-·~-\ ~--------------~~~------------~ at the.opening ofthe :Parliament. 1)7 Then h~~e you agai~dftertbole1t.wo;verfes t.oge~her: in the one, Iudg.;.:3·,, Meroz. curfed.fqr their backJPardneJfe; ·l).ndJael,for berfonPardnefle,blef. 2~ fed and b.lejfedagairle. Fo.r,J:his-ind~e<Lis the mar.rqw ·oftheSacrifice, the fat-ofthoo,ferhtg·;and witbQ:uUhis,:a:ll:-i~J~OQJC.<lnd lean~. ·- This is [u,(e ;.l(i oD 1 ]o')>~s,1)_Qt todwfll:t11.U.e[ecl?: tha> IS interpreted,pro- h~<&d rea: lpngatu~ eft. 'A:rn!-Hio Sorttq,ealli!lig..o.n,,~(Jr,:)!!l'(l~ql!4111:~·piger ,lh_ewe.>, He ~~i.;1, 12~; ~, lovesp~er as~n•zll,as He dee~ 11e:qua»;.. r. .t\!~\l:f:l"f Sptmcannot sk11l ofthefe Mar•• 5 ·•!· fame tarda rpolimi'tl!l· Jn a\Notd,nonedfthem te be-Weaned,with standingl)<no~v no.t how ldng.J'•.,., ' '··v (:," .' - ' And fee tl everyne:~;~ \YO(d ofall;~he de~~that Pollowes thele imme– aiarly, is Rou> lo1tg!,So He -begins His camplaiut,t!J.e firll word ofthe next Yerfe: which •fhewes 1 He:/o)les it noc <~1 i• · · ~· Not,t~atheGan be 1l>e~ry· ; k:is.ah1ufiWzity (that) ~nd [o isgriefe, and fo is repentance. 9 and thqr ~~ot fall <i:flto 1God: ,T.hey'.areattributed to Him though. And God.isfai~as-to a reJ>rot,',and b tobe.;riewd,fo to be AGen. 6 •6 : flarke c1'vearie. In no othcrf.enle,-but'this_':.That ifH~ be not 1l>eary, no 6Eph.4·3o, thankes to us ! For,if it were pofsible, ifthe di1>ine Naturewere or could cltr• 6·t.~, be fubjeCl:to i~ifGodcouldbe))Jeary, ifHis feet were not ofbraffi ( Apoc. •·5-l we wouldput Him to it : we doe even what in us lieth rotrie Him_ outright, to make Him cry tl[quequo,Row long! . . But, I where there is accord without !J(eubens di11ijions; 2 where plaine meaning, and dealing, without(as Efau cals them) thefe fame deepe dig- Efay ,~; I ged de1>ices; 3 where the eye is upon idip[i1m, and no ipjum elfe; 4 Where Go!'_is notconftr~ined to dtPell in Mefec/,,but the People and their Gowr- '119Urs offer 1l>i/li,ig!J ;there rtan4s Go o" and thereWill He e)ler ftand. Of thatplace He faith, H£cefl requiesmea, Thu umy refl, here tvilllftay, for I Ptal.I3:.u 1JaW adeligl>t tl>erein. Thus'doing then, thus procuring, our AJfembly thus qualified, we'per– forme our duty to God, and toHisJtanding. And this done, we lhall ne~ ;ver need to fearejtldicabit, come when it will• . _ ~ :And now to conclude. Mine unfained hearty prayer to G o o is; and dayly lhall bee,that ifever in any, He ))Jottldjtand in this Congregation: t And if ever any ufed the meanes fo to procure Him, we may ufe them. . The rather, that Ecclefia malig1iantium, the malignant Synagogue may not To have re; aske with derijio11, Where ))Ja; then their God ? WhereJtood He? !f3ef,inde gard what the 1l>all (fure) not in the AJfembly. :Suchproceedings,andHis llanding will ::h~~A~e fiwl ~ever fiand together. Pfa!. 16. s ~ -But rather, that all may- fay, Verily Gqd.1l>ao among them, Of a truth Cod flood in tbat Congregation; where, with fo good accord, fo good 1Cor.z.I4l things, fo readily were paffed. CH R 1sT was in themiddeft oftbem,His ho!J Spirit refted on them. ' Yeti know, what men fay off or on, is not it; what God faith, that is all in all. To men we doe not; ToGod, 1l>e Jtand or fall, whofe judi– f.abit w~cannQt [cape) either the~me '!'ay or the o~her :_ bll~ haveajudica- . . ~