AT AB L .._, ho•vtoheeJieemedandafeti,486. Not to grmofth.,, ;a~:d Gon~s bept~ll'd downe, ' 483>485,&C. from them, 82I, 966, &c. Con's Clemencie; horv requijite in Princo,'27o• po..,erproportionedto th<m, & 21 ' Serverity to he joyn,ed with it, z7o David'sclemencie,z7o. How he w.u ea[. Clergie: thtrr com111ifion,pswer,&c.b.49, led, andwhy termedaStMe, 44 l 5o, &c.. Theirimqr~alitie, b. p, &c. Dayes g~odorevi/1: how to be ajfefied on ,Comforter : rvhy the title of tJJC Ho~ Y theiiJ, 897, &c. Set {olemne Oayes 10 G Ho s T,6I8, 623. Why CH RI s ·r .·. preferve memorable.fls, s 9 o,&c. fo called, 6z4,&c. Death: what kinde.of[all,38·6. It is made Common-w~ale: theflrength ofit where· ajleepe, ~rref1,398,&c. How femjull i11, z6), &c. 953, &c. E/Jtcialtyifbyjire,999·Th: Evil/ Company, the danger ofit, 456 effiE1 of Jinn.e, 51.5. Death of ChrifliConfcience ; thedtE1amen ofit, 2or.CAfes am why net tobe l~mented, 539. Deaths ofConlciencewhy)olmlefludied, 258 dominion, 387. Ts be willtngly •nderConfidencein Gon'sbeingwrthus, 78 g1ne, 398,399. Deathfmjdm,and Confdfionvocallandreafl,477•&c.Con. tt~~forejeene, rooo. Hope inDeath ••d f, f!ion of flnnes procures mucy, 104. deepeff dangers; . 5151 How, and to whom tobemade,r98,z57, Deacons, who, andtheir Frmfiion, .b. 34 636 Debr: ottrsto Go o howgreat, 156 C.onremment: why not to beformdinthe offelfe-Deceir, . b. 140. creatllres, 5o r,5o2,625 ,626 Decrees: Go a's noi curioujly tobefearcht of Comririon,zii,ziz. How necejfary, into, 548,726 • andwhat'sthe right, 7=6 of the Defeating of a pliit gooii orevitl, .Comroverfies; away ofp~ace in the mitlfl . 972, &c. ofthem, I 8,I9,9I,I05,II4,&C. 913, Defenceby viole!IC(, when lawfult r 879 914. Ag41njt tmnecejfary Controvcr- Agllinft Delay indoingg6od; 6i9 lies, 123 Deliv~rances/illexpefled, 904,925, &c. ConverlionofaJinmr, howgreat 4 w1rke, ' 966,967, Iooz. So~ne by prevention, 516 fomeby[ub'11ention,9o7,927,966,987, Of Coven:mts, itndGo n'swithus.984, &c.Thofe the greateft thatfrom greatefl • 985. Cuvcnantofgraccmado,.,ithaU, dangers,5r5,97I,97Z,986,997, &c. 7 28 Deliverance from hwninmt danger, a CommandementsandCormf(ls, thdr dif. kindofre[twrec1ion, 515,39r,966 9 72, ferewce,b. 29, &c. Theendof•vicked &c.Goo's mcrcythetrue.:arifeofalmiCounfe!lerf, · 455 rac(6/omDeliverances,§lz8,966,roo,, Councels;theright ofca!lingthem,whofe I &c.G o o'speppre fo Delivered,a~ thm theirufe, b. IOl,Io3,&c. Wbat genetnfflliesdeflroy'd, 1003 •all,andhowmany. C.K 11 xsr'sDe[centintoHell,5IJ,569, 'Cour:•ge, agi(tofthe Spirit, 6·rJ, 623 . 572, 574 God', Courts, charges &c.i11.Hu Church, Spiritual! Deferdo.ns,~henexpedient,63f · '· b. r, &c. Defire, the nature of If, b. 66. '!'he &ha· Creation, aworl:e ofmercy, 963 rallersofagooddejire, ~6,6g of Creduluy, . z89, 290 ,Againfl Dc:fpaire, , 515 Agnnft Crueltyandrage, 877, &c. 893, Ddl:ru,t!~on, t~e ~tfei'J.'olJi~;m,5r5. Sud. ' &c. 967, &c. The Cruehy of the Piden,hvv fearefult, · 9J3,&C, vell,andht!, , , . 967,&c. Dr:tra&.ion,thebeginRingpffedition,95I .&gainfl Curiofitie in Go n's And Frin- Devil!, hu e11!11ity,cmelty,andthulegrees · cesJecrets, · 5'48 thmof, 967 'Curfes, horv turmd to Me{fing1, 884·Cur- Devotionwh11t hypocritical!, 227, zzS, fing,where ,.,dhorv lawfuU, 775, &c. &c. D • Dilcipline of the ChHrch horv necejfary; wherein it gpnfi.fls, &c. . b. 3Z ·Difcord: thegreat wtll of tt, 67z DAngers :fomep4f1 /;efort knQwnt,9z7• Di[eafes, their caufe, tbcir ~11re, I6o, &c. Whicblmlft d#ngerous, f}z 6. 1'hede: .Againfl Di[obediencw l'rmces,95",&c. Dlfpcn~