vi Funerall Sermon. for Grammar and profound knowledge therein, that he was lo perfect in the Gram– mar and Criticifmes of them, asi_t bee had utterly negl~tled rh~ matteritfe!fe; and yet he was fo exquilire and found mthe matter and learmng ofthefeTonguu, as ifhe had never regarded the Grammar. . . scientiamagt~a, N emoria major,Ittdicittm m•ximrim: his Knowledr;e was great and rare his Memory greater, and his Judgement profoundeft and greareft ofall; and over and~hoveall rhe!e, Indriflriain.ft71ita, hispaines and indujlry was infinite: For in the things,the world bath fecne,he ufed no man to reade for htm; as thofe great Clerks, Bellarmine, and others fafhion is, to imploy whole Colledges,and Societies to ftudie and reade for them, and fo furnilh them; heonely ufed anAman11mjh, to tranfcribe that, which himfelfe had firft written with his owne hand. So that now I may propofe him, Vt exemplum fine exemplo maximum, as agreat Example example-leffe : -~'anteeum, quem i/leimitarltur ; neepd/ mm,qui eum imi– tari & afTequi pojit,in'ventmeft: There was none before him, whom he didimir.ate : nor none willcome,aftcr him,thatwill ealily overtake him: Infomuch that his great gifts may well be raken,a little to c.iOud and over-fbadow and obfcure all men ofhis Age and Order: and furely the fame ofthis lingtilar Bifhop will becomefucha light to all poll:erity,Vt nee bona eomm,nec mala latmpatietrtr, 'twill not fuffer neither their good, nor, _rh~ir evil! tolye hid•. Was hts .~me great~ Ma]Ortnventm eft, Hee was ever found to be greater than fame made him. In which as he was a wonderful! Mirrour of learningand learned men, fo he was a lingular Lover and encourager of learningand learnedmen: which appeared in his liberality and bounty to MalterCaufabon, Mall:er Cluverill1, Maftcr "vojim, MaQ:er Grotitu, Mall:er Erpeuim,whom he attempted with the offer ofavery large ftipen.d, our ofhis owne purfe, to draw into England, to have read and taught theoriental!t~ngues here: even as one well faid, 0 mnes quod in (e amant, in alii<ve~ ntr4ntur : thofe gifts and knowledges,which he loved in himfelfe, he honoured and ·tewarded in others. . When the Bifboprickes of Ely and saiisbrtry were void, and fome things were t.obepareq from them, fome overture being madeto him to take them, hee refufed them utterly : !fit p\eafeyou to give me leave, I will make his anfwer for him; No– lo Epifcopari, quia noloalien4Ye, Iwill nor be madeaBijhop. becaufe1w11l not alienate Bijliops lands. .. . After this, by fo'me perfwa!ion he a~cepted of Chicheffer 1 yet with fome feare ofthe burden: and after that, of Ely ;andlafl:.cifrhis of Winchefter ; whence G 0 D harh rranilated him to heaven: in which he freed himfelfe and his Succeffour of a pen(!on of foure hrmdredpounii .Per annum,whichmany ofhis Predeceffors had paid. He?was A/mQmr, Deane ofrhe Chappell, and aPrivie Colsncellor to I(ing I A M • s,and King CH A n L • s : In which be fpake and medled little in Civill and Temporall affaires,being out ofhis profeffion and element: but in caufes that any way concerned thechurchand his Calling, bee fpake fully and home to the purpofe; that he made ' all know, that he underftood and could fpeakc, when it concerned him, as by rhofe few fpeeches which are preferved, you may judge; e."< nnguc leonem, a wife man by_ his words and deeds. . , And herein he was like the ArlceofGo o: all places where itrefted were bleffed by the prcfence ofGo o in it ; fo,wherefoever he came and lived,rhey ;!11 tafted and werebettered by his providenceand goodneffe. Saint Giles wa~ reduced to himby~ Rate toward the better maintenance ofthe place, and the houfe repairesJ. He found nothing in theTrea(ury inPem,broke-Hall;he left il) it, in teadymonyathonfandpound. BeingPrebend Refldentiary inPauls, he built the Houfe irl Cr'eed-latu, belonging to his Prebmd, and recovered it to the C~urch. flee rep~ired the Deantf lodging in Weff– ,.,;,ner. When he came toChichefler, he repayred the Pa/Jcerhere, and the houfeia Aldingbourne. At Ely, he fpem in Reparation ofEly-houfe in Holb.rne, of Ely.palace; :tt Downh4m, and J!Vifbich Caftle twothonfandpound. At Wincheffer:houfe, ar F4rne~ ~am; a~ J!:altha~,and"fV~Ivefey, likewif~tw~ th~uf.wlpo~ml. {· . ~