in the time of Pefiilence• .hdl:, and his hmbes after. A.s likewle when we are oncewell, CHR.ISTS counfell is,finneno more, /efl; alt!orfe tl>ing come unto tl>ee. As iffinne would certainly bring a relapfe into a ficknelfe. . . . . B4t flnll we fay, the wrath of GoD for fins mdefimtely? That were 'l'articulii, fomewhat toogenerail :may we not fpecifie them, or fet them downe in finne., particular? Yes, I will point you atthree or fourc:. . .,,_ Firlt, this Plaguehere, as appcareth by the XXVIII. Verfe, theVerfe I Formcam~ next before, came for the fin of Peor (that is) forfornication (as you may read.) And not every fornication,but fornication paft fhame; as was that of Z amri there, with adaugl>ter of Moab. And indeed ifwemarke itwell,it Num.zs;i~ Jirs well. For, that kinde of ·finne (fornication) doth end inVlcers and · fires; and thofe as infeCtious as the Plague it felfe: a proper punifl1ment~ fuch fore for fuch e11ill. - Secondly) 'Da11ids plague offelJenty tl>otif"cmd (which we mention in our zPri,/e; Prayer) that, came for Pride, plainly: Hi& heart wadifted up to number tl>e I Chro. zi; people. And that feemes fomewhat kindly too, and to agree with this 14. difeafe. Thatpride,whichfwels it felfe,fl10uld end in a tumor, or jwel!ing; ?S for the moll: part this difeafe doth. Thirdly, Zenacheribs phtgue (it is plaine) came from !R...,abjhakes blafphe~ ; BlafPhm•l• t11ie: 'Blafpbemieable toinfeet~heaire,icWasfo foule. In which regard, ECayn. 36 ' :Aarons aCt might be jullified, in pu~ting odour~ into hi~ [enfer, to purifie Num.x6,46, £he .Aire from fi1ch corruption•. And !all:, the Apofl:le fets downetbe Cattft ofthe plag11e at [orinth : 4NegMlo[ For this caufe (laith he) that is) for neole'EE ofthe Sacrament : Richer in not the Sa<••· . . 6 . h -o l . mmt. carmg to come to }t; or in comming to ir, we care.not ow: ror t m r Cor.II. caufe,isthere amortality among you;4nd many arefick~, andmany are lt!eake, 30: andmany are (allm a(leepe. And this is no new thing. Mofes Him- Exod. 4.24 felfe, his negleCt of the Sacra~lent, madehim be ll:ricken ofGod, that it was like to have coil: him his life..And he faith plainly toPlwaoh; If they negleBed their facrifice, GoD 11Jould fallt~pon tl>em with tbe Pe[tilence : Exod, 5 .l-: _ which appeareth by this, that theSacrament ofthepajfeo)Jer, and thebloud efit, was themea.t'e~ ~~ fa~~ ~~e~ fr.~ll! ~heplag~~~ of~~~deftroying Ange~ in .IEgypt. - . Alittle now ofthephraje,tbat their fins are here called by the name of The phrafe t1Jeirinl!entions.And fo.(fure) they are: as no wayes taught us by God,but forfin,Th•R: f · · · fi d' F · d d · ' h ,r;_ ' 1171 "' 110 "'• o otcr own tma.gmmgor n mg out. or m ee ,our m1!enttons are t ecau 1 e · of alfins.Andifwe lookwe! into it we ilia! find our in11entionsare [o.By GodsinjunCtion we Oiouldalllive,andHis in]·unCtion is: You [hall not doe 1 t - . . . . nma ters e11ery man1vhatftemsgood in Ins own eyes(or finds out in hi& owne brames)but, ofReligwn: 1Phatfoewr I commandjotl; tbat omly jhallytm doe. But we, fettinglight by Deut.u.s, that charge ofhis, out of the old difeale of our Father Adam (Eriti&jicut 1Jii~fi;ientes ~onmn & malum) thinke it a goodly matter to bewitry, and t?fi~c! o~~ thtngs OL!! fd~e~ ~~ 111a~e ~o ourfelws,to beAu~o~s,an~ in veri..: ?PPPP ~ . ~~~§