ofthe principall Contents. - 'lled, 73· His hirtlnvhat,inngardofflis conception, 72, 74· By Him .upt~rged from onrJinnes, (o fei(td we are ofo11r tn– heritance, 5;:1. Why fome heretikes de– niedHts Incamation,73·Why Hehaddi. verfe T&mes, 74· 011r right to Him 1 75. How one Perfon with ra, 76,77. How many wayes with ra, 76, 77• His humi. /ityin flu birth, 87,1 og,I ro,&c, 145, 146. Why bome in the dupe of winter. 87. Hiseternitie, Sg. He our Captaine andShepherd,9t,92· wherein Mofes 411peof Him, 92. Hethe tmth, ro2. The S A v 1ou 1t of Iewes and Gen– tiles, 93· BothaLambeandaLion)567. Ht'<pcrfe(! rigktm1mffe, 103. He died andro(efor af1,34z,358,359,363,40o, 401 1 46-1. HowHetheSonneof Go o, ~7,16r. ThemannerofHis proceeding from the Father, 57· Ji/ee tU the c.Ma. lur,fothevpholderofall, 57,58. ·The mutejlto makeaU new, 58. The Fotm. taineof Adoption, Faith, Charily, 5.7· His Incarnation how oppo(cd b7 Jew and Gentile, 71,72,75· i!isSigne, what? Jo8, 109, &c. Hu h11111ility andglory, why ujtta!ly mentioned together, I09. His Cratch a prtparative to His Cro{fe, III· Hislnntomtn, II4,1I5,p9, &c. His ignominy t~(aally ha/lane'dwith His glory,I 15,II7. His Birth the down– fall of Idolatry, I21. Hee the head of Men and Angels,153,154,&c. Hu two– foldgemr.rion, 164. His typer,fuch.a werebothKingtaJJdPriejls, 166. How He wtU crucified, 335· His Soule-Jt1fi– rings,J36,337• &c. What Perfons the cat/fe afHitJt1firings, 338, &c. He our Paffi.cver, 449, &c. His death violent, yet voluntary, 485. Wherein lonas a TJpeofHim, 5I 1,5u, &c. Wherein H.e Me to a Gardener,538;539. To be other– wife reJJeE!ed .after His Refumfiion, than He was befure~ 547; His corporal/ • prefeilcc al.ne not availe~ble, nor alwayes txpedient, 551,557,558;·634. How He hath a Go o, 562. By Iuflice He died - 1111dro(e againe, 582. His quarrel!, 6at– ttll,villory,trinmpb,66·5,666. He to he conjidered, IU He u i!! Himfelfe, and ~>shfadofHisChuri:h,6n. HiJ,andHiJ Churches Vtrtnes, 681. lf.imfelfeJn A· pof/le and Evangelijl. 7"3,'7o4. To 6e. · worptitpcdin HiJ loweft ejlate,145,146. ·_How to look upon, andregard Him inH'iJ {utferings,34o ;&C.349,350.&c. 36); 438, 439· Hit (u{ferings tmpar.!lel'd, 352,&C.37o,37I,&c. Thehenifts of HiJ PajiM,36o,&c, Ht the Author and Finifoerofallourgood, 3o8. His life" c.ntinua/1 croffe, 372. His !Jiritua/1, qr internal! croffe,375· Hisdejiretofujfer, andjoy inJt<jf<ring, p8,379. Why c.l– ledaStone,anda Rocke,438. HeappM– rednot alwayes in the(amefoape,nor!fake with thefame voice after His Re{r~rrefli6n, 541,542, Heotlt example to be!oo– kedan,366,367. Notfoundtii!Heebe fought, · I45 Chriftmas, why {ocaUed, 23. The Calend< ofChriftilnity,53· Tobekept,andhow, I 7,j1,62,63. Thefe4jf ofC H t I ST's humility, 87. Againfl the de!Jifers of it, 63. CH R rs T then tobeefOtmdat Berhlem, and how wee m•y goe thither, 93· Thevertues andglory of the Feafl, I o6,1 07 1 122. vi day of joy, 64, &c. WhatthatjoJis,69,70. Thatitua(ea– fonofgathering, 155. It, andTwelftli– day, both dayes of Epiphany, I35. Chriftians, theirprerogative abovethe Fa– thers ofold, 53, &c. 75. Some now of" contrdry diffofitio» to thofl ofoldin re• gardof"crudty,&c. 682 1 IOOX. Chri-' ftians, CH 1t I s y's fons,t 67.G o o's childrmby Baptifme andbleffe, I67. A fl!!aternion ofvert11es in C H R I s T and them, I 05, I o6 Church : Go o's care of her, andlove to her, 273, 274, &c. 903. How built, whereof,&c. 437, &c. How afjliE!edf•r her fi»nts, 903, &c. Hercaptivitie, de– livery' and the I'falmes m•de thmof, 96, goI, 9o2, &c. What the forme of hergovernment, b.p,&c. How to kno•v whert[h(f5, 145· In her alone !Jirituall grace is Id be ~ad; b. 6i , 6oz,6o3. Het power togive Lawes to herchildren,2 2 3•· Wh4t bemfitfoe h•th bygood,what harme by bad Princes, >67, &c. Shee truely CH R1sT's body,•92. Fio•vmtitedto Him, 437,438. How deare toHim,z94; 779· How in Himcompalled together '"'d ordered, 440. Htr et>Jiomes, and their bindingforce, 517, &c. of"conten– tiomwithinher,)19,)20. Howfoeisa Dove, 68I, 682.Whenrightly ordered, when not, 75 6, &c. What church not to beo:f, 88c, 885. Of Church-robben, ande-liurch,'hater!J 2 89,779.Churcles: $ f ff f Z hOJP