Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

fl 3 uf Funerall Sermon. n:br. XI.YI..fign.ifies onely, Go o is well pleafe~, when it isfpoken offaith. For , w1rhqut faith 1t IS 1mpoflible topleafe Go o, ''""~'"""':but here,<.v"''"'""' mullbe p ' m_eriti, as ifwork'es were more meritorious thanf~ith: when all the merits ofwor~o~ proceed fromgrAceandfaith, as the goodnelfe ofthe fruit is from the root andr~, fappe thereof. And fo, Go o may be both pacified and pleafed, and yec'no meri~ in m, but acceptation in Go o: for the bel! workes andfMrijices and righteoufmJJe · man, are fo farre from truemerit, out ofanydignitie, or condignitie ofthewerke th~~ t! 1 ey cannot {bnd before Go o without merc7 andgrA~e. !he bell: and mol\ l;udu' ble life ofthe bell: man, hath aV4, or Woe, lymg upon1t, St fine mi{<ricordi!i difcutia,. tur, ifit come tobe difculfed without mercy : and in the dill:riCl: judgement of G 0 0 no man,no not themanAfter Goo 'sown.ehl:a~t dare enrer;?ut prayes again!!it,Nein~ tres in judiciummmfervotuo, Enter notmto judgement With thy fervant 0 L 0 R 0 (Pfalme C XL I y. II I.) andwhy~ For, noflejhi<righteou!inthyjight: noj!ejh, no man righteous oqull:1fied, thenfurely no truemmt. . Brajfe orcopper money may be made currant by the Kings Proclamation but !!ill it isbuc braf!eandcopper, andwants of the truf value ofgold and0Jilv_er : a~d good workes, and todoegoodand diftrzbute, may go,dorcurrant, by Go os promife and receive a rewardout of jull:ice,but Iufiice withmercy : for,there is Iuj!itia in redltendo Iu!!ice in giving theCrowneaccordingto.his promife: butthereisMi{ericordiai; promittmdo;Mercy that triumpheth overjstjlice, in promifingto give and infinite re· ward, to afinite worke, as heaven foraCup ofc~ldw.1ter;orbread, or drinke,orclorhes and thelike: and betweene the kingdome of heaven, and the crowneofglory, andeter– naU life, which is infinite, and a few crummes, or drops, or rags, which arefcant fo much as finite, there is no equalitie. InterJinittsm& , injinitttm mtlla elf proportio: there is noproportioiJbetweene that which isfinite, and that which is infinite. So that as much asinfinitedoth exceed that which is finite, fo much doe Go o's in.finitere. wards, exceed thebeJIfinite workes, ofthe bell: man. And the Rule ofthe Schoole in this is true: Go o punifhes citra condignum, lelfe than we deferve; fo there is mercy ia Go o·s Iufiice and punifhments: and Go n rewards ultra meritum, beyond our merit or defert; and fo eternall life is the graceandfee gift of Go o. Infomuchthat we may thusrefolve: Firfr,Nontenetur Dem: Go o is not bound to give us any rewardfor anydignity or worthine.J!e of ~11r worku. Secondly, J'{£n <..Meremt'Y nos, we deferve nothing, but aretmprojitable [trvants, and our bell: workes are unperfect, and fall fhorr of that perfection that Law and lull:ice doe require. And third!y, '1\gn deerit tamen Dem : though Go o be not botmd, and manmerits not, yet G o o never failed any man, that did doe any good worke, but he was fure of his reward. For, though we be bound to good workes exdebito, ofduty: Go o commands them, and requires an account ofrhem: yet Go o is not bound to re– ward themex debito, out ofany debt owing to us forthem; but onelyexpatk, out of His promife, and agreement. For, eternal/life is not a reward which manmay exact and require in luHiceat Go·o's hands, for his labour andhire; but it is Hi<free gift: and therefore He callethit nottHttm, thine,but Metlm, mine owne, May I mt due what I liff with mine owne? Whatis the reafon the Prophet faith (P/a!.LXXI.XVI. )o Lard,Men:oraburJu." fliti4 tN4folim, I will rememberthy righteoufnefTe only, but becaufe there 1s no.oth~r righteoufnelfe worththe remembring, but onefy thy rigbteoufnejfe only: that nghre– oufnelfe that is a Domino, inherent in us byfJnEiijication ofthegiftsan~graces ofthe. L o R o, is not worththe remembrance,for it is adefiledcloth,and dungmltfelf~;and · were it never fo good,G o o bath no need ofit; nay,beingoffredtoGoo,He IS no– thingincreafcd by it.Ifthou do all goodworks,Deru memes, &hnommme~mm no~ ind~~es ' Thou art my G o o(faithDavid,P{al.XVII.II. )mygoods,andtherem are h1s goodworkes alfo, are nothing ro thee: Go o is not increafed or inriched by them. If thou doe commit all m~nneroffins with all manner ofgreedineffe~th?~ can!l not d~file God,nor take any thmg from hi.m;thy evill cannot decreafe ord1m1mfhh1m• But 1t, is1Njlitia in ]j_~tn~no, Righteoufnelfci~ '"~ :f-urd(thatis) ch~ift's righteoll/n:fu~i~~~d .· .' ·.-.:-