rU1 Funerall Sermon. 'mnmendation withoutjlatttry, is no fault in the opi~ion ofthe belb men : And the an. dent cuCl:ome of the .Church, did ce\ebratethememories_of holy men, to the praife of Go o rbat gave fuch eminem graces to them, and to !hrrc up others by their exam•. ple to the Imitation oftheir vertues~ . . I fpeake my knowledgeof him in manythinss: I loved, and honoured him for :tbove rhirtie yeares fpace. I loved h1m I confeffe; but yet Ittdicio meo non obflat A· 111 or,quiex rttdicio nat>Heft; My love doth notblinde or out-fway my Judgement, be· caufe it proceeded from Iudgemcnt. Of whom what can I fay leffe, than that hee was vita innocentijim>H, ingeniojlorentijim.U, & propojito(ancrijimus : In his lift molUnnocent, in his knowledge ;md teamingmoft flvurijhing and eminent, and in his purpofeand life mofJ: holy anddevout: whofecarriage wasfo happie, ~emnemovi– tuperat,nift etiam Lt11det; n" man could ever difcommend him, bur will he nillhe, he mufJ: witl)all commendl1irn. And no mans words were ever able to difgrace him: rera, neceffeeft benedicat; falfamvita modfqttejieperant: Theythatfpaketruethof him,could not but fpeake well of him; and ifthey fpake falfely of him, his life and manners did confute them. Andifthis Text were ever fully applied inan}',I prefurrie it was in him; for, he was tot >M ir: hitfacrijiciu; bewholly fpem himfelfe,and his ftudies,and eftate in the~ facrijices, inprayer and theprai{eofGoo, and compaJfion and w~rks ofcharitie,as ifhe had minded nothing cl{e,all his life long,but this, tooffer himfdfe, hi;[011/e and body, a (ontrite ttpda brokep heart, •pitifullandcomplljfionate heart, and.athankfu!landgrate• full heart, a living facrijice, holy)nd acceptable to Go o, by h s us C H R I s T; ,whit:h is our reafonable ~rviceof Him• · ' ' He was borneiri ~his City ofLondon,ofhotieCl: and godly parents; who befides hisbreeding inlearning,left him a fufficient patrimony and inheritance,which is def· cendedto hisheire; at R4ivretp inEjfex. It is true: Senum vita conpofua, the lives of oldmen, many times areorderly andwell comp~fed,anddifPofed, and flayed; whereas i[) youth, many things that are in true judgement not altogether decent, are not fo inde– ant in them, but thlt they_well enough become their younger yeares : In th1s, hee ·wa,s happie, Huj>H vitarompoftta)tpueritiJ. His life was well compofed and ordered even fn;>m his ~hild-hood. I may well f:1y of him, as the Prophet doth; Bon~m es1 portare It~gum Domini ab AdolefcentiJI. : herein was his happinelfc, that he tooke up, and did fioutly bearetheyokeof the L o"D evenfrom hi;youth. , In his tend~refi yeares, he 01ewed f'uch readineffe and lharpneffe ofwit and capa.: dry,that his teachers and Mafl.ers fore-faw in him,tbat he would proveLumenlitera· ""'"& literatoruni:Theourning and lhining Candle of all learning and learned men.' And therefore, thofe two firCl: Maflers, that had the care ofthe firft elements of his learning (M'. Wardof Ratclijfe, .and M•. Mt<lcafler dfthe Merchant-Taylors Schoole) contended for hini, who lhould have the honour ofhis breeding, that after became t.he honour of their Schcioles,- and all learning. M•. Ward firCl: obtained of his pa· rents, that hee lhould not be a preritife: and at length M•. Mulcafler got him to his Schoole: and from this time, perit omne tempeu, quodftudii< nonimpenditur, h~e ac– counted all that time loft, that he fpent not in his fiudies, wherein in learning he out– fiript all his equalls; and his indefatigable induflt'y, bad aim oCl: outflript himfelfe: l;:le,(ludied fo hard whenothers played, that if his Parents and Mafters had not for– ced him to play withthem alfo;all the play had beene marred. His lacefiudying by candle,and early riling atform in themorning,procuredhim envie among his equals,' yea, withtherjlJCrs alfo, becaufe he called them up too foone : Notlike eo our mo– derne fcholars, qui no11d11m hefternamedormiverunt·crapulam; who at ~venand eight ~fthe clocke, have their heads and fJ:omacks aking, becaufe they have not yet flepi out their lafi nights (urfers andfulnelfe. . Their painesandcare,hefo earefully remembred aU his lifelong,.that he fiudied a!wayes bow to doe good to them and theirs. Inwhich gratefulnelfe he promoted ,DoetorWArdto the Parfonag-eofWalthAm.- and ever loved and honoured his Majler · · · ·- · · · Mtlic~/fer,