2.0 _, .. J Funeral/ Serman~ Itfeemes plain~ly,he loved th.c Churche.s in which he was promoted and lived; bet:er than he dtd hts money, or hts owne ga.me. For, tfw.e confider thefe expences in h1s Eptfcopall Houfes, and hts moll: magmficent emcrtatnment of his mofrgrac" ousSoveraigneKing I A" • s,.at Farneh.,~,where in threedayes he fl;'ent threethor:: [andpormd; as great and bounufull entertamment as ever King I A M • s received a. a SubjeCts hand: befidesherefufedtomake fomeLeafes in hislall:yeares wh·c~ might have beene very beneficiall to him, for the good ofhis Succeffour; his reafon w:1s, Many are too ready to [potle JJijboprzcks, ilnd few enot~gh to t~phold them : Adde to thcfe the many Almeshee gave in his life, and now at his death, and wee fhall fr;e he was free from all avariceand love ofmoney. In him, is truethat word ofSaint Mni Nolitediligeremund~m : hedoth not fay, Noli~e hahere, but Nolite diligere, Love no; the tvorld: he doth not fay, have not, pof!elfe notthe world, orgoods of the world . but lovethemmt: He had them, but beloved them not: Vt diJPen{atiJr, ut Erogato/ he had them bm as aStewardto difpofe and expend them, to procure an everlal\ing Tabernacle in tbe highell: heavens. . .. He medied little with them, but left the taking of his accounts from his Oflicers to hisBrorhers: and when he began his Wilt at Walthamayeare before his death he undtrll:ood not his owneell:ate; nay till about fix weekes before his death, whedhis Accounts were delivered up and perfceted,be did not fully know hisowneell:ate:and therefor~ in his firll: draught ofhis Wilt,he gavebu~ little to ~i.s kindred,doubting.he mtght giVe away more than he had, and therefore m a CodlClll annexed to hisWilt' he doubled all his legacies to them, and made every htmdredto be two hn,ndred, and every two hundredto befutere htmdred : And yet notwithll:anding this encreafe, hee gave more to the maintenance of learning, and the poore, than to his kindreil.· His charitieand love of Go o and thepoore, wasgreater in him, thari.N4tura0affeelion' and yet he forgot not his naturall affeCtion to them. . · . , . ' It was faid ofhim, that in his time was held to be Delici£ h;minum (Titm,) AG;_ ftimeit alieno, ut fi qui! tmqttam : If ever any man abfiained from that which was no~ his owne, he was the mall. This is as true ofthis moll: Reverend Prelate: he never· tooke any mans goods, or right from him. Give me leave to adde alittle more of him : Dijlrihuit {till, ut fiquis unquam; Ifever any ll:udied to difperfe and dillribute his owne, either to kindred or to thepoore, furely this is the Man. Neither did he fray to doe good and dirtribute till his death,that is,then gave his goods to thepoore-,when he could keepe them no long~r: Thefirft place helived on, was Saint Giles; there, I fpeakemy knowledge,) doe not fay, he began;fure I am,he continued his charity : his certaineAlmes there, was tenpormdper annum; which was payed <']Uarterly by eqaall portions, and twelve pence every Sund<w hee came to Church,andjivefhi!li~>gs at everyCommunion: and for many yeares,fince heleftrhac' Cure, he[entjive.potmd ab,out Chrill:maffe, befides the number ofgownes given to thepoore ofthat Parilh when he was Almoner. And I havereafon to prefume the like ·ofthofc other parilhes mentioned in hisWill, to which hee alfo gave Legacies : to Saint Gilts anhtmdredpotmd, where hehad bcenericar.ToAlhaltowes Barkin, where he was borne,twentiepound. ToSaint Martins LudgAte, where he dwelc, jivepound. ToSaint Andreives inHolborne where Ely.hott{ef!ands ten potmd. And to this Parilh,' ofSaintSAvioreh inSouthwarke where he died, twenty pound: which Parilhes hehach remembred, for his Almesto the poore, when the land lhall be purchafed for there·.• liefeand ufe of thepoore. •. , Wheri he came tooxford, attendingKing I A" • s in the end of htsprogrdfe, his cuftomc was to fend 6ftiepoundto be dill:ributedamongpoore Schlars. And the like bee didat Cambridge, in his Journey toEly. And !ell: his lifthand lhould know what hisright handdid, he fenc great Almes to many poore plaas, underother me~s names; and he frayed nottill the poore fought him, for he firll: fought them (as hts fervlntsimployed int~at fetvicecan wimeffe) as appeared at Farneh~m, a~ Wal~ham, andWtnchefler: And mthe !all: yeare ofgreat Sickneffe, hee gave mt~ts Panlh of S4mt SAvteurs,•~htmdredMt~rk~. Belidcs,fincethe yc:areoNe thMfandfix 'hnr~dred a~J - - , ~11mm, \.