, as will procure cure the Him toftay in our Ajfembly the more willingly; as will make His (candin.g ~7,;;'.~b~e pleafant and not grow tediolts to Him. And fuch things there are : And will~ng t• thefe they are. · ft•n'd. One fpeciall thing that gives Him content, is a Place where there is Thofebe Concord andVniry. •At Salem (that is) 11>here peace is, In pace {aElm ejtfourt. locm Ejus (So read i:he Fathers) there is Rio Tabernacle: And that Taber1 Tobeof nacle is the Tab~rnacle ofthe Congregation :Hisfeet; and our[ut,and both :·;~i.·:6. 2 : fiand willingly in the gates there; (The reafon :) b For, it ioat unity "I!Jithin Hi 1 itfelfe. There loves He to fiand: and there; HisJpirit, where c they'1l>ere c 1\~;t:::J: ~~~~ !_it~ o~: ~~cord, in oneplac:~ d i!J:,iJacit.unanimes hahlt11~e indomo, ifhe dPfai.6S.6, · Ooo.oo 4 mako I