Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A .SE R M 0 N PREACHED AT THE FV.., NERAL OF THE R.R. FA.. THER IN GOD, LANCEL or late Lord Biiliop of W1 N c HE. s T E R.. HBB. Chap. XIII. Ver. XVI. Todoegood, andto di'ilrihute forget not :forwithfuch facrifices (jod is well pleafld. the tenth Verfe the Apofile faith, Wee have an Altar, ofwhi<hthey ha'Vem right t.eate, that /irve tht Tahernacle. Hahemm A/tare, We have,thatis,Chrifl– ia11J : So it is proprimn Chrtffianorum,properto Chri– !l:ians :.not commonto the Iewes tog~ther with Chri– fiians ; they have no right to communicate, and eate there, that ferv• the Tabernacle. And yet it iscom– muneA/tare, a common Altar tO all ChrHlians, they have all right to eate there. And fo it is externum Altare,not onely a fpiriruall Altar in the hean of every Chrifiian ; then Saint Paul £hould have faidhaheo, or habet unu{quifqt~e, I have, and every Chrifiian hath We have an Altar, that is, all Chrifiians have; and ic mu!!: be all Chrifiianscannot have it. Our Head CH R t • T offercdHisSacrificeofHimfelfeupontheCroffe; Crux 'Altare C" R Is r r;and the Croffe ofC " "' I s r was the Alt4r ofour Head,where he offered theunicum,verum, & propri11m Sacrijicium,thc: onely,true,proper facrifice, propitiatory for the finnes of mankind; in which all other facrifices are acccpted,and applicatory of this propitiation. r TheonelySacrijce,one in it felfe, and once only offered,thatpurchafed eternall redemption: and ifthe redemption be eternal!, what need is there, that it !hould bee offered more than once, when once is all-fufficient ~ ' 2 And the True Sacrifice: All other are but Types and Reprefentations of this facrifice; this onely bath power to appeafe Go n s wratb, and make all other Sa•. crificers, and facrifices acceptable. Q..qqqq I I An<l