·.r P11rtili. vl Fimerall Sermon. greaterthao thegreatefr barnes,:mdwill receiveand.confume all that which thegrea. tefr barnes cannot hold; yea, thepmedoe fo mulnply, that the rich are notable tb feed them.The foolilhRich-manfaid in the Gofpell,SQt</etho" haflm11chgoojs laid''i' inflorefor m~nyyeam: but when he faid fo, he had not many houres to recktln to tar anddrinke andtake hiJpleafl~re. Male ruondtti:, melitis erogata l they were illlayed up~ they had be,ne much better difiributed and fcattered abroad. It may be they ma; pa!fe all the degrees ofcomparifon; Marepart~; i!Igotten by opprellion, and fraud and Rapine: And Pejtls det~ma,~v?r[e kept and detamed;that which is ill gotten may be worfe kept 1 and fo th~t1s,thans fcraped and extorted from all otheis,is denied to ~11 others, and mofr ofall to?tmfelfe, and G o o,.and ~HR I s T .' .A~dPefime ero: g&taexpended wo_rfr of ~11; 1n ryot and ex7effe, mpnde and vanltle, mcrueltie and rebellion in denymg mamtenance to the Kmg and Countrey, or to thepoon, But l;ow{oever ill gomn,w.orfe imprifoned and debarred the light.ofthe Sunne, and worfr ofall fo fpent,that wuh them, the foule,and hfe,and heaven tt felfe isfpent and lofi: yet the crurh is, they are then befi kept, when they are well expended and never bmer, .than onthe poore •flliCltdmemhers_of CH R I s T, than in buyi~g of heaven. But1fyouwtl! make a true !':OnJunchonmdecd, they are thenhem ruond; 14 . whenhme erogata; well fiored and laid up, when they are well laid out. Recondein/ ,.,,paupmtm; The befr houfe tol~y them up, is to put them into the box andbofome ofthe poore: for,that indeed is the fafefr and furelt Treafury, fa~er tha~ the Temple icfelfe,the ltvmgTemples ofC?oo: A TreafurySmefure, Stneverme; wtthoutthie(e, without worme; whatfoever 1s put there,defertur lJeo; the poore man will carry it to Go o, out ofwhofc hands it can neverbe taken. . . , And this is indeed the Art ofArts. Not the gold-making Iugglirtg~atc, which under the name ofgold-making,is the confumerofgold: but the art ofturningeartH into hcaven,':md earthly almes into celefriall riches; dando, cwleflesftunt, thefetran– firory earrhly things procure us the unfpeakable riches and treafures ofheaven: And now confider, Corneliu<'s AliiJes and prayersaftendedasamemotiallto Go o, and procured the great grace ofthe knowledge of C H R 1 • .,., and thegifi of the H o L y G Ho s ·r : And DorcM'salmes obtained her Refu~re{lionto life: Go o remembred them both, and !hall we forget to doe goodand diftribute our almes, whi'h have that force, chat G o o will never forger them ~ G o o cannot forget them, if wee doe remember, and performe them : Nay Go o holds them at agreat race, He accepts them as f•criftces,and [uchfacrijimas bothpacific andpleafeHim. Talibtt< {acrijiciiJ, with fuch facrifices Go o is pleafed; ta(ibu.,\vith chefe ofPraife and Almes; and with all thofe that are like,or ofthefame nature with thefe. Not with the{acrijimofNatureand Mofes's Law :[uchare both Mort~<a, and mortifer&; dead in themfelves, und morriferous and deadly to <~ll that !hall ufethem. Thefe had cheirtime, and were accepted as typer andfigures, ofthe tme (acrijiceof C H11. I s 1' upon the Croffe, in whom all facrifices were accepted; In which they were partakers of CH 11. Is T, anddid eatthefomtfPirituaU meat,and drinl:e the{amejfirituaUdrinke, that we now eat and drinke by faich,and theRo&/: that followed them was C 11 a 1 s T. No more then to doe with rhe facrificepmru trr~cidati, ofthe llaine beans; that is pafl:burcordi<contriti,with the.facrijiceofa broken andcontriteheart:th_at wasfrom thebegirtning,and folhall continueacceptable to Codeven to the end: the./}iritN~U.fa– crifce, or the [acrifice ofthe foule and [pirir, that is it, whichCodever Acceptedmthe facrifice ofHis Sonne CH a ·I s T,evenfrom the firft Adam<i' totheJaftSonofAdam, the tart man that rhallliveat thelafr day.And Codhath beeneandis weary ofcam#/! andextern•Ufacrijice,and neglected,yea,rejected it,for defaultand want of_rhet~wA~d f•crijice, but ofthis iHward andj]liritteaUfacrifice Go o will nev~rbe weafted With tt. I':' vecaUprayer andf4fing,andoutwardAlmes,and thelike,there may beNtmmm, ' to~much; bu~of!N.f!.4rdprayer andfAfl!ngfrom fin, ~nd fPmpafiOII_a,ndmercy, there ·,' )