vlFunera!l Sermon~ morative Sacrifice rtJPeCiupr,m;it!, inrcfpea ofthat which is pafr; that is,rhePafion of~hrilt,which was the trucSacnfice, he doth dmy.by confequ~nr,tha{ it is the true facnfice lt felfewh1ch IS paft.~And 1f Ch~1ft be famficed da1ly 10 theEucharift, ac·'' cardingeo the ACiionof[Acrijzcc,andit be qne andr~e.fa!l)e facrifice offered-by Chrift on the Crojfe, and thePri<}l at the Alw, then caAlt ndr be aRtprefmtation ofthitt{a· crifice which is pa{J, becaufe1t1S one and the fame {acrificc.and aCiton prefent. . Therefore Saint Paul proceeds in the XV. Vcrfe: By himthmforclet m offir the {itcrificcof praife to God continua fly, that is, the fruit of ourlips giving rhankes roHis Name. Let mofferup to Go o ; Chrifrians then haveanoffiring: and let us offer up to Go o continuafly ; rhis is the ground of thedailj Sacrifice of Chrifrians, that an. [wereth to the daily facrifice ofthe !ewes; Ahd thisfacrifice ofpraife andthiU1ks may well be underftood theEucharifl, in which we chiefly praife and rhanke GOd for this his chiefe and great blefling ofour Redemption. And this and all other Sacrifices of the Church external or fpirirualmuftbe offered up and acGepredper lpfam;in,by,and throughC hri ft.S.Paulfaithnor,Ipfutn ojfer.:mJu,Ler us offer Him(rhar is)Chrift; but let us offa and facrificeper Ipfr•mby l~im, in whom.only we and our facrifices areac: cepted.And Rom.XII.I. ojfortccorpora, offer yoorb,dies livmg{itcrifiw, holy andac. ~eptahle to God, which/•your rea[011ab!efervice : le is not Corpara fi"~ Animu;not bodies without foules ; For in them without foules; there is no life,nob 0 linij!j,no accepting : and this is mans reafonablcfervice; all elfe is without reafon. And S. Peter(the firfr l?ope,as they reckon him;who I am aflured had infatlibiliry) faith I Pe. II. V,realfo tU live!yjlones m br1iltup aJPirituafl houfe, and holy Prilflhood,to ojferttpJPirituaUS.cri· jicesAccept•bletoGod,perlpfumChriflum, by l• sus CH a 1sT. AndS. lames <C hap.I.Ver.XVIII.)relsus,that to this end God6egatm by his werdoftruth;tharwe might be primiti£ ~retitNrarulfJ : not offer toGod the firft fruits ofourfields orcattle, I;>ut th=\t \VC might effer upour(elves as .firftfr~tits toGod. So all the offerings ofthe Church are.rhe·Churchit feTfe'; and Chri!lthe He~d offeredmpmn&turale, his naru• rall Body, his foule and flclh-for a facrifice, for the ranfome and price ofour fin.,therbypf!rchafing eternallredemption;He6. X. XI. and by this one offeringHeperfeEiedfor everthem that arcfanflified,Verfe XIII.Neither cloth Chriftrhere (rhatis)_in heaven, where he now appearesin die prefence,ofGod,offer_ofren,or any more forus;but thii once; there isappearing, bur no offering•.And the Apoftlegives the reafon ofit. For · then he muft have oftenji~ndfincerhe foundation of the world, Heb. IX.24, 1~, ~6. He<>ppeares il! heaven as our High Prieft, and tn4l;ts inttrcefion for us ; but Hee · fJffers his narurall bcidy no more bur once, becaufe he fi~rs. bur once.Nooffir.ingof Chrift(by S.Paulsrule)without the{uffiringofChrift: the Prieftcannor~ffer Chrifts . natural! body without thefi~e'ring of. Chrilts natural! body. . , . , < So likewife the Gbur~h,which is Chri~s myfticall body, offers not Chrifts natu.' rall body :,i~ bath no power to offetthe natural! body, which is proper to Chrift 0 n.· ly,Pono animam& 11CIJ!O,to!lit ;norrhe Church;rior they that are not the Church. And· there is no fuch thing in Scripture, nor I prefume can ealily be /hewed out ofany of the probable and imddubted Fathers, but the Church offerscorplis myjliCIIm, Chrifts inyfticall body (that is,irfelfe)roV~d in her daily Sacrifice. _ . • Firlt,all facrifice is proper and due only toGod. Be men never fo venerable;never 5,:.,, Aug.de fo worf!Jip,tull, yeaadoratidi, to be adored,alfo, yet.no man ever offered facrifice to Civ. Dci,l.•o; any' unlelfe,he knew him, or thoug!)t him or feigned him tobeGid. True Angels ~'~~nt. F1Ult. would never accept Sacrifice : and wicked Angelsonly fought it, becaufe they alfcrl. •2, ~!' · ' affected to be deified. In which refpeC!,never any Prieft at the Altar,cvenfuper(o,.pw Martyrii, overtlid body or fepulcherofanyMartyr,prayed thus,Offirolibl.Sacrificium, Fetre, Pizufe, Cy~ priane, I o!ferfacrificeto Thee, o Saint Peter; Saint Paul, or Saint Cyprian. All cc:le· brities.towardsthem, whether praifesto Go o fortheirviC!ories,or Exhortations to theirimiratiori, :ireonely ornameiJt4 ·memoriarum, the Ornaments of theirme– mor~es, nor Sacra, nor Sa~rificiA morttlortmi,tanquam J).eorum, not th~Jacred things or Sa.cnfices ofthe deadJ as1fthey were Go o..s, Lib. ymC. XXVli, ~qqqq 4 And