Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

V[ Funerali "ermon. CAf· 3r.T{scjubent,&c.[Neit~erdo theycomflla~d,thatwe lhould Sacrifice to them, but only to Him, whole Sacnfice we together With them ought to be a Sacrifice, rt, {ttpe ,Uxi, &J.tpedicendum eft, as I have often fa1d 1 and.mull: ofren[~y.] . This then is thedaily SAcrificeofthechurchmSamt At~gujlme srefolute judge– ment, even theChf!rch it felfe, the Ytliverfali body or Chrift, not theNatural/ Body; ·whereof theSa;rament IS anExemplar, anda MemortaUone!y, as bath been lhewed. -And when~hey /hall proye th,e Chur~hes Sacrifice to be the. Natural/ Body of Chrijl, :tndthe fame Sacnficew!thth~ Sacnficeofthe croJ!e, as1tqenc;>teththe t.AlJionof .Sacrificing, becaufe the, Fathersoften ufe the word Corpt14Chrifti, The H<;>dy of Chrijl; they !hall be furth:er anfwered• . , ,. . In the meane time the Church of England in I:Jcr reformed Liturgic [ojfering ottr {elves,ourfoules,and bodits tube aliving Sacriftfe,holy andacceptable to God, which is 011 r reAJonable Jervice ofhim] may truly and boldly fay, that in this lhe hath far excee– ded their Can~n oftheir Maf!e, inwhi~h there i~ not one fyllable, that mentions tht! Sacrifice of our (elves And fMles Andbediu, which is the onely thing that Godlookes ;~.~~d cals for at our hands, and in chriftour Heaqis moft pleating i nay more, ondy pleafingroHim,andinourp0wertoofferproperty. . • . We denie not then thed•yly Sacrifice of theChsrch (\hat is, the Church itfelfe) warranted by Scriptures and fathers. We take not upori us to Sacrifice thenaturall jody of C H" x s T otqerwife than by commemoration, as CH " r.s T Himfelfe, a.nd Saint Patd dorh prefcribe. They r,ar,her, that t<1-ke a power never given them over the n.aura/1 body of c H1\ I s T) which once offered by Himfelfe purchafed eternall redemption all-fufficientfqr finne, t-o offer it againe and oft~n,never thinking of theoffering of CH a is 't s myfficaflbQdy, theChu,.h, .that is, ourfelves, our foules and bodies, they (I fay) doe deftroy thedaity Sacrificeof Chriflians, which ismofta~ceptabletoGo4. . . . , .,. . . , , ,. Now tlwnthatwhich wentbefoFe in the Head Chrift on theCreffi, xsdaily. performdl iri the members, iri the Church. ,Cbrift there offered Himfelfe,once for \IS; we daily offer our fdves by chrijl, that fo t~e whole rny..flicalt /Jody ofchri~ indue time may be offere~ to G o o. . . , This was begun in the Apojlles, in their Liturgie, ofwhom irisfaid (LAlis r3. ) ,f.MinijlrAnti61(4 iUis, while ,theymini.Jlredan4 prayed, the Holy Chofl faid umo them, ~c• . JJrll[mm reads it,Sicr,ificantibutiUis, whilethey Sacrificedandprayed. Ifthey had offered t;: hrins N .aurAII,body, the t.Apoffleswould furely .have madefome men– tion ofit in their writings, jqS well as.they doe of the Commemorative Sacriji 0 e, The word is "~PP:>'''""'' f9 it is aLitNrgicallSACrifice ; or a ,Saqjfice performed or offered. i.n our .i:.iturg!epr,{orme.of.G€{/s worihip : fo theofferingofolir[elves, gNr Joules, and bodies, is apart,ofDi~ineworjbip. , , . . .. · , ' , Now as it is ncit enougP, to fee.d our owne foules, urileffe we alfo feed both the fo11les ~od bo~i~s ofthepoqre-~,l&.nd thclrc trueFajl; unleffe wedif/ribute that to the poore, wh1ch we deny eo ourowne-p,:\hesand fiomachs ; And there cannot bee ~perfectand cGmpleate adorationto G !>.o in our devotions,unleffc there be alfodo, i•g g•o~ a.nd. ~iftributing to _oUJ;.neighbours; theref~reto ~he Sicrifice ofpraifeand 'htmkfgzvmg m tl)e Eueh,;.rifl, m the Church, menuol)ed mthe.tifteemh Verfc,we inuft;~lfoaddebef!ejcenceandmmnuni;ationin this Text: For,,Devotio dehetur capiti; lfq,tficentiJ ;iPtmbris, _the filcrifice.of4evotien,)s due to our Head C 11 a 1 ST, and tiety and chJirilj is due ti;> the tMemhers. So then, offer rhe s4crifice ofprltife to Go o daily in the Church, as in the fifteenth Ve~fe ; and iliftributeandmnmt~»icllte the Sacrific-e of Cimpljiio/1 and •.A}I!I(S to .the plllre out of the Church, as in tliis .Tex:-r, , ,. ,_ · . ., 1 .·.~o.:·. Spall I fay .exti-il EcflefiAiti..~outofthe.Church ~ i 9o.riot fay amiffe,ifl doe fay fo;; yet I mu~ fayalfo,intraE&deji~tltl ; .this lhould be a Sacrifice in the Church,– jlleskept It fo in thcir time ;Primo Die,the lirA day 0 f th~ w_eek~,wh~n ~hey came to– , ~ether to pray and to breake bread, Saint PaNls rule w~s, StpArtt unu{qNifque, Lee -t:.~ery onefetapart ; or '"Y by infl;re, a5 Go ii hath profperedhim;that there ben# gti:herings; 5 ..