A SERMON PREACHED AT CHTSVVICIC IN ,THE time ofPejlilence, A u G u g T xxr~ fin. 'Dom. MD C Iii, PSAL. CVI. VER. XXIX,XXX. Thtu they provokfd Him to angerwith theirowne inventions~ and the Plague wasgreat (or brake in) among them. Then floodupPhinees, andrrayed(or, executed judgement) andfo the Piaguewas ceafed(or,ftayed.) 15'9 .. ERE ismention of a Plague : ofa great Plague; For,there died of itfoure and tzven- Num·l5· 9~ ty ti>ou(and.And we complaine ofaPlague at this time. The fame axe is layd to i:he r{)Ot ofour ttees. Or rather, becaule an axe is long in curtingdowne ofone tree, the !](afar is hired for us,that Iweeps away Efay 7 • 2 ol agreat number of haires at once (as Efay callerh it) or a ScitlJe that mowes downe graffe, agreat deale at once. But here is not onely mention ofthe 13reakinK inof thePlague,in the XXIX. Verfe; but ofthe fta)'ing orceafillg cfti>e P/,~zte, in the XXX. . Now ,"IVIJatjoel!er t!Jings "ll>ere "ll>ritten aforetime,"ll>ere 1Vritten for our /ear. Rom. 5..j: ning; and !o was this Text.Vnder one,to teach us how thePlag~te comes, andhow it may be:ftayed~