Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• ul Sermon preached Mar. 25 • 23 , bit for us, that we may, ifwe yceld his Handing all due re.JPe8,'£vcnEug/ _ - fer1!e bone, intra ingaudium 'Domini, which in the end will be worth all.; But ifany fhall fay,O the time is long to that (peradventure not fo long though,as we reckon :) well yet in the meane time,now for the prefent ... it fiands us in hand to ufe himwell, and our.frlws 11>ell to him. For ifbe; ftand not to us, we fballnot(ubfift, we fhall notftand, but fall before our . enemies. Thinimeisnow, thisdangerisathand. - _ J Tohavcre~ Vfe him. well then: Stand before Him thus Handing With all due gard of our h b H" ,r. h d h ' pef••t uftof re)lerence and regard: t at as y Is p~eJence, e ot Hand amongus. fo Him •t.•i•ft he may not onely doe that, but by His mercyalfoftand by us, and by · ~/11'. m'"'"'· Hispcnuerftand for us. So fhall we Handand 11>ith-Handall the ad- ' vcrfe forces: and at lall: (for thither at lafl we muft all come) " Hand in his judgement, Stand there upright: To ourcomfort · (fortheprefent] of His Handing by us; Andtoo~~ -" ~ndlejJe comfort (for thetimetocome) ofHis judging fo~ ~~ / A SER~