Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

in the ti~erfPeftilence. And in cEz..ecl1ias'splague;who turnedbu face to t!Je"!l>all,aitd prayed unto~ Efay38. 3; Go o (and hispr'!)'er is fet downe :) Go o heard hisprayer, and healed . . bim. And (for a generall rule) d 1( tf,ere be in tl?e Land any pefiilent difea(e; d 1 Kmg.s•. Whatfoe)Jer plague, w!,atfoe)Jer fickneJfe it be, the prayer andJupplication in the ~~: TemJrle madeby the feople, e)Jery man k.~owing tf,e plague .of~uowne heart, God ~ inbea)Jw)IJi/l bearezt, and remove Hts hand from affhctmg them any fur~ ~. ther. · And it lhndethwith good reafon. For, as the AIre is infected with 'noifomcfimts orfinels, [o theinfeBion is removedbyfweet odours,or incenfo: ., whichAarondtd in rhePlague (putJweet odoursinhis Cenfer, atzd we M be- Num.r6'.48. tweene the li'l!ing and tl>e dead.) Now there is a fir refemblance betweene IncenfeandPrayers: f Let my Prayer come before thy prefence, M the Incenfo. fP[al.I4I .2.' And when the PrieRwaswithin, burning lncenfe, g rbe pe~ple 1uere with- gLuc.t. ro~ out at t/,eirprayers. And it is expreflyfaid, h that th<.fweet odorswere no- hRev.5.s, tbing elfe, but tfJe prayers oftbe Sai11ts. Prayer is good, and that Phi11ees prayer: Pbinees was aPrieft, the fon 2Phinm, theNephew ofAaron. So as, the~e is Jlertue, as in theprayer; ~~ft~,asa fo in theper(on that didpray : inPbinees himfelfe. - As (we know) the Office ofaSergeambeing toarreR; the Office ofa Notarie eo make aBs; theaB that is done by one of them, is muchmore autbenticall, than that which is done: by .any common perfon. So e)Jery Heb.s .i< Priefl being taken from amongmen, and ordained for mm, in things pertaining to Go o, that T,e may offer prayers: the prayers he offereth, he offereth out . of his office, and fo even in that refpeCl:there is (cteterisranbu;) amore : force, and energie in them, as comming from Him, whofe calling it is to ojfercfmn ; than in thofe, that come from another, whofe calling it is not furo~~ - - To this end,God faith toAbimelech: Abraham is aProphet, and hee_[hall pray jflr thee, aud thou fhaltli'l!e. So that theprayer ofaProphet, in that he Gen~:o.7; is aProphet, is moreeffeCl:uall. . . And in theLaw, you fhallfiod it .all along:when men come to bring their facrifice for their finnes, it is faid, the Prieft fhall make an at. tonemwt for tbem before the Lord, aud their 'finsJball be forgi'l!en them. : And in the Prophets we fee plainly, in time of di!helfe, Ez.ekitl fent untd the Prophet Ejay, to entreat him to lift up his prayerfo~ the remnant that were left: and fo he did, and was heard byGod. And in the newTdlament, S.Iames advice is; lt1 time of fickutjfe to call {or the Priefts, <tnd lhey to prayo'Ver the party, and that Prayedhall worke his health; and if he bai>e committed fins ihey jhall beforgi'l!enhim.' For, where the grace of prayeris, and the callingboth,they cannot but availe more, than where no calling is, but theGrace alone. , T~e prayer o{Phinees,andofPbineei !laading. What need there be any n'!entton of Phiims !landing? Was it not enough to fay Pbinees prayed?I~ ,ski]~ not whether hejate orftood;forpraying it felfe wa~ enough. ?p PP P ~ ~q