Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A Sermon preached - tors offot?ewhat, that fo we inay feeme to be as wife as God, if noc wi. fer : and to know what is for our turnes,as weH as he,ifnot Was Sauls fault. God bade deflroyAmaleck. all; and he, would invent a bette way tO fave fome (forfooth) for facrifice' which Godcould not thinke of. And it wasS. Peters faulti when he perfwaded Chrifl fmm H1s paffion and found out a better way (as he thought) thanCbrift could devife. 1 This is the proud inventiort, which will not bekept in, but makes men even not to forbeare in things pertaining toGodsiVorjhit;bucihere to . be fiill ~evilin~ new tricks,opinions and fa~i~ns,frefh a~d newly tak~n Deut.3•·'7· up, which cheuFathers IJe'l!er knew of. And this IS that, which makes men 2 Tim..4.3· that have iuhi1~ eares, to heapeto themfel1!es Teachers,according to tlleir owne In thecamlrtfls, which may fill their heads full, with new inventions. · And this is that, that even out of rJ\!ligion, in thecommon iifc, fpoiles "''" l•f•· all. Thewanton inwntion,infinding out new meats in diet, inin'l!enting new fafhiGnsin apparell, which men fo dote on (as the Pfalme faith at the 39· Verfe) as t/,ey e11en gQe aJlJboring with them, with their owne inwntions~ and care not what they fpend on them; And know no end ofthem: but as fail as they are weary ofone,a new in'l!ention is found out; whichJlJhat. foewr it coft, how much foever it take from our Almes, orgood deeds,mid! be had, till all come to nought. That the Pfalmill bath chofen avery fie .word, that for our inwntions, the plague breakes in among us: for them; as for theprimarie, or firfi moving caufe ofall! Indeed _for them, a~ muc~ and more than for any thing elfe. · _ . . We fee then, 1 Firfi, that aCaufe there is. •That that caufe is not only 1zaturall, but that God Himfelfe hath a hand in it. 3 Godas beingprovo• ked to anger. 'i'To anger for our finnes in generall (and for whadinnes in fpeciall) For ourfinnes proceeding from nothing, but our in'l!entions, Which caufe ifit continue, and yet we turne not to theLord (as .Amos the 4.)tben 1Vill not his a1~er be turned away,but His handllJill be flretcbedoutfli~ (as, Efay the9·) And no TPay to a'Void tbe one,but by appeafing the other. . i I. Forthecure now. One contraryisewr cured by another. If tben it bet (jf~he Cure. anger; which is thecauft in God, anger would beappeafed. Ifit be ln'l!en· tions, which is the caufe in m, oftheanger ofGod, they would bepunijhed and remo'l!ed. That fo, theCaufe being taken away, the ejfe8may ceafe~ Take away our in'l!entions, Gods anger will ceafe. Take awayGods anger,· the plague will ceafe. . , TwoReadings (we {aid) there were : 1 PJ,ineesprayed, or •Plmzees ex. ecutedjt~dgement. Palal,the Hebrew word w111 beare both. And both are good: Andfowe 'vVilltakethem both in. . . · . . Againfr PrtJ)er is good againfl: tha Plagt~e, as appeareth : Not onelym t~us C!•dsanger. plaguein the Text wherein all theCongregation a JlJere iVeeping,and praymg I Pra;er. b... ' 1 f'h ..,.. b . b 1J 'd PI 1r where .cNnm.: 5;6. e,ore-tJedooreo t e.ta ernacle:Butinl(mg a'l!z s _ h Sam.: ;: llVe fee, wha~hispraye~ ~~!as, and ~he very ~~<?!d~ ofic; And