cUf Sermon preached his conc_eit was,. th~re was nothing in a. dif:are, but natural~ but b~dily :. ~vht~hts ~otfo. For, mfirmtty, IS not onely athingbodiry~ there IS aSpmt ofmfirmtty, we finde, Luke 13.11. And fomething(pirit > all there !s, in.all i~fir,mitie~:.!Omething i? thefotde t~ be healed. In a~~ but fpectally 111 this : Wherem that we-tmght know It to beJPiritual/ w, ~"'itGz.r3 find~ it ~ft times to be executed byfpiri.ts. We fee a~ .Angel/, a deflro~in; Eray 37 . 3 6• .An~ell,.m thePlague of£gypt:another 1r! t~e Plague mSenacheribs Campe: r Chro. z r. a thtrd 111 the Plague at Ierufalemunder 'Da'lnd: a fourth, pourincr his phiall Rev. 16.l: 6 · upon earth,and there fell anoifome plague upon IJian andbeast.So th~t 00 man · looketh deeply enough into theCaufeofthis lickneffe unleffe he acknow. ledge the finger of GoD in it, over and above any caules naturall. - God then hath his part. God; but how affected ? God provoked to an: G.dpr•vo!,JJ s,er : fo it is in the Text : His anger, His 11Jrath it is, that bringeth theplague toA»gu. among us. The Verfe is plaine; Tbey provoked l~!m ~o anger, and theplague brake i11 among tbcm. - --- - " Iob 5 .6• Generally, there is no eviO (lftth Io!J) but it is a fparkofGo o's1l7ratb; And of all evils, the Plague by N.. ame. Tbere u 11Jratb gone out from the 1 Chro,zi·7 Lord, and the plague if begunne (faith Mofes ,Nmnbern6.46.) So it is faid, God 1lJMdifpleafed with 'David, and hefmote Ifrael 1l7itb tbeplague. So that ifthere ?eaplague, God i5 angry : and ifthere be agreat plague, Godis very angry. Thus much for !By 1l7bat;for theanger ofGod,bywhich theplague is fent. Now for 1l7hat. ' - · ~ }:or which. There is a caufe in G 0 D, tbat bee u anoy'il, And ehere is a Cauf"e,for Sini»ge»e1 h 06 J 1' .-11. whicn he is angry. For e is not angry without a[aufe. And what is Hab.3.s. that caufe? For what is G 6 D angry : W/,at, u God imgry 11Jith the 11Ja. ters 11Jhen He fends a tempeft? (it is Habamks quell:ion.) Or is Godangry With theeartb, when He fends barrmnede? Or with theaire, when hee rnakes it contagious? No indeed, His anger is not againfl: ~he Elements 7 Eph. 5 • 6 • theyprovoke him not. Againflthem it is, that provoke Him t~ anger; A– gainll men it is, and againfl their finnes, and for tl1em commeth tbe 11Jratb of God rtpo11 the cbildrm ofdifobedience. And this is the very [aufe indeed. As there is Putredo humormii; fo' there is alfo putredo morum. Andputredommtm, is more aCau(e, thanpu~ ·Mica. 7 . 3 ; tredo humorum. The Corruption of theJoule, the a corruption of our 11Jayes; h Ge~. 6,,, more than the b corrupting ofthe ayre. Thecplague oftbe beart, more than d ~~~:~:~~ the fore, that is fee ne in thebody. d The C4u[e of deatb (that is) finne, the eP(al. 38. 5. fame is the cau(e, ofthis e /rjnde ofdeath, of thePlagtte ofmortality. And ~\:~.84~:~6• as the f !Balme ofGilead, and thegpfJ)jitian there,may yeeld ~~ belpe,when Gods wrath is removed : fo, if it benot nobalme nomedtctnewtllferve. bMar. p6. Let uswith the Woman in the Goipell,'h JP end all ~pon PhJJitians,11Je]hall be never tl1e better, till we come to CH R 1sT, and he cure us ofoudins, who 1sthe onely Phyfitianof the difeafes oftheJoule. And with CH R 1sT, the cure begins ever11Jithi11. For, Somte thy Mar.9.t, finnes be forgiven tbee. and then after take up tby bedan~ wa!~~~ !:Jisfins - -- ' ' - ·· - ----- -- he