Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

vf FuneraU Sermon. And therefore Saint Augujlineoften denies Temp/a, <..Altars, andSacr[ftm inward and outward, vi!ible and invifiblc to all M.rtyrs andSaints, as being proper and pc· culiarco GoD onely. And_! truft, Pra7ers and I~v~ration be in t_his number. For as OrAnW& Laudantes, praymg and pratfing,we dtreCl: our figmfymgwords to him to whom we offer the things fignified in out hearts : fo facrificing, we know the vi: fible facrifice is to be offered to no other but to htm, whofeinvifible facrificein our hearts we ~ur [elves ought to be, 'X_oseffe debemus,_Lib, X. Cap. XIX. And then it followeth 10 the XX. Chapter: The trueMedtator mafmuch as takmg upon Him the formeof~fervant,theMan I ESUS C" 11 1 •.T bec~me~MediatorofGodandMan; whereas m the forme of Go o He rakes facnficewtth Hts Father, yet in the forme ofa fcrvanr, Maluit ejfe, quamfumere, He chofe rather tobe"Sacrijice,than ro receive s acrijice; left even by this ~ccafi~nany man might thinke hemight iacrifice ro l Crea– ture, by this (Nature) Hets aPne~, the~ame the offerer, and the ~amethethingoffered: Cu]tU mSacramentum,ofwhtch thmgs he would havetheda,ly Sacnficeofrhe Church to be a Sacramenr, qu,. mm ipjitu capitu corpusfit, feipfamperipfttmdif<itof– ferre : which Church being the body of our Head himfelfe, cloth learnetoofferit felfe(rhat is, theChNrch) by Him,tharis; byChrijl. Here the Body ofthe Head is rhemyftica/1 body ofchri.ft: and therefor~the daily Sacrificeof the Church is no;the Natur~llButiy ofchri.ft,but rheMyjlirall !Jody that offers it felfe roGodbycbrijl. This mad~Saint At~gujline to fay ofAngels, and EleCt and GloriousSaints, Necillufacri. Jicemm, fed cum ill%facriftcium Deofimm, Let us not facrifice to them, but let us bee A [itcrije·t to God together with them, Cap. XXV. But a fingular and full place we have in the fame X,h, Booke, and VI. Ch. Where having lhewed what Sarrijiais,that is,every worke which is performed,tharwemay cleave toa,din an holy Society, being referr~d to that end of good, by which wee may bee truly blelfed: (as a man confecrat~tirothcnameofGod, anddyingtothc world, that hccmay live to God, is aSacrifice; as thehody chajlenedby temperance,is aSacrijice,fuch as tile Apoftle cals for,ojfer 11/ yottr Bodies to be aLiving Sacrijice,Rom. XII. I. And ifthe body,the fervant and inftrument ofthe foule, much more thefoule ir fdfeis a facrifice ; Aslikewifeworkuof mercy a.nd tbelike:) Hence(fairh hee)ic commerh to palfe,Vt totaipfa,redempta CivittHfQcietMq;fon8orumuniverfalefacrijici. ilmojferaturD B o, &c. [That thewhole redeemtdCitie andfociety oftheS11ints is offe– red up anuniverfall{acrijice to God, by our great Prieft; who alfo offered himfelfe in His paffion for us, that we might be the body ofCo great an Head, in the forme ofa feruant. For this he offered: in this he was offered, becaufe according to this he is our Mediaror,in this our Prieft, in this our Sacrifice.] And then urging againe the Apo· files words, Rom. XII. I. ofojftring our bodies alivingfacrijiu, h9lJ andacceptable tl Go D ,which is our rea{onAblefervice ofHim,he adds,~odtotum facrijicium iJfi nos fn– mtt.<[All which whole facrificewearc:]WetheMembers arethis whole facrifice,not Chrifl: the Head. For as in the body there are many members, and many offices of thofe members; fowe heingmany, are one Body inChri!t, and every onemembe~soneof another, havingdiverfegifts according to thegracegiven us. Hoc eftfacri(icium Chri. Jlianorum, mHltl unum Corpus (umus in Chtijlo, [this isrhef.1crificeof Chrillians, many areone body in Chrift.J Thismuft necelfarilybethemyflicaUhody ofChrill; thenatural/body it cannot be : Jf/.!!nd etiam Sacramento Altar% Fidelibus noto[req11ent•t Ecclejia; ubi ei demonjlratur,quqdin ill!! oblatione quam Djfert,ip{a ojferat11r:[WhichSa· crificethe Church alfo frequents in the Sttcr4me»t ofthe<..Altar, well known: ro the faithfully; in ~vhich it isdemonllrated to thechurth, that in that oblationwhtch the Church otfers,tli:eChurch itfelfe isojfored.] I hope, the Ch11rch is thcmyjiteAII b~dy of <Zhrift,notthenatnrall. Lih. XX, tap. X.Tp{t1m verofacrijicium Corp114 eft Chrtft, quod . uon olfertHr ipfis, q•ia hocfuntet ipji; denying Temples, Altars, a_ndSacytfi~esto M~rry rs and Saints, heJaith EThe (acrijiceit felfe is theBody ofChttll, wtll7h IS not offered to them, becaufethey are alfothuf•crijice.] This may fuffiterofansfiea.ny teafonable man ofrheSacrificeoftheChurch,inSaint Augujlirm j>tdgement? Yerg1ve 1]1e leave to adde-one place more, becaufe it may ftand for many,and that ts Ltb.r~:. I