Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

r8 .. f - rv1 FuneraU Sermon. 014ulcaflerduring his life, and wasa cominuall helper ro him, and his Son;;;; Mt~lcafter, to whom he gave a legacte oftwentj pormdby htsWill: And as if he had madeM:. Mutc4jler hts Tutor or fupe~vtfor, he placed hts pi<~ture overrhedooreof his Studte: whereas mall the refi ot hts houfe, you could fcantly fee a pi£lure. From. Mafier 014ulcafler hee went ro Cambridge, to Pembroke. Hall, atid was ~here admmed one of Doctor Wats Scholars :a nora~le Grnmm&rian, well enrered trirheLatrne, Gruke, and Hebrew tongues; and hkeWlfc tn theGeometry, and fome of the Mathew:aticJ:s : and after. a Fellow there, in which bee paffed over all Degrees a~d Places 1n fuchfort, rt ma]mbm fompcr dtgnU< habmtur; bee ever feemed wor– tliy of higher and greater Pla~es, :;~d. would in rhe end artaine the highefi: Nnutes enim ejm matur4 ermt; For h1sablimes and venues were mature, andripe forgrea– ter imploymenrs. · And in this hee owed little to his Tutors, butmofr to hi!; ownepainesaodi!u~ die. In which, give mee leave to remember one thiDg which he hath often lamen– ted himfelfe to mee and orhers, rhathe never could finde a fir opponunirie ro fhew his rhankdulne!fero Doctor Wats, his Patron, norro any of his pofieririe: Yet he did nor urrerly forger J:!im in hi> Will, having ordered rhat the two FeUIJJIJfhiJs to be foundedby him in Pembroke-Hall, ihould alwayes bechofen and filled, out of the Scholars of Doctor Wats Foundatien, ifthey were found fir, ofwhich him fel'fchad beene one. ,,,a Being in holy Orders, he attended rhe Nobleand zealous Henry EAr!eof Hun– ti»gdon, Prejident ofrorke, and was imployed by him in ofren preaching, andconfe. rence r11ith ll.ewfants, both of rhe Clerzie, and Laitie; In which, GoD fo bleft his endeavours, that he converted forne of thePriefts, and many of the Laitie J with great [ucceffe; bringing many to theChurch, and feldome loling hislabo11r 1 none ever convening fo many as he did. Afrer this Mr. Secretary Walfingham takes notice of him, and obtained him of theE11rle, intending his preferment, in wbich he would never permit him ro tak~ 1 any Cormtrey-henejice, Jefi he and his great learning fl10uld be buried in a Cotmtrey– church. Hisintent was to makc·him ReAder of CMtrover.ftes in C11mbridge, and for his mamtenance hea!Iigncd to him (as I am informed) rheLeafeofrhe Par{onageof Alton, in Hampjbire, whichafrer his death he returned ro his Lad;, which lheenever !mew, norrhoughr of. Afrer this, he obtained the ric~trage of Saint Gituwithout Creeple-g~ttt, London; and a Prt6endRejidentiarics place ir;Jl'auls, and was chofen M~tfler ofPembroke-Hn/1; and afterward was advanced ro the Deanry of Weflminfler: and all this without all <Hnhition orfuire of his owne : GoD rurningthe hearts of his friends to promote him for his greatworrh. Whenhe tookerhe degreeof D. D. inCambridge,one ofhis quefiions was,thaf Decim4 debenturjure divino: which he betrayed nor, as fome have do!le, but made it good by Scripture!, and divine and narurali reafo11, as will appeare to the Reader, when rhar, among other of hisWorkes, fhall enrich the Englilh Church,with ahippie rreafure of learning. ' He was, as all our Englilh world well knowes, a fingular Preacher, and a moii , -..._ famous Writer. He was fo fingubra Preacher, and fo profound aWrirer, th:tt you will doubt in which he did excell : whofe weapons in the mouthes oftheadverfar;es proved as fiones in the teeth of dogs; while they thought to wirhfiand or anliver them, they bitthe fiones and brake their owne teeth :and fo it is true ofhim, Refponfaeju. ftneu[ponftoni6~H, His anfwers wereanfwerleffe: Never durll :myRomamJI· anrwer him ;as their common ufe is,rhat which they cannot anfwerand confute,they flight ir, and let it pa!fe withour any anfwer at all. . His admirable knowledge in rhe learned tongues,Latine,creeke,He6rew,Cha!dee, Syriack, Arabick, befides other moderne Tongues to the number offifteene (as I am informed) was fuch and fo rare,rhat h~ may well be ranked in the firfr place,to be one of th~ rarefi Linguijlsin Chrifiendome;Inwhich,hc wasfo perf~chndabfolure,borh · · · fo~