Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A TABLE, - --------------------------------~---------------~ Affemblies, what? wbat tt{eofthem, and Men often Called by that they are 1 •ofl gi· b01v to be quAlified, b. Ioo, &c. b.147, ve'? t_o, . . 136 &c; b. I55, &c. By whom to he called, Capnv1ry f]Jitttrlal,and Otlr delivery thence 99, Ioo,&c. Tbeirgreatnejfeormean666,&c.7o 4 ,7 05 &c nejfe,97,98. v1g<~inft Catnalitie. '6 4 ; Aihwedne[day,why4hesthengiven,z.o6, Ceremonies,_ of what importance, 520 • 244 How they dijfer ftom mjjh;ies, 2l,i 2z. Atheifi,gladat laft to (eeke GoD, 176 H_ow they htnde, &c; . b. ;o Attempts, their ijfues in Go D's·hand1, Ch1ldren : how htgh d prerogative to 6e B 976 Gods,I6I ·555,55 6, 56o. Who are His and how made? 57· 56z J6J 6 g; BAptifme, how needf11U, 676, 678. 'Ihreefbld, inCH It 1 s T,in *• 678. why 'by ·water, 68o. Whence it is, and what it worketh, 679,&c. Thevertue of it from CH R I s T's death, 678, &c. Why calledthe wombe of thechurch,79. ·Thmbyjinnes remitted, b. 59· What we made by it, 684. Hotv the workeofthe HOLY GHOST,64r.68o.Whyadminiflredat Pentccofl? 675. 743·· CH R 1 s r why Baptized, 676,&c. Iohn's•Baptifme, what it tva, 639, 645, 676,678. Baptifmall·vtttuu, 68o,&c. Beafls, why menfont tolearneofthem,I99 Benefits, how diflinguifht from duties, tmd howtobeqt~alrjied,b.93,94· Goods he– .flor~~ed without refPeil ofperfons, 727, &c. By m turnedoften to our bane, 3 I o, pr,&c. ofBethlem whereCH R 1 s T w.Uborne, 83,84, &c. 91,7>,94 ofeternal Ble!fe,38>,&c.387,389.4I8. 429.994. Whatitis,andwhyrtjerved . for hMven, 502. It the confummation ofthe myffery ofgodlinejfe, 22,23. Who attainc it, 67z, 673 Blef!iog, the Priefl's, whenpronounced,how • ejleemedof, 578. Ofa Fathers Blef!iog, AndC11rflng,88z,&c.HowGoo ando11r {r1periotm Bleffe uo, and wee them,495 Bleiiiogs temporal!, and our thankfulnejfe for them, - b. I3,&c. Bodiesgloriftul, theirplace and .flate. 4o8. &c. ThetmeBreadCHRis'I', 91 Brotherhood, oHrs with C HR I s T how high a favour, 555, 556. 56o, &c. Whenceitpr~ceedeth, 564 c CAlling, one to 6e had, within which to keep<, 76z,&c. b.6. Chiliafis confuted. ' ' 55 g Clmfme,wh•t kmdeofannointing, 8oz. CH R r s T, the time of Hi;comming, 25 • I3I,I32· What netdof Himtofave"' 26. His Perfon, twoNatttres, andthei; tmion, n,rz,z],84,88, 90, Io2, 165, 427,570. Ourallsancewitb-Him,27.He our[ttrety, 28,76. HisCircumcijior<,28, 48,49,76,77. Heajfumednot aPerfon, but the Nature ofman. 5. Ottr Deliverer andot~r Greide, 6. Why the{ecor<dPerfon intheTrinitie, 12,46, 57· What man– nerPrinceHeu,I3• Hisojfiw,IJ,36," 39,56,76,84,89, &c. I66,5]0,700• How6orneforall: and how not fer all, 14, 15, 75· Bee, andallHil, huwmade Otlrs, 15 ,41,42,58,397· Why Hetoske flejh ofthe!ewes, 7. The wonderandh-. mjitofHJi·incarnation, 8, 15, 42, )I,' 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 85, rrz, II6, rr7, I I9,rz t,rzz,rz6. H"hat ufe we tomlfke of Him, I6,zi.lnwhatre.ffei1 Heugi– ven m, 16. Ourpriceofranfome and of pt~rchafe, I 6,29,30,583,&c.654,655." Why h•rne man bme, 36. Why when the world w.,. taxed, 36. Why termed CH R 1 s1'>39,40. The SA v r ouR. of all, and chiefeojai!Saviours,39,4o, 4I. Why termed the L o It o, 4o, 41, 478,&c. WhytheWord,45,46. His eqtta!ity with the Fatber,46,56,57·How madeftef/,, 46,47· Hu humility in being {omade, 47,48. He alfiimedftejh 41 im· mediately a thefotde, 46. Huur Ch11m• pion · and H;. cirCIImcijion H/!militAry oath:48, 49· His Deity howmaniftjled, 49,56,57, 688, 69I. Heftillofgrace, 5n,HiJ armes {et up, 11ndjlyle proclal– med,54,56. WhyHecameafterthtPII– triarchts andProphets, 55. HiJ hrlmtlra· tion andexaltation, 435,436, &c. 47°J tpr,&c. He confejfedby aU,goodan had, 47 s. Heireof aU by ado~hlerrght, 58,I67. Why.incArnateby hemgconctdt· V('