--------------~~----~~--------- 1 66 rvf Sermon preacbed. No : we mufi not rhinke, ~he_Holy Ghost fers downe anything~ f!tperfiuqus: Somewhat the~e 1s, m that he flood; OfMojes it is faid before l!J".I8,2o, tn thisPfalme, that he flood tn the gap to turne away tiJe wrath ofGod. In le. remie i~; is faid,thoughMofes andSamuel flood before me: So there is men o ""..,4' thionhmaftde ofbJl:,ndi 8 ngalfo. ~ndk the Pdfiropheht himfelfe putsG 0 0 in mind: t at e ood e 1 ore ~m, toJrea ~goo_ or t epeople, and to tume away His 1vratbfrom them(that 1s)put. ~odm mm~e oft!': rvery fight ofHis body. -~ Iohn 4:24. For,though Go~be aSpmt, an~ fo tn Spmt to be worflnpped; yetin a[~ much as He harhg1ven us abody,w1th that alfo are we to worjhipHim and ~ C9r. 6 · 2 "· to glorijie him in our body andJPirit,which bothare 'Gods :and to preftn/ (or onu 2 ' 1 ' offer) otlr bodies to God; M aholy and acceptable (acrijice, in tbe.reafonable fer• )lice of Him. - , . " .z Cor.14. And to prefertt rhell! decently: For that alfo is required in tl1eferliice of ICot.II;~j Go~. Now judge in your fel~e~, ~s itcome~ytolpeak~untoourbetterr; jittmg ~ Sedentem orare, extra di[ctplmam eft(fatthTertulilan)to prayfitting or fitpraying, is againSt the order: ofthe Clmrch. :The [hurch of God neve~ had, nor hath any fuch fafhion. ~ All tendeth to this,as Cyprians advice is,Etiaml~abitu corporisplacere 1Jeo; even by our verygeftttre, and the carridge ofottr body, to behave our [elves. fo, as with it wemay pleaje God._ ~nre)Jerent, carelej]e, un_~~~ou_t beba)Jj~ our pleafeth Him not. . . It is nqted of the very Angels, lobi.6. Ejay 6.1.1Jan.7.10: that they, \.yere Standing before God. Ifthemit be_comes; ifPhinees, ifMofes, ifSam~: ~l, andleremie, it may well become us tolearneourgeftureofthem. Againn . _ Prtryer is available to appeafe Godnvrath, and fo confequently to re: their inven• h Pl b 1 h hi b h ·'G d tionl. move t e agr{e: ut not prayer a one. Fort oug, t a ate t eanger o 1 o 1 Exectttwn (which is the firfi)yetit goeth not high enougb,takes not away thefecond ~fjurlgemme. caufe (that is) our inventions,which are the caufe ofGods anger. We fee it plaine inNum.25.6.they were all atprayers, andPhineesamongthem; Num.25 .7,8 he and the reA:. But yet theplague ceafed not for all that: till (in the verfe following) Phinees tookehujawlin, wherewith .in the very act offorni– cation,l'e thruft them botiJ through,Zamri and his woman,and then theplagu~ wasfiayed from the c!Jildren oflfiaei.Fo,r,asprayer referreth properly toan~ ger: [o cloth§~ecutingjudgement toji11, or to our inventions the caufe ofir. Prayer rhen.doth well: but prayer and doingjuftice, both thefe rogc,. ther (joyntly) will doe it indeed. And ifyou disjoyneor feparate them,no-. rping will- be done. Ifwe draw neer~ to God wi.tbourmoutiJes, and bono.ur_ Efay , 9 _ 14 , HimwitblJur lips, it will notavaile us, ifjudgement be ttlmedback, oqu~ flice ft•md afarre eff. . · __ . . -:Byl'hinm Therearetwoperfons. Bothof them were inPhi11ees. For, ashee ~sa _'Prince was aPrieft ; [o he was aPrinceof his Tribe. So rhen, both thefe mufi ~~~~ 1:~~~: joyne together,as well thede1Jotjon of the Prieft in prayer,whic~ is ~is~(]lrate. fi;e: as the z.eale ofthe MagiLl:rate in executingjudgement, whtch IS Hts, [or,PIJil_!!_es ~~~ ~~~~~) ~~~ ~~~ ~nely g~~~ ~tp, a:!~ pray :_ bu~~~E~;~ ~.. -· .. , ..