• JU , ·~ Funerall Sermon. l!p'fJ.nN.n. Saint Cyprian's fenfe, butl ehtainedmercy, and f<Hhe Vulgar reades that place Againe, [peaking; ofcho!e chat w~rc baptized,_and figned in the fore-head ~ith the~gne ofthe Cro!J<:,he f~rrh of oztM theLeper,that he was maculatedwith Jcpro• fie, 10 that:part of his l;>ody 10 whJCh they are figned,qt~• Dommumpromeremur which promeritthe L o _ll o; ~o would our R.hemifts reade it : But the tru~ underll:anding is, they thatprommtcdthe-J:; o 1t o, that IS, they that enter covenant wuh the L 0 R D in ..., Baptifme (De unitat~ Eccleji,., Num.r 6.)And I_ prefume, ratherrhe lueping the COvenant, than theentrmglhouldbe memonous, rf therebe any merit at all. · And Saint -'fttguJfine_ (De gr•tta, & libero arbitrio,cap.5.&6.) [peaking ofSaint \· Paul, f~tth, M(rttt~mftttt m Pat~lo,fedm~!um ; InPaul, there wasmmt; but eviU me– rit, when heperfecNted the chur&h, an~ received good for it. And after; Let usre– -turne to the Apoftle, whomwe finde w•thoucanygood mmts (StneuHu homi meritd -imo cnm mu!tumalu mcritu) yea with many evil/ merits, to have obtained thegrac~ o£ Go o : and then he.addes, rt poff bo_na mmta co»fequ~turcor.onam, qtt~poft mala . 1 ,merituoP_fec'!tru eftgrattam ; that after hrsgoodmmtsobtatrJed thecrowne, whoafter i hisevil! merits had obtainedgrace. I. Here, firll: it is plalne; merit ~s joyned inboth 1. 2. ~wicho6taining. 2. Againe,Merits.aregood,andMeritsare bad : the word is com3 mon eo borh. 3• Merit fignifies in.Saint Aug11ftines fenfe, nodignity of worke, brn: ondy ameAnes ofobtaining. For, it is impoflible,that evil! merit (that is,jinne) out of thedignity of thew11rke lhouldmeritgrace; and by the fame proportion and forme of fpeech, it is as impoflible, that thedignit7 of the worke lhouldmerit a crowne, .fince Saint Aregt'.ftinein thefame place doth fay, Therewould be none untdwhom 'G o n the jull: Iudge, redderet coronam;lhould render acrowne,unlelfe firll:,as amercifull Fa– ther, don4Jfergrlttiam, He had given Hisgrace: And then he addes Dona foa coronal Dezu~nontnerita tu"; Go o crownes not thy merit, but llu ownegifts: His reafonis; for,ifthey be fuch(thatis,thine) they areevil!, and if they beevil/, Go n cronmu them not; ifthey begood, they are Go o'sgijts,and Hecr8wncschem not as thy me: rtts, buc as llu owne gijts,cap.7. Bnt I have troubled you too long with this Schoole-doflrine andpu!pit-divinitit of magnifying mans merits, before men, fince their dwh-bed-divinitie recants in all; and then, they are all forced, learned and ignorant, unerly to renounceit, and put all their rrull: in .C H· R 1 s T' s.mercie and merits, as their fure Anchor-head: Of which I haveonely this to fay; that merit may have fame place in their {ci. ence, buc their owne co11(ciences, unlelfe they be feared, tell them, there is no trpe merit, but CH Ill s T's .onely. I "·'I have nowdone with my Texr: and now I apply my felfeand my Texttci the prefent Text, thatlyesb~fore us: Vir neeftlendt~S, ne; dicendUfjinecur/., A man whofe worth may not be palfed over in filence, whom all ages with us may cele– brate and admire ; nor to be fpoken of without great care and ll:udy : Of whorn I can fay nothing, but his wonh and vermes will farre exceed all mens words. Here I defire neither the tongue of man, nor Angels: if it were lawful!, I lhould wiih no mher but his owne tongue and pen,Ipfe,Ipfeqmm loquar, l1quatt1r :let him fpeake ~f himfelfe, none fo fit as himfelfe was, of whom lam to fpeake this day.Etj•m loiftll· tur, And he now fpeakes : Hee fpeakes in his learnedWorlw ancfSermDP>, and hee fpeakes in his lifeand wDrkes ofmercie l and hee fpeakes in his death : An,d what bee taught in his_ life andworkes, he taught and exprelfed in his death. Hee rsthe great ...Alterandperformer, I but the poore cryer, vox clamantu,He W3S the rox ~la'!'•ns: he was the ~oud :md great crying royce; I am but the poore£echo : an~ tt ts well with me, ifas anEccho, of his large and learned bookesand workes, I onely repeat a few ofthelall: words. , . No man canblameme; if I commend him at his death, whofe who1e life was _!ery way c~m!l!C!!dablc :J;~/!!:!}.»i wmdA~io ~4ndP!L!Jtltlbunos crimini noneP: Julh