Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Apoc.t1,13. t.Tim,?.,J. eA Fui'Jerall Sermon. llumber: ~~whenhe could pray no longer voce., with his voyce, yet oruli<&ma. 11 ibm, by hfnng up l11S e7es andhandsheprayed!hll: and whennee manm,necwx >f Ji··illmfacitmt; both voice,a'nd eyes, and hands failed in thei~ offi'c~; thenCorde, w~rh his heart, hee !hll prayed, unnll1r pleafed Go n to .rece1ve h1s blc!fed foule to himfdfe. · And fo, hujmmor~alitas_ magi<jinita, quam-v~ta;his Mortality had an end, and he died peaceably.andqUietly mthe L? .. n, but h1s life !hall have no end : yea, then his lifedid begm, wl~en h1s Morrahne made an end; than~as l'iatali<, ~is birth·day, September X X V. berngMtmd~yabout.foure ofthe clockemthemormng. So died he altorum majore damno, 'f'?amfuo; With greater damage to others, even to all this Englilh Church and alf C::Ori!le?dome, than to h,iinfelfe: And Go n gram that ma. ny Ages may befo happ~e tobnng forth and ~n)oy [~eh~ Prelate,.fofurniaJed witn all endow~emsof learmngand lmeruledg~, \~lth tnmcencte aniiholmejJeof lift, and with [uchpum and charttu, as he !hewed mh1shfe and death. . . . Myconclufion is !hart. I have fpoken.fomewhat.of this moft reverent Prelate • bmmuch lhort of his graces and warth. In fumme thus much : In his life hewa~ concionator &Scriptorpo~entifimm; a moll:_ powerfull Preacher; andWriter : in his deeds and iCtions he waspmntiur & diufternior.,rnore powerfull and la!Hng. Death hath bereaved us ofhim; but his life, and ljis workes of!earning; and his workes of piety and cbmity, I doubt not but Go n in His goodnelfe will make rhein Mmu– mentum £YeperenniU<; a MotJUmem·rtiore !ailing than braf!e, ana flone, even to the commiogofourLo'R~ CHRI's'l'. . ... For, no' doubt, \vnilehe lived, he fowed the fincere Wordof life in the fouks of men; and in his)ife anddeath,po{#IN{eemo(ynam inJimepat~peri<; heput his Almefin~ to the ho(ome ofthepoore: and !hall Hay~oravitprQ eo; it prayed for him,andby it he procured himfelfe a flrong Armie;an\:! hellat~resfortes, valimt fouldiers,·'whofc ma~ ny prayers and blefiings Go n coilJI!lnot refill, the mher becaufe they knewhim not~ that'is too !hort,and the Text'goes further, Exoravit; it !hall pray and prcvailc t.:>o :and he and they haveprevailed,·and he is now at refi and peace in heaven, and fo!lowes the Lambe wherefoever Hegoes, 1 . 1 And after him let us all fend rhis blefiing which the voice froru heaven uttered; Write, Ble/Jedare the deatl, which die in the L o .. o. For the L o Ro, there w~s no caufe he lhould die; but he died in the Lo~tn,becaufe healwayes lived to the La.. o, and a happie death mull needs accompany and crowne f~ch a life. Fron: henuforth, faith the Spirit,thcy refffrom thm labours, all teares are Wiped from thm eyes, and all fighes from their hearts, and their ruorka foUow them; ~pera fe'luuntllr, & o;era pra:wltmt ;therrworkesgoebefore them: fo no doubt, but his workes have done, as the prdyer and Almes.' andfd,'ling of Corneli."' did; they haveproc~red a pl~ce for him in heaven~ and hts workes lhallfoOoru h1m, and the fame of him lhall ftirre up many to follow his example. · .. . And fo I end, befeeching Go a,togivetousall,as He gavetohrm,ourpartsin thejirff Refurre8ion, fromJinne tograce: And.tog~ant t? him, and all the: faithful!, and Saints departed, and usall wtth hrm, a)oyfull Refor: relli~n to everla!ling lifeand glory in I E s u s '. "''"'\ CHR I $'1', AMEN. (*"*) FINIS~ .. ... ·• . l ·