Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

J FuneraD Sermon: Why then is our .Apojllefo folicirous, thanveforget,notthisdoing good anddi– Jlrihllting? A man would rhmke, the precept need not be fo firictly urged and incul– cated,and that in the negative which bindsSemper &adfemper,and therefore never to beforgotten. The Moralifr gives .a~ood Ru!C, Homo in hominc calamitofomifericors, meminitJtti: That man that IS1nerctfrdltoa mantn mifery and calamity, remembers himfelfe: he might havebe~ncin rnifcry and need, as well as Iris afflicted neighbour, ifGo o had fodi(pofed. Is ttfucha matter, to be fo much and fo often inculcated~ Can aman forger himfelfe ~ or can any man thinke rhat, that which fals roanorher man, might not fall upon him ~ Equall inN•t11rc andgrace,may alfo beequall in mi• (ery, ifG o o will: Yes furely there is need; for,hethat beheld his face inthe"lalfe lames r. z4.. he went away, & ft•timoblitru eft j firaight-way hefirgetteth h~ •wn; Jbape, his owno. (pots and deformities, amends none ofthem, never thinkrs on them more, till he comes rothe gtaffeagaine: bethegl4ffe never [o true, never{o P'"'eycven as pure as che word of Go o it felfe, yetfo ofcen as he comes, fo ofcen he for· gets, therefore nothing is more needful! ihan this not forgetting. And the truth is, mofimenarcliketotheyoungman, thatfaidroour S AV r- . . ou 1t CH R I ST: All thefe things, the Commandemenrs of Go o, 'mJ!odiVi ab a- MJtth.rpei; dole{centia, have I kept from my youth: bur yet heehad not fo firictly kept Go o 's Commandemcnrs, bunhat withal!, et~Jlodivit bona omnia a pateperiGru; he had more ftrictly kept all his goods from the poore: and becaufe he had great fubfianc~, and lovedit greatly, he had need to be remembred with Nolite oblivi(ci, Forget not to doe good, and difiribure : for he was Cr.jlos pecrmi..,potiils qteampr«cepti; he~ w:~s a keeper, but a keeper of money ; and no keeper, but a breakeroftheC•mm'andements. The' Rich-man, andall his fellowes,Lteke I·6:have need ofthis, Forget not: He fawLazar~ full offorrs ,from the crowne ofthe head to the foie ofthe foor,and the very light of him, was con.ftatoriumpietatt5; the very bellowesand Anvileofcom– paffion: and he lay at his gate,he could neither goe in,nor our, but hemufi looke up– on him, yet o6livifcitur qNodvidit; he forgot him that he faw, and could not choofc but fee him : N~y, heelil\vthedogsmore mercifull in licking hu fliresthan himfelfe was,,in curing or feeding 'him :and therefore lion •ccepit guttam aq11.e, he received not one drop ofwater to coole hu tongue; ( I-iee was agreat, bur amofi miferable profef~ four, and therefore his tong11e was mort tormented, bccaufe therein conlifled all his Religion.) And the reafon is, becaufe 'l(on dedit micampanu, he would riot give him fo much as he gavehis dogs, 110t one crumme of ~read. ... Therebe fome that fay, Mat~h. 2 5. 37,44. fl!!.ando te vidimru e{ilrientem, nudmJJ, &c·! When did we fee Theehungry or naked ~·peradventure they never faw Him, iri Hiso\vne perfon,incapite, as a particular man,,theHead; but they could not but fee Him, inmemhris; in_His members, the poore : '{l'ident p•uperem, but c ,; RI s T u M in paupere non vident; they faw tlie-poore min, but CH 1\ i s T they faw not in the pooreman,: Hereis great need ofthis Noliteoblivifci,For'get not to put them in mind, tl)ar they fl.arter not rhem(elveswith this ambiguity. Tt & Te totilm: they fee not theManl E s us,theHeadalone, butrheycannotchoofebucfeewho/e CH R r sr, thatis,C HR 1sT theHead,a!JdthepooreHismembers; . There is one, and! would therev.:ere but one, rbatrtceivcd a~almtand hidit in .a Mat.•i•s. ~7; 1upkmrmdertheearth: he was worthy to heareSer.:ve neqrwn, Evtll fervanr : For he · 'kne\v his Mafiers will, chat gave his talents toreceive them,1hthincreafe; his memory fail ea and bad need eo be rubbed withoMitru tradere n{tirarifr; he forgor chat whiCh he did not forget; he forgot not to take ufury for his money,a~duf, upon ufe,but he forgot the true and lawful! ufuty tbgive ittothepoore, and fo tolendlr to the Loll v, ' who would furely have paid both principall and incerefi alfo; both the fubfiamiall , 1 reward ofeternal! life,and alfo the accidencall degree and meafure ofglory. Howmany:arerherethat fotget the Preachers pl·ecept,C4l thy bred.dnponthew4- llcclcr. ir:;; tm? How many are there that fay, My harms are toolittle,l willpttllthemdorvneand Luko ~~ hu,il~ bigger?whohave been at the Schooleofforgetfulnclfe,and doe not remember, . lR!!,odvent~espar<perttm~4piunt,q1111dhorreti non capi11nt; that thebe/tiel of thepovreare j:t r t t ~ ~ greate( I -