Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

.11 Sermon preached makeall ofone minde that are in one houfe, if brethren to dwell togetiJer inuni.' ~fa!. IH·•· ty, 0 how good, 6how pleafing is that ftanding to Him! It paj]es A 4 r 011 s perfume, His ointment is nothing to the delight ofit. And in very deed, if we confider it well, it is the rvertue (this ot concord) that is mollproper, nay e.Dentiall (then) to aCongregation: with. our it,_a gregarion it may be, bur no c~ngregation. The Con is gone:adij. • . gregatton rather. Enough to make Him to be gone (that.) For, ifthere orHcb.u• . aJPring up aroot ofbitterneffi: Ifthe b el!illJPiritget in, that wasferuupon Hud. 9.~~: Abimelecb and t!Je men ofSicbem: cIf tbe dil!ifions o{IJ?.!tlben doe makegreat <Iud.5•1 5• t!Joughts ofbeart : there, God ftands upon thornes. Bur where d the bearts .1•Sam. 1 1;, ofall the (ongregation are bowed M the beart ofone man, there !lands God,and 14· there He delights to !land. Q 'foufeno .Another: He takespleafure toftand among them, thataregoodand :,unnm.~ b/ut true ofheart. Where He finds trutiJ in the imvard parts : Where, without r am.Jea mg 'J Pial. 51.6. art or artificiallglofingor cumzing carryingef things under.hand, men goe plainly to worke, every one in the fincerity andfinglen effi ofanhoneft up– right meaning. And the more plainnelfe, ever the morepleafure God takes, Hand. Truth, as it is the mightieft, [o is irrbe ll!ijeft tbing, when all is done. Theythatlove it nor, bur tocover, and colour, andcarry all l'fal.I 5~~. bycunning, they !hall never ftand in Gods Tabernacle. Neither they inHir 1 nor He in theirs. To looketo One more. There is a~ord, and it is a great wordinthisBook1mlTl ~u7l IJipft~m. In idipjum; that is to looke to the thing it fclfe, the very point, the prin. cipall matter of all; to haveour eyeonthar, andnoroffit, upon alict Neither to omnia, any thing but it. So fay I (againe) upon the thing it felfe, not tf::~~~:j.. upon fomeperfons or perfonall refpeBs: God accepts no perfonnor lol!es them ~•11 reJp•Eis. that doe. The very fidl thing, that in the very next verfe, He findes fault with, and charges them with,is this :when men are fororagamHa thing (be it what it will be)andneither, for it felfe; but oriely, becaufe it pr~ceeds from fuch or fuch perfons : Neither ofthefe is in medio idtpjum, that is thecenter, that themiddle: That place is Gods place. To goe to thepoint; drive all to that; as :~lfo to goe torhe matter reall,without declining from it, this way or that, to the right.hand or to the left for any perfonall regard. To doe that And laA: otall that which pleafethHim beflofall : And that is, where: ~~!:{!i!J. He finds aready well-wilting mind,His heart is uporzji1ch.And wherehubeart u, ever Hi;feet ftand ateafe: (a/cat roja-s, He treads upon !J(ofos there. In the Song of 'Debora it is thought, there is fet downe a parrerne ofthe 1Tertues or Faults of an Ajfembly. In that Song, there are two.Hallel~ial>'s, two tBenedicite's for it. Firft, at rhe verybeginninz, Halle!u]a, Praife the Iud.p. Lord; Why? for the people that came off, and offered themfelws fo willingly. And againe (el!ewverfts after 1 My IJeart u upon the Gol!ernours, that offiml \l'erre,. (tbemfoll!es )'and made thepeople to offer fo willingly,,Halleluja,Praifo the Lord. lud.s-.9.• !J.Uleluia,f~!~be~~i.!!ces i f!a!l:_luja f~! t~epeople i IJ3le/Jed b~ GodJoth~~ - . .