Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

6 J ..... ' d Fun'era!l Sermon. gatherings, when I come. And our Liturgy in the Offertory renders ~er Prayers and ...Almes on the Lords day or~undajl, as a part oftheSacrijice or Service ofrhatda · and of Go os Worfh•p; whiCh I w11h we;emorecarefully obfervedamong us. F~: thisal[oisaLzturgteorofjice, focalledbyrhel..Apofl/tr, z. Cor. 9· 12. nJ).,.,;.– >.ornfyi•<• the Adminiflration ~fthi5 Se~vf•·e, or ofjice, or Li'turgie: therdsthn~;d Liturgyand office. Fm,the dally SerVIce and Sacnfice not onely fupplieth rhe wm eftheSamtJ, but is abundant" alfo by niany thankfgivings unto Go o. So theLo;d day or Stmday is th@n bell: kept and obfcrved, when to our Prayers andPray{es and Sacriftm 9[ourfelves,ourfoules and Bod1es, we alfo adde theSacrifice of9ur·goods and ...Almes, and mherworkes of mercy to make it up perfeCt and cornpleat, that there may beopus diei in die['1o, rhe wo1ke cifthcday in the proper day thereof, and thefe twoSamjices ofpraifeand ;Jlmes joyned hereby Go o and H1s Apojlte, may ntvet be parted by us mour hves and prachce. . . . . . Firll: then we fee, that as our SA v 1 ouR firll:preachedin the Mcmnt,andthenhe&; led in the Cities and townes·; fo when \VC haveofferedBflr/elves, our foules, and bo. dies, to be lsvmg andJPmtr~allfacrijces mthe Church unto Go o, by our HighPrie!l: CH R I • T, we mull: norrell: there, out mull: al[qofferourgoodsand almcs,whetherin the Church or out ofthe Church,tothe rcliefc ofrhepoorememb~rsdfC a a Is T that are in wam.And that thefe two, 1 the[acrijice 9/Praife,.' and,the{acrifice of Almt~ may appeare to bc-indivifible and feparable, intorrtuch tha:thetharwillgivHiim· felfe, his foule, and body to Go o,will neverfparealfotogivehisg<iodstothofe rhar fuff'tr hunger, and thirll:, and nakedneff'e; See how our Appffte}oynes thefe two; 1 FirH,Perlpfr~mu{foramH< ; B'y CH 1< I. s T our High Pricfl, Let !JS Qzfer ouffelves: >and left that !houldbethought, to be all thewhole jACrijice, that man is 'CO tendcrro' H1s .([; o o, He adds this fetond;witha.Noliteobtivifci, by a kindofNtgative,which is many times tnore forcible than: an ordinary Affirmative-~ to doe good, ,aHdti diflri: huteforget not : fearing as it were, ldh~.lien tiia:i had done·his homage and fealty to Go o, ofwhom he holds in chiefe, i\?m_ight thi~ke, that were enough tO facrificeto Go o in the Church on theLords day,and thenlorgerh1s Brorhtr all theweekeafter, ~nd never to take compaffion on h,im: ."fh~rcas tl~e truth is, YnH< amor, but d•pl!x ob· Jdluin ; thelove is but one, wlierewith weloveGodfor Himlelfe,and·our brother who !s ~ods image for His fake, as therebe two.eyes, yet but onevifuallf~i.tty. For as lt IS to no purpofe; to learne our duty at the mouth of Ceds Preachers, on the Llirds day, and nevtr to put it in pmctcce all our wecke, or life following, as if it were a matter onely for the braine aridundedl~nding; whereas-in truth, firfrir !houldedifie olwftiith; and thenfru/Jijie in ot<r tivts : So it is a vety·Qtort love to profelfe to love God, whom we liave notfeene,' and ll:arve our poore brethren, who lye at our gat<:S in fuch fort, ihat We cannotcho9fe but feethem~ ' · . ·.., .Tht Divifton So tb'en the words comaine,firll: an ACt, Benejicenti.t &communi'QIIis; to doeg<?oq; I and to difiribute :andthat mull: needs be a great worke; fo> it is to doegood, and no~ a thing is truly great; but chat which is good. 'z. ·A, Nolite ebl!vtfci, itis a worke ofgreat confequence,-very impotr:int to our falvation,it may not oe forgotten. 3. How fmall or vile ir may feeme in it fclfe, yet it is ofa high rare and great e!tceme: facrificia funt ;& taliafont; they arefmijices,and (ac~ijicer of muchprice,rho~gh they be bur Crummcs.ofbread, or crops of water : And fo muchthe ~ore.preciOus, ~- 3 cauferh·v aregrarefull toGo i; D._e/e/Jattlr, orpla<atur Dem, God lspacified, orCo1hs well plea{ed: and ·an the woddiS<well~iventoappeafeandpacifieHiswrath, and, gaine His favour. · - .r· · ': Now the wor"keis comprifedin twoW6rds·, Benejicentia & communiMtio: ?eneli· cence and ditirll:luiion. Beneficenceor bounty,!hat is,Ajft/Jio c;rdn;:he affechon and compaffioQ of the lieart: .And'commutilc'alionand difl.rlbution, rhat.lSoptu manuum; the worke ofthe hand. Anat11l:fe two may be nomore·elivided, clian thetwo other f1crilices, of devetion in the facrifice ofourfelves-, and charity i[l the Releefe ofrh1 poore : for Beneficence isrst Fons, asthefount'aineand fpring m c~fierne,. wh~ce al wo;~~s of Cum'paffion doe arife • and I~ijlr~bll_t!m is- ut :Rz1111h, a~ .rhe R1v~~a~. I ~ .