Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

d' Funeratl Sermon. [hereinof all either it is happie, defpinhcolligit uv.u; it does that,which CH ... , s r denies to be feifable,it gathersgrapuofthornes,and fweereib con[olarion out ofgrea. rell:miferies; and that which is conn:ary to all Nature, and Nar.urall,reafol,J,.ex agro fterilijfimo pa 11 pertati5, mejfem_copzojiftmam colllgtt, out of the inoft barrenfields ofpo" vertie, it reapes rhemoftpkntifullharveH. And hewn are thcfc two Venues moll: to be admired : r.Mifericordta mz{ertamalzorum factt noflram, _Mercy makes other mens miferies and calamities to be our owne: and charita factt bona nojlra proximQrum, Charirie makes our goods to be our Neighbours. , Ifa travelling man were heavie loaden, were it nor·a great and happie eafe for him, ifhis fellow-traveller would beare part ofhisburden~ AndDiviti.e, 9nzu: Ri. c;hes is aheavie load, i~pre!Tes downe many fo much, that they are never able to climbeup to heaven. What is then to bedone~ D4 partem comiti: give thy com– panion (thepoore man) a part with thee, th~u lhalt refrefh him that is weary of his wants, and thy felfefhallrunnemofl: lightly arid nimbly to heaven gates. And now ifthou wilt doe as my Text teacherh (that is, to doe good, and diflri~ hutt) yet takethefe few rules in the way, they will make thee to make the more and better fpeed. Firft,doe it Voluntary,willingly: not by eompulfion,as were a grie– vous tax or feaze : forGo o more regards thyajfellion, than ;,thewidowts ~womites, more than great heapes oftreafure: andwhy~GoE> i~ PQnderat6rJPirituum, ngn panh aut motut,e 1 : Go o is aweigher ofJPirits, rather than of bread and money. 2. Doe it hilariter, cheerefully :forrhou well knowc:ll:what Go o lovesmoft, that " is, acheerefuU giver. He dothnot refpeCl ~id,what iris thatthou giveft; but Ex ~anto, therheerefull heart it comes from. 3. Doe it Ajfabiliter, with kiode words and faire language: Not ofawearindfe to be rid ofa beggar, as the tmjujlit;dge righ·. ted the importrmate widow;but out ofcompaffionto releeve him. And certainly,when there is Pieta in re, Compaffion and piety in th~ deed, nonfit in verbh contumelia: lhough thou give him good counfell,yet load him not with reproches and conrume– ies; upbraid him not with'his wants ot difeafes; for Go o might have turned the ~abies, and !l)ade him asrkh as Abraham,and thee as poore and infirmeas iob or La– :Garzu. 4· Doe it Feflinanter,Cpeedily: for BlejfedMhe fhat confiders the poor< and nee– die, and prevents his petition: For,this is indeed togive twice,togive qt~ickly;to have his money or his bread prepared and ready at his hand, as more ready to give, than they to ask : Andthis is indeed ~.ererepauperes, qt;ibzu benefacid.,to feek and fearch forpoore,to whom thou mai(l doe gooa: and,know witha,ll that Abraham:Sfpeed to entertaine CH R. I s,TandHisAngels, madejinum4brah.treceptaculrtmLazari : A– braham' s bofome to be therec~ptacle and place ofRefl: to Lazarzu; as well as-Lau– .rzu's patienceadvanced him toAbraham's bo{1me. And 5. Doe it Htt;~;i/iter, in all humilitie: rt eluti<peccatJm,non 111 C9m;mpa !tJdicem: toRedeeme ih(ne orvpejimtesby ~hineAlmes,as Davidfaid toNebuchodonozor; but not tocorrupt th~ Iudge, that tho11. may'fi·fJnne inorefreely, more fecur,dy. For, Goo is like to hearerhe_loudeft cry: and ir may be the cry of thyjinne, may decry or cry downethine -Alines; and the fcale offinne may make thirie Almes to be found too light. . . . . ,Againe, take I befeech you thefe thingsinto your confideration: Firft, ~Mpe~ tit ?Who it is, that iskesanAlmes ofthee•.Thou takefl:it to be the poore man, but thou miftakefi it: Iris D • us in paupm, &,CH" 1 s Tu s in paupere : God thy Creator, and CH 11. I s T-thy Redeemer in rhepoore man: anddoe(t thou hoard up forrhy wife, or thy childe, or thy fervanr, that will fpend it in ryot; Et nega< Cre.t– tori, vel R~demptori; and doeft thO!l deny to Go o thy Creator, arid C HR I s r thy Redeemer, that bought t~ee with His owne bloud and life~ , . Secondly,JZ!!}dpetit? what it is that he pqth aske: in lhoft,SIIIm:, non timm: ·He askes not thine,.thou haft on!y the l)fe, and difpofe ofit,h~t l-Ieaskes His owne; and what ~afl,thou,that thotthaftnot received;even to thy felfc, thy foule;and thy body,all the gtftsqfNarure,and all the gifts ofgrace~ And when all is faid,this is indeedall, Da q11od_dedi: givem~ that I firft gave thee, afruit ofmineowne tree ; I beftowed it on thee :.Da &mldam,giveme b'ut folne crumtnes,fomcdrops~"'ofrhy heape,our Rrrrr · ~ 9