Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~n the timeifPeli:ilence. ?vfagiftratealfo) mull:fland in thegap to turne moay the wrath of God, tbat be deflroy 1zot t/,e people. No leffe ],e,than Aaron with hisgolden Cenfer, to runne into t/,e middefl ofthe Congregation,to make atonement for them 1vhen t/,e plague u begum;e. · Mofes,ho gave in charge for the executing ofthem,that werejoyned to 1JaaiJPeor,Num.25-4- Pbinees ,he executed the.cbarge:Mofes flood in tf,egap, when he gave the f entence: Phinees flood up, when he did theexecution. And thefe t1vo are ablejfed conjunBion.Oneofthemwithout the other,may milfe; but both together never faile. ForwhenZamri wasllaine;and fo I6'j when (](abfhaketf, periil1ed; and fo when thei1zcejluous Corinthianwas excommttnicated; in all three, the plague ceafed: But what ifMofes give no charge: what if"Pbinees doe noexecution, 3 Byevhy as oft it fa1_leth out_? How then ? ln that cafe, every privateman is _to be ';/,;;r;tJ~n P!Jmees to h11nfelfe; ts not only topray toGod, but to be wreaked~ doeJudge. · · 111ent, chaflen his owne body; and fo judge himfelfe, that hemay not bejudged of tbe Lord. For every one, for his part,is a caule ofthe judgemmts o(God fc::nt • Cor.z.u; downe; and fo may ~e, and ist~ bc;,ac~ufe ofthe remo11i;zg them.Some- ~ ~~::~~~~ whtle the I(mg,as1Ja1!td by theprtde oflusbeart. Otherwhtle thepeople,by · their 1mm1wring againfl: Mofes, andAaron. Sothat,l(ing andpeople both, · ~null: judge themfelws; every private offender, himfelfe. Zamri, ifhe had JUdgedhimjelfe,Phinees fl1ould not havejudgedhim.The incefluous Corinthi- 1 Chr:n :i: mz, ifhe hadJudged himfelfe, S. Pard had not iudged him. For,either by Oltr N 8 • filws,or by theMagiffrate; or ifby neither ofboth,byGod flimfelfe. Fqr, um " 16 " 3~ one way or other fin mull: bejudged.Zamri,byhis repentmrce; Phinees, by his Prayeror doingjr1flice; or God by theplague lent among them• . Now then, thefe two; 1 Phinees flood up and prayed, >and Phinees Jlood up and exemtedjudgement, if they might be coupled together, I durll undertake, the conc!ufion would be, and the plague ceafed. But either of them wanting I dare promife nothing. To conclude then. t. The plague comes not by chance, but bath a Cau(e. 2· That Caufe is n?t altogether naturall, and pertaines toP/ryficke; but bath [omethingfupematurall in it, and pertaines to 1Ji1!inity. 3· That jitpernaturall [ aufe is the rvratb ofGod. 4· Which yet is not the firfl caufe. For,the zvratb ofGod, would not rile, but that he is provoked by our fins (and the certaine fins, that provoke it, have beene fet downe) 5. And the caufe ofthem,otiYowne inlmztions. So, our in1!entions beget fill; fin prowkes tbe TVratb o(God: the rvrathofGod fends the Plague among us. Tolhythe plague, Gods rvrat/, mull: beflayed: To flay it, there mull: be a ceafingfror~t fin: Thatfin may ceale,we mull: be out oflove with our owne inwntions a11d not goea wboring after them. Prayer, that alfwageth anger: Toexecute iuflice,that abateth fin ne: To execute iuflice, eitherpublik.ely, as cloth the Magifhate; or privately, as every man cloth, or may doe upon himlelfe, which joyned with prayer and prayer with ir,willloonerid usofrhat we complaine: and other\Vife)is m~er will not be wmed arvay, but hio band flretched out flill. ~ ~ N IS•. ·