~!A Funeratl Sermon; can never benimir1m, too mu.ch; nay, notfatfs, not enough; for Go n calls for all, and all we are not able to performe which we owe. So then, the {ACrijicia n:~ufibe t4li4: fuch facrijim,that is,fjiritttall. . . . And they be{acrijicia,in .the plura,ll number,(ac~ijim: the(acrijicereprefm~ative, or memoriall of C H .. 1 s T s {acrijice, the Ettcbarif~, wh1ch IS truly thefacrijice of praife;and the dailyJacrijice! ofour{elvts, sttr {ottles and bodits in devotion and ado– ration to Go o. And the fucrifice of Mercy and Almer (both here recorded) thcle be thefacrijices h~re mentioned that pleafeGo n.: andall.orh~rs not here mentioned, that areincluded ID the taltbm: mfuch hkefacrifi~ts, Go o IS pleafed. And be the number of them as great as any manpkaf~ to make them, yet be– caufe they are all reducible to three, I will comprilethem in the number of three. Firfi,Sacrijicittm cordu contriti, the facrificc ofthe contriteandbroken heart,asbefore, which we tender to Goa'in our Repentance, and fighe~ and teares for our finnes. The [econd,Sacrijiciumcordugrati,the facrifice ofthethankfuUhwt ;in praile and thankf.. giving to Go n, called here, thefacrijice o(praife. The third, Sacrificium mdil pii, rhe facrifice of aproUd andmmift•ll heart, in cornpaffion and workcs of Mercie, and Atmes.deeds, called h~re, doing goodand diftribnting. , . ,.. , . All thefe, and every one ofthefe, which are indeed but the variations,or diverle affedionsofone and the fame heart,they are thefalia{a>rijicia: fuch facrifices which Go naccepts. Saint BernArdwasa skilfu!l confeCtioner, he made three rare and moft odoriferous Oyntmems ofthem, mofi pleafing unto Go n Himfelfe: The firfi,Vn-. g11mtum centritionil, the oymment of Contrition, madeofthejighes ofthe heart, and the teamofthe eyes, the ,·on(q?ionand prayers ofthe tongue, the revenge,thejt~dgement, and executiondone upon our owne foulcs, for our fimies: And this compunetf– on ofheart, though it be all made of bitter and lharpe poynant ingredients, yet the IIJOre fowreit is, the fweeter and mornvelcome it is to Go n. The fecond isVn– guentumpietatu ·~ the oyntmetit ofPiety andcompafion, made up of the mi{eries and thewants ofthepoore; wherein the greater is themifery, the greater is themercy; and themore fellow-teeling and compaffion of the preffures ofthe poore,the more odo· i'iferous is this facrifice t0 pacific Go n's wrath. The third is Vngt~mtflm devotionil, the oymment ofDevotion, whichfpends it fclfe inpraifeand thankfgiving, by the re. !llembrarice of His manifo)Cl bleffings and graces ; which cannot but be acceptable unto Go o, becaufe though praife and glory be nothing unto Go n,.who cannot beencreafed by the breath of arriorral man; yet li>ecaufe it is all the Rent and rribut~ . that mat) can reqd.er to his Go n, whereofto rob Go n is the greatell: facriledge, it is :ui oyritment rriofi welcometo Go " ; the .rather, becaufe man ever did himlelfe tl1e mofi hurt, .,ijen he kept glory backe from Go n and afcrib~d it to himfelfe. In the L I.Pfalme,T.heoyntment ofCotltrition is accepted ofG o n,with aNon dejjicies: ~h~ facrifice ofthe broken and contritehea~t, Go n willnotdejpife. Theoymmentof eompafion in tlijs place, is accepted of Go n, withdeltC!atur Dem : with fuch lacri· fices Go o ispfeafld; · TheOJI•tment of Praifegoes fomewhat higher with anHone. rijic'at me : he tha.t offers me praife he honoureth roe, P(al.L. So the contrite heart,the: mercifr:llheart, ahd the thankful! heart; Taiibtu facrificiil, with fuch facrijim Go 1> ispleafed: all ofthefetogether, and every one o~ th&feveraUy, andallotherslik~ llnto thefe, they doepacijie, andpleafe, anddelight Go n Himfelfe. . rtacaturor concitiatJ;~, G~ D ls pacified or re~onciled,as fome reade: DeleClatur; Go n is ~:leafed or delighted. Hilarefc!t, o~pulr;hrefcit, Go n is cheered or lookes upon ns With a fereneor pleafant countenance: Bur thevulgar will have it Promere· tur Dem, Gon is prqmerited, in favour ofmerits. I will not much fiand upon the word; beit promeretur, in the fathers fenfe, in which, fMrit isvia obtincndi, the way and mcanes of obtaining, the matter is n<:>t great. . . . . But the wordmrhe properfenfe,figmfies no more but th!S,that G o n1s pleafed, orat rnoft 'j4cijiedwith fu'h fa"ifices: and this.is remarkable, that the fame word, · ~ ~ r r r 3 It~~! I i ' l