~ · J Funerall Sermon. rounicated, ori1Pp111edto us ;for CH 11. r s T is made to us wi(domdr6tn Go o, and • Cor.•., Jtiflice, or righteotl{neffi and fanBiftwion and rtdemptiM, and Hee doth not fay, fecit 1 m, He made us tighteous in the ··oncrete; but fa8t« eft nobis~Hewas:maderighteoufnelfe tQ us in the abjlrafJ, becaufe He commumcates Hts ng.hteoufodfe to us, and thereby covers our nakednelfe, as Iacubclothed in his dder Brothers garmems received the blefiina. And therefor~ the Name of th~ Sonne of Goo is.I E H ovA H Jt~flitia noflra, .}fu L o R D Ollrrighteoufnej[e. ;'· . . Befides, no man rs accept~d or well pleafing to G.o r> for Ius workes fake, but Iemn.~J.6j rather the worke is accepted for thewurkemans fake: as Go o firfi Refpexit Abelem, Herefpect~d or acceptedof Abets per[on; and then followes & fa.:rifi~iumejtU, and th~n his facrifice : For, Go o cares not for Abets lambe, but becaufe Abelthelambe offered it; his.heart and willing readinelfe to offera Jambe; was pleafin~, and He accept~d thefacrifice. As in the Father of tbe FaithfuU, Go o couJd..uot accept the facrifice of Ifaac, becaufe he~ wasnorfacrificed fac1o, fed voto ora/olt~nt.te : not in deed, but only invow, andwiU andpurpofe: in him, Yolrmtlf4 replltatur pro faBo, hi& wilt was accepted for.thefaeri~ce. . And in Cain's facrifice, G o o made no difference betweenet~ lamheand the jbeafe ofcorne, both wh(ch were after commanded equally in the Law,and thePanes propo{itionis were ever joyned with a lamhe. Thedifference was, he c:ffered hiscares ofcome, but not htmfelfe: and therefore~he words be, Ad Camvero, & adp1t<ntril ejtUnonre[pexit, But toCain, and to his offering Go o hadnotrefped: He·accep.– ted not hisper(on, and therefore He regarded nor hisfa&rijice. And therefore the Ancient fay : That either ofth~m offeredparemculttl & religione hoHiam, an equa\1 fa, Rupm.ir. G<it· crifice inrefpect ofReligion, and theworlhipof G 0 D: Sednon rem tlterq; dwifit: lib.f·"P·!: . Cainmadean ill divtfion, he offered.the fruits ofthe earth to G oo; Cor rctinuitfibi, f eipfum non 6btulit; hee referved his.heArt to him!elfe, and he offered not himftlfe to <J,o": but Abelfirft offered himfelfeto Go o, and then his t,,mke. A,ndfoSaimPAul'swordsaretrue;Abtlojfered a greaterfacrifice to Got> than CAin. Greater fitft, ~ahoftia copiofior; becaufe he offeredadouble [acrifice,himfelfe and his lam6e : but Camon!y offered hiscorne. Second!y, .f2.!!ja exctflentior : he of· · fered a more ~xcellent facrific~, better chofen, becaufcde adipibf46., of the fatteft, and bell ofthe flocke: Caincarelefiy tooke thatcamcfirfl to hand; de ft"lltbtu, of the fiuit, and no more. Thirdly, .f2.!!jaexjidt: by faith he offered•it; and thatfaith jufli. iied him and his facrifice, bccaufe ?e bclccved in th!\.seed~f the Woman, that fhoukt hmi(e the ferpents head•. And fo tt Is true, dzgmt.,u optrantu, thefatth andpzetr ofthe facrijicer, and worker, dignitatem confert operi, conferres all the worth to the worke. For ifan Heatben or Tur~e doe the fame worke of Almesor mercy that the faithf,./l Chriftiandoth, it fhall palfe without all regard<; whereas the faithful! heart and per• {Mmakes theworke of the hand•cceptable to the L o R D. - So then,[mijim ofgoodnelfe andAlmesor diftribtltioll rhere mull:.be, they are necelfary to Salvation in them that have time and opporrunitie, and meanes : and therefore[ujficit adpemi:m meritu carm, It is fufficienr to punijh !#, if weewant good wor!w. But there can be no rru!l: or confidence placed in them ; for, they are un– perfett and defective, and therefore merit nothing at Go o's hands out of Iuffice, bur onelyareaccepredoutof Goo's mertie, andtheinfinite.MeritofCH a r s T> which is equal! to His Perfon tllat is infinite, as Hee is the eternall Sonne of G o o : and therefore, Srtjficit adpr,emium, de meritis nonpr,eft<mere; the greare!l: part of the dignitie of the befi workes, of the befi men, is to renounce all trull and confidence in our felves, and our befl workes, and to repofe all our hope in themercy and merits ofCH!lisT. ; No~ to returneto the'ufe ofthe word [Promeretnr:] in Antiquity, I remem.: . bcr Saint Cyprianufcrh it not for the dignitie andmerit ofrhe beft worke, but one– , ly for theway or meanesofobtaining. For, reading that pbce of Samt Paul, I Ti!n. I. X I II. [ B11t I obtainedmercie, becaufe I didit ig11ora11tly IIJunbelufe: ] he reades it thus .= Sed 0fi{ericordiam mcrui :_ But 1merited uv.ercie : what was 0/erui,. ia · R nrr 4 Saint •' . ~ t• I .. •I ·-~··· .... ~~·-•,