d Funerall Sertnon~ Zl ·~~~~~~~~~-----t.<vmtie,as I have my infotmationfromhim, Jhat kept hisbookes ofAccounts and delivered him the money;hegave inprivaieAlmes to the !iunmeofone t.boufand;hree hundredAndfortie·pBriii_J. . , , . . . T)1e totall ofhispiotuand cbar#a61c tvorlmmentioned in his Will,ainounts to'the fumme of.fi-" tho,.fandthree httndredtwenty.fi:cp.unds. Of whi<:h, to Ptmbroke-Hail. fortheereCtion of two Fellowjbips, and other ufes mentioned in the Codicil! a:h811~fandpound,.to buyffiie potmd l4ndper Anm•m, to that purpo[e. Belide~ a B~[on and Ewer,likethatof thm FoundrdfeJat)d [omcBookes. , ,.,. p , · . . To buy two hundred pound per Annum, foure thauf'wr! fMnd : Yi'r.. for ageJ poore men, fftie.pound per v1nmem : for poore wid~wes, .the wiyes of one hu[– baodfftie pound: for.thc putting of poore Qrphan:S to t;remife,jifiie pdlmd: to pri{opers, ftftie .pormd. . . , . , ,. , 1 ~. . .• , · . Hewasalwayesadthgenr andpam~full Preacher: mofiof hts Solemne &er.· inons he was mofi carefull of, and exacr; I daref.•y; fe\',;.of thcm,butthey patfeci his hand, and were thrice revifed, before theywere preach.ed ~and he.ever miflikcd often and loofe preaching, withoot fiudie of Amiquitie: a9c! he wouldbebold with himfclfe, and fay, when beepreached twice aday at .Saint Giles, lmpra(ed Mfe : And when his weaknelfe grew on him, and that by infirmitie ofhi§ body he grew unable to preach, he began to goe little to the Court, not fo much forweakneffc 1 as for ina:. hilitie to preach. · . , ) . , .. . After he came to have an Epifcopall hou[e,yithaciMppell, he kept montyy Co11i; munions inviolably;yea,though himfclfe had ;ec~ived atthe,C:ourt,thc fame momh; In which, his carriage was not onely'd-ecent and.Religious, but ~lfo exemplll:ie: he ever ojftredtwice at th.eAltar, and fo.did eve~Y.'<ln>.ofhisServantsjto which purpofe he gave th.cm money, lefi it !ho.uld beburthenlo~e to them. _ . . . . . . . . . . Now before I c.ometo his,lafi ,nd,giy~ll)cle;;ve to tell y_ou,thaqirivatdy he did; much findefault and reprove three fins; tpo c9mmon, and reigning in this latter age. x. rfury was onelfrom which, what by his Sermons,what by private conferencebe ~·ithdrew mariy: z. Another wasSim~nj, fO>\vblch he endured many troubles by £!!.are Impedit, and Duplex querela : as forhimfe!fe, he feldomega;vea Benefice or preferment to him that petitioned~rmade fuit (or it: he rather fem for ~en '?f note, that hee thought wanted preferment, andgavethemFrebends,and JJenejc<1,.ucder Seale,beforetheyknew ofit; as ro M•·; Boys, ,and M•. Fuller: The 3• and greate!l: was Sacriledgc, whichhe did abhon e, as ope pridcipallcaufe among many, of the forren and Civi/1 warres inChriflendome, and invafion oftheTt1rke. Whei'dn eveti the reformed; and otherwite thet~ue profeffo~lfS ;md fervants of <;:: H 1\ x s T, bc– caufe they tooke Go n's ponion;and turnedit eo pnblikeprophane ufes;orro private advantcments, didfafferjullch~fiifemental).d ,co\recrionat, Go n's hand : And at home it had bcene ob{erved; an~ be wifhed foml:: man would ta~e the 11a!ncs to col– leCt, how many Families, that were raifed by the (poil~s ofthe: Church; were n'o\v vanif)Jcd, and t)1e place thereof l;no\ycs t~em np,more. . . , . -' ·' And now I drawroanend. G·o a's_H0ufeis u;~ly c~lle~, and is ind~tCl, Dcmiu brAtionu,theHoufeof \rayer,ita,cornpaniesajl.~ets do\}eln Go n's Houfe: ofthis Reverent Prelate, I may fay, vitaeju< vitAortttionu, hislife was alift of prayer: A great part of ft-ve horlrescverydii,y, diqhe fpendin prayerand d~votion to Go D. Af– ter the death of his BrotherM•. Thomp Andrewes,in the fickneffe time, whom helo· vcd deere!y'·he begari t<? fo~erell,h~s ownc d~arh; !)efo~e.th~.end of fummer, or be– fore the begmning ofwtnter; And when h1s Brother M•:. Ntcola Andrewes dted,he woke that as a cenaine figne and prognofiicke, arid warning of his owrie death, and from thanime till the houre of his ditfolution, hee fpent ail his time inprayer; and his prayer booke,whenhewas private was feldome feene outofhis hands: and in the time of his feaver and!all !icknetfe,befide~ the oftenprayers which were read to him, inwhich he repeated allthe parts ofthe Confe!liori and orber petitidns; withanau– dible voice, as long as his firength e\}dnted, lie did (as was well obferved by cenaine ~~~n·-if!him) comjrn!i!'lly'ma)( to hil)1felk, thQll!!llhdeeI!WI..othm.vj(e ._· <'l-.!"-l.L"'-------'------J