Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

of the principall Contents. D1fp~nfarions of the Pope, •g•infl Gods C1mmandemmts. b. 20 Divinity, the worth ofit, 324· ·botxrincs,newand[lrange, b. 25,26,&c The Doves properties, _ _ _ 681 TheDoxologie, lmv ancrent tt ts, 641 Dues :how ,zndto whom IQ be payed, b. 93, &c Duties : how hy the chrifli~n, !he civiUare jlrmgthned, 2 67 E being with Cbrifi ifl heavw_,So. oppoftd t~ the forbid.len (mit, 94· What manner offigne, II 8. The ~nely truefiajl, 70. Why termedSynaxu, 1)7,1 58. uf me– morial/ andpfrdge,457· 4 Samfice of thank(giving, )OJ,72I . The Sacrammt oflovt, 672. Wllhwhat reverence tobee meived,476,546?98r.b.35· Huf'l made theftid of011rfoules,;7z, 573,616 How afe~le ofthe covenant, 6;6. The if– fills of it, 516,564,576,579,589, 59o,6z6, 649, 66o, 67z, 696,721. Wh• rtcetve 1he benefit o[tt,551. Our EAST: there are the chiefi finners, tmi011 w1th Chrilt, andarnong~~t~rfltve: · 154 thmby ,9·79•158,432· ThmmamaniEalter; the Fujlo[peace,421. Thechrifefl.rion ar;dcomrrJ•IIicatto.,, n,42.43, flian P•Jfeover, 439,440. The princi6o,6r. Theretn Chrifl offered toM, and pal time ofminiflringtheSacrament_s,and hy ru, 1 6,42, 137· To be cde6rMedand releafin'!: the cenfores ~{the Church,5z9, rmiv;d upon Chrifis memorable dayes, 530. The keepmg ofir,wherm>groun43•)z,6o,94,Io7,128 . Themyftery tied, 518,&c.Thatitis .Apoflolicall,&c. andfruitofit,9>,94,1l8. Thmby the 447,448, &c. N•l keptwzthollt the Ert. Church m•dc BerhJ,m, 94- The dtgnity chartjf, 452, 530. The joyo[it,49o. andefficacy ofit,I4,1I8,445,4'64,6o7 .The dutiestherm belonging, 409,447• Howtebeajjelledwithit, 118. Thmby &c. 459,&c. 479· The dignity ,andprimen brought to ;heir highr.JIperfit1i•n on 'Viledgts ofit,andhowlong itwakept, earth,n8,I38,158. b. 35. Thereby 'J25,)26,529,53o.WhmceitGame,that we come to Chrifl, I37· In it Chri[l-; . fimeobfervetl it at the wrong time, 524 and allthat u hi1, I 57· Ofthe SacrammEClipfes may be fignts, 719 tallunion therein,157• JJy whAt vertrieit Edomites,rheworflofNaJions, 568, &c iJ made,393,453· Thereby we refl~rtdto -ufgainfllay-Elders, &c. b.23,34 lifi,4oz.That i11ught to havtd»ojferto• The End weeaimeat,oj wh•t weightin our ry, 5o3. b-35· 7• be freqHewtly ceicbra• allions, >54 ud•ndreceived, b. 36, By it flnsremitEnl,lland;_Gop'sgoodneffetoil, >96 ud,68). b. 59. Why inf/itutedatthe Enmity: what ma~mr th41 whtch commeth timeit was, 445,467,607. That itjitcofenviie, 786 ceded the Paffeover, 453, &c. H;w Cod$ Enemies' cenfou~ded, when his owne Chril'rfocrijcedtherein,4)3 ,#JJ(,572, people foved, 273, •74• Their different 709.How thereinrverewve Chrif1,491 .forts, 8z'i, &c. Who are Krngs enemies, The drmes thH"eto belonging, 454, &c. . :n6,&c. C" r ,,. s love tohis,67o. 457· Ourprep.vation tothe.rcmvingo[ Ghoply oftenmeant, when bodily nam'tl, it,741• Sundry errors concerning it, ill · 568. Their enmity,whepce, 568. Why the Chnrcl• o[Rome, andelfiwbm. b. feared,andhowrmtohefeued, 78 :15,36 Epiphany; what Fe•Jifocalled, 135 The word ·'£,Jb<l<, whatitftgnijiethinGod, Agai~Equivocation, 456 127 Errour oftbeheart, rm{ethanofthehead, Examples; what prcjit to he hadofthem, 197· WhenpardonaiJle,7z6,J27· Er,ors 365, 309, &c. 31o, 3r8, 319, l oo6. in Rtligicn, alway in the hejl, . 7>6 Chlifi ONrtx•mple andpamme, 36~ 'f.rerniry,for.ward,ha.kward, 89. Allpre· Exaltationafter humiltation-; in Chrifl, in fent, . !65,!66 . "'' 664< Eucharifl, aSacrifice, and ASacrament,r(), 9'•421, 451,451, &c. 457· Thechiefi part ofthe Liturgie.3z. The oonduit-pipe ofgrace,andfeale o[truth,p. Ourffiiri. ~ttall-phyftck, 59· ...,1 preparative ofoHr FAith IVtrcommeth aU 3ifjiculties, IH; &c. Hcf/1 rbereh] w" ~" Abrahami ~mr ~ . ftetl1