rvf Funera!l Sermon. pfthy fountaine, I will repay it: Nay,da & dehitor ero; give me any parr I willb corneadebrourro thee upon my word and promife, ro repay it in heaven: e• . T_hirdi5',Ad1t~id, Towharpurpofe dothGo o asketheebythepooreman~to game 1r rohnnfelte ~ No :admut11andt<m, only to borrow ofrhee; atid be affured he is rhe bell: pay-mafl:er,he wtll rell:ore to rheean hundred fold. And wilt rhou lend toa Ierv, or aTurke for ten or etght mthe hundred! Et Deo non accommoda, and wilt thou not lend to thy Creator andRedeemer,wltowtll give aneverlaffingweight ofgl~. ry for thy crummes and drops. . . . . . · And fourthly,~ddaturm,qutpettt; v:hat will He give thee, that now begs of thee ~ For thy broken bread and meat,He will make thee p~rtaker ofthe F e".ft ofrlie Lambe; and for afew drops ofwater, He wtll crowne thee mthe Kingdome of glo– ri~: Jiropoct~loaqn£frtgtd£,torrens volt<ptatu; for amp ofcoldwater (waterrhecom– rno[.! elemcnt,and coldwarer, that cofl: thee nor the charge ofa fire ro watmeit) theve isa rorrenr, nay, a very [ea ofall pleafutes provided for thee for all eternitie. . Doegood then anddiflribute: but doe it Manihuo_propriio w_ith thine owne hands ifthou canll: [pare 1r: not by orher mens hands, which may die fooneafterthee oi elfc deceive thy trull:. Ltteerna in ma~ihus,non a tergo; hang not thy light ar rhyb~ck, to fhme afrerrhy dearh, but carry It m thy hand; be Execmor of thine owne Will. And doeir Secret(> ;infecrct, without a Trumpet: The feed mull: be buried or har– rowe? undcrrhc earrh,elfeit neither.roots nor multiplies: wl~ich rhou&hperdi vide– ttlr, It fecmes robe loll:, yet \lnleffe It be thus Cowed·and buned, revera perditur it will be loll: indeed: And rhe more thou fowefl:,the more thou lhalt reape,for he /h,_ fowesfparmgly ,fha!lreape fparmgly. · · - And now in the fecondplace; marke the Caution: Nolite oblivi{ci: To doe good, and to difl:ribureforget not. Offer the facrifice of praifedaily : and ifdaily, it is likely enough to be remembred, becaufe it is never forgotten, never omitted in the Church, whirher thou arr pur, as to theSchooleofMemory. This is but a lip· labot~r, or at rhemoft, buranhe.rt-lahour, ircoll:s nothing bur breath: buttogive v1lmes, to doe good, and todiJirihute, that cofts more/ ir will pur thee to rhe charge ofbrcad, and water, and cloarhcs, and the like, which is chargeable and burden– fame. Any thing but ourpt~r(es: No, rhat mull: nor belefrout neither: TodoegooJ, and rodiJiribute, to rob rhine owne blck and thy belly,ro feed rhe hungry andcloath the naked, 'N_glite oblivi(ti;forger nor to adde this Sacrifice ofAlmes, rorhat other of devotion andpraife. , And furely, I may call this the Chapter of Rememhrances, orrhe Remembranms chapter. In rhe fecond Vcrfe: Memento !Jofpitalitatio,forger not robehofpitable: A· brahamenrerrainedA(lgels,yea, the Son of Go o,rheL o ft o of Angels by hishoJPi. tality. In the third Ver[e: Memento viflornm,& affii[/ommlaborantium; Remember thofe that are in bonds,and afjli[!ed,beiogyour [elves in bonds and adverfity rogerher with them : for, as C H R xs Tu s pafcitur iniis, [o incarceratrer; as C H ft I s 't is fed inthepoore, fo Heisimpri[oned with them that a.re in bonds, and exil~d with His exiled members, and condemned to rhe Mmes, with thofe that are chamed mrhe Mines: and it is an impollibility to banifh the Head from His members, in whomHe lives, and they in Him. In rhe eighth Vcrfe: Memmto Pr<~pojitomm, Rememberyour Governours,that have the Rule over you: you owe much ro them that have fowellHl you rhc Word of Go o, whofe faith is alight or exampleroyou. Sohere, 'l"o doe gQod, Andto diflributeforget not. The refl: are particulars, Hofpitalitie to }b-angers, Vt- . {uation topri(oners, Comfort ro theper{ewted1 and Sujlentatien to ourfpmtualt Gover11ours :bur this is general!, and extends ro all; fl:rangers, prifone~s, perfe~ure~, Go· vernours, and all other men in need, in general!; tlrough with apr"etpue~ chiefly to the heufholdof faith, For, every man is our neighbour, io whom chanty •S to be ex· tended; butrhey are more neerelyour neighborm, to whom we fiandbo.und~ya · ~~tiPle obligatior1';1.nd fraternitie, of Natrm, andGrace. Why i