d Funera/1 Sermon. 3 An~ the Proper Sacrific~ ·:As the Pfalme faith, <:orptu .cpta.fti '?'ibi, thou had fit– ted me with a Body.; theDeme alfu!fled the Humaptty, that lt m~ght,Atcipere anobis quod offerretpro nohu; bemg the Deme could not offer, nor be offered to itfelfe fi rooke flelh ofours, that he might Qffer for us. : . . ' e Now as Chrifis Crolfe was Hi$.Altar, wl~ere He offeret! Himfelfe for us; !o the Church hath an Altar alfo, where\t offereth tt felfe: not Chrijl11m incapite, but eh,;. ~ j11m inmembriJ, not C~rifi the Head properly (but onelyby commemoration) but .,rChritt the Members. For,Chnft cannot beoff~rcd truly,a~q proper!y,rio more but once upon rhe Crolfe : ~or Hee canqo: bee ~ffcred agatnc, .no mo~e than Hee can be dead againe: and dymg, and lheddmg bloud,as He dtd upon the Croffe; and · not dying, and not lheddmg bloud, as mthe Euch~ri.ft, cannot be6neAfiio,ofChrifi offered on theCrojfe,and of Chnft offe~ed mthe cbu~ch at the Altar by the Pricfi, by Reprefentation only,no more than ~hnft and the Prtijl arc onel?erfon: and therefore thouah in the Crolfe and the Euchanfi there be Idemfacrificatllm; the fame factificed thing, that is the Body and BloudofChrift, offeredby Chrifi to His FAtlm on tbe Crolfe,and received and participated by the C6munic~nt? in the Sacrifice ofthe At– tar; yet Idem facrificiumqt~MdaEfionemfacrifici~, or[A&rijicandi,it is impoffible there lhould be thefamefacrifice,underfiandtng by tamfice the al1tonoffacrifice. Fdrthen the Action.ofChrifis facrifice, which is long lince paft, fJ:ould co_n~iiil)e as long a~ the Eu.chan!l !hall en.dure,even unt? the.worlds end; and h1s <foitfm'nmatsm <ft is not yedimlhed: And dymg and not dymg,fl1eddmg ofbloud and not lhedding ofbloud, andfuff~ring and notfuffering connot poffibly be one Aflion : and the Reprefemaiiv;, ofan Action cannot be the LAfiion it fdfe. . And thisconceipt was unknowne to Antiquity. All the Fathers heldlt aj4cri." fia, onely becau[e it is a Rrpre{enwio!l or Commemoratiun of the True (acrijice of' Chritl: upon the Crolfe ; even as our Saviour commanded, Doe thi& in remlmbrance of cow• F••· me. Sairit LAugufline faith, Ht~jfl! fMrijicil c1ro i}{anguiJ, anteadventr~m chr~~i, f/Hm,{jb.>O.>l per '!Jil1t1tJ/Uflmilitudimtt'np~omtftehattlr : t!l pajtO/It Cb~iflt, per tpfam 'f/eJ'ithfem r:d• deGattlr : po.ft afcmfum Cbrifl:, per SacrAmentum 1ntmortit ce!el;ratur, &c. And Samt .Id Hebr.Hotn. Cbryfo.flome, Hoc eft exemplar iflitu,&c. AndThomtM Aquinaogiving the reafonof the diverfe Namcs given to this Sacramentfaith, that it hath a triple lignification. I Rejjel1tt p.eteriti, one in refpect ofthe Time pafi; inafmuch asir is commemDYative ofthe L oR os Pajion, which is called a true facrifice ; and according to this, it is called afacrifice. l R<#eflrt pre(enti&, in refpect ofthe prefenr, that is, of the Vnity of the Church, unto which, men are gathered by this Sacramenr, and according ro this it is named a Communion, or Sy11axis, becaufe by it we communicate with: Chrift, and are partakers ofHis Flelh and Deity. 3. Re.Jieflufitturi, in refpect of that which is to come, inafmu~h asthis Sacrament is prejigtlr~tive ofthe fruition of Go n, which !hall be in heaven; and accordingly it is calledviaticum, becaufe'it heere furnilhcth us in the way, that leads us thither. AgaineitiscalledtheEu. eharifl ; that is, honlt grAtia, the good grace, becaufeeternaUlife isthegrAce 1[GDd, Rom. VI. orelfe, becaufe it reallycontainesChrift, whois{uflcfgrAce. Itisal· fo calledU'.letAlepfis, or .11/Jumptio, becaufe by it we arfume the Deity of theSonne. All this, Part. Ill.~LXXII. Artic.llii. In corpore. And in his Anfwer ad!II m, headdeth, That this Sacrament is called aSAcrifice, inafmuchasitd~threpr~fent the Pajfio11 of Chritl:; it is likewi[ecalled Ho.ftiA anHofi,inafmuch as1tcomamech Chrift Himfelfe, who isHdfia{alutJTil, Ephef. V. . Here is aReprefentative,or C6mmemor4tive, and PArticipatedSacrificeofthe P4}lton ofChrifi, theTruefacrpce,thac is pact; and here is an EachArifoicafifacrifce: but for . any Externatl Proper facrpce, efpecially as fAcrijice doth fignifie theAEI:onof[acriji. cing, here is nor one word. And therefore thisis a new coriceipr oflatter~en,fince Thoma his time,unknowne to him,and ameere Novellifme. And the Curets asbad as the Difeafe : Though Thomagives no other wtfons, why it is called afa.criftce, yet (fay they) Thom.u denieth it not. For, that is plainly to confelfe :hat thiS ts but a patch added to Antiquity. And yet when he faith, it isa Reprefenmuve or Com~e- . plOI3tiV~