··- .. r6o ·rVI Sermon preached 'l'h• Divijion ThePlagueis adifeaft. In everydifeafe, we confidcrtheCaufe,;w; Cm'!:. Both which are here fet forth urtto us in thefe two Verfes. In th~ for~zer,the Caufe how it :omes.. In the l4~ter; the Cur~ how it maybe fia1d. To knowrhe[aufe IS expedient; for 1fwe know It nor, our Cure will be burpalliati)Je,as not going to the right. And ifknowing rheCaufe ., we adde not theCure, when we are taught it; who will pitty us? For' , nohe is then to blame, but our felves. .. ' r; Ofthe [aufe firll: and then ofthe Cure. Thecaufeis fet downe tobe twofold: t Gods anger,and 2 their in)Jentions. Gods anger, by the which: and their inwntions, for the which the Plague brake in among t!Jem. ' li. The [ure is likewife fet downe : and it is twofold,out of tl'lio Ggni.· fict~tions of one word, the word (Palal) in the Verfe. Phiuees prayed (fame reade ir:) Phinees ~xecuted judgement (fame other.) and rheword beares both. Two then, 1 PIJil'lees prayer, one: •Phinees ;xecuting judge. ment, the other; by both which theplagueteaftd. His prayer referring to Gods anger : His executing judgement, to their in'Ventions. Gods 'l!lratb was appeafed by his prayer: •Prayer referres to that. Their in""Pentions Were removed by his executing ofjudgement: The exec11tioiz'ofjudgement referres to that. Ifhis anger provoked doe fend thePlagne; Hisanger apPfal.99g, peafed will flay it. ffourin)Jentions provoke his anger, thepunijhingo£ our irMntions wili appeafc: it. The one worketh uponGod, pacifieth Him: The other worketh upon ourjoule, and curesit. For there is a P!a!. 4 t. 4 ; cure of~he foule, no le!fe than ofthebody, as appeareth by the P{alme,beal~ myjoHle, for I hawfinned again.ft thee. Wcare to beginnewith theCaufe ofthe plague, inth~ ~r.ll: yerfc ~ ~ne! fo, to come to theCurein the fecond~ - -i OF the (aufe. 1 Firll, th.at there is aCaufe. ' And fecondly, What tba~ Ofthe carifr; [at~fe may be. . A(auft I . That there is acauje (that is) that theplague is a thingcaufaD, there is. not cafuall; comes not mcerely bych.cnce,but hath fomewhat, fomc •aufo. that proc:ureth it. ___ Mat. 10·•9· Sure, ifaSparrow faO not to tTJe grotmd 'lllitbollt the pro')lidence of God,of which two are fold for a farthing; much lelfe doth anyman, or !omanJ which aremore worth than ma11y Sparrower. - , Exod.H.t 3 And if any one man comes not t~hu End (as wecallit) bycafualty, ~l!~ ~is ~ ~ o, t~~t ~~!'!~~~ ~~mJo. ~~ dy: .=. ~o~ m~c~ !!'~~~ ~h~n1 ~~~~