AT ABLE, {ttd, 7, 8. Gods power thr reafon of it, .72.Bywhat fftptit itknownr,r4o,143· rlw ontly tme which hath nptntanu joyned with it, 244, 24~. B9w thereby Chrifl itflene>3 62. ro bee temperedby flare, 477,742, 743· rhe mcanu nnd certainty ofit, 542. What dcetee lj"it may bcin Pagam,7i3 · What right, what not,736. To be ioyned with afound lift, b.38.29.TheC01IrAge andpatient waiting thmof,&c.43 r. Ill right, 76.What dif– ference 'tr~~ixc it a~dcrcdtJ!tty, 141 .Abra– hams, hiJVforre it reached,68. Fatth of Prophuy, and of Bijlory,69. Thereby Cbrif!touched, 55 I Falling an aB ofthe (ervice~f God, 117, 218. of the duty offajling, andh~"' by the church it ispreflrtbed,2o9,&C.214. &c. 223, H7, 236,237,&C.253, &c. The lcindu and degrees oftt, 2 I o,2 15, 216,12). The ends ofit,lli,&c. By what thingt it is marred, z3 I, &c. Bow weU if foiuth with rtpentanct, amirep111tance with it,z38,2 39,&C.246. A fUr– therance both of almes aRd prayer, 254· Whtn tofa.ft,zzg,&c. Offlt Fajh, 2o3, ·•. 124 Farhers, flvtd fiy faith iiJ Chrifi, 64,6~, &c.KRew the judgement to Clme,6~ .Had the myjlery ofCbrifi revealttlto them}] part!, and fondry W47U,54· Bow thty and we of .nerdigion, 62 ·A Fatherscotmflll, h11wto!.t regartltd,946. God, how the Father ofall, moreefPeci– ally ofChrifiians,56o,561,&c. How he becomes Ollr Father, 56r,562,&:c. l'earc, thegoodthatcommethoj it,3o5,&c. • What Fearc God liketh, what not, 9'.94. The F~arc II[God andofthe King; their conjrmB;on,ordrr,agreemtnt,949·Feare o[God wb•t, and what it r~~orlwh,7l9. Feare of aDtity ,bowgeneral!, 73o.Wh•t 11ft ofFeare in the New Tejlament, 73.0. Fearc of enimies, how remedred, 78. .. Fcarc of he!! what it worktth, 242 ;peafis, how kept by the Iewes, r oo8. How to be ktpt by :u, 384,897• .Agais.ft the 4•[}ijersofthem, 63. Chriflsftflivals, horv wellor~md, 629 ,71 '· Theirfive- : ..r.a/1bentfirs,6tg,Ofthe Feafls ofPurim, 11ndthe tike,inflitulf.dby the ChNrch,2o3, 2~4.997,1005 ·Fclicirywhat, 418>429 Fincliqg, not rvi~hci.tfleking, · 144,145 Flcfl1, the vz~lence if it, 1f)i w_hyt~ beepre- •· . .. {<r<itdp11re, 5t Dj tb~dN~J ofForgivingorhers, 4r 4 ,&c F?rmcat_ron, how pu•ifbed, b. 163 Frrfi-fruus, the manner andflgnijication of them. 39'~.. G I Nwhat fin(< Chrifi aGardner 53 8 5 , Gentiles, their calling,andthe P~tdic7;/!, therto/, I30, &c. 141, 5 09 , 5 I 0 , 715 , 723,724. Thm kn•wltdgeof Chril!s commmg be(ore hecame,r 33 , 134 , Di– 'fltrs called before hrs comming 134 Their converflon whq[t worl:e ;/Id bo~ grw, . 65·3 Hot Y GHOST,whyfoca!led,6 53 .why termedtht Spmt,6or.Why the l'arac!ett or Comforter, 6r8, 6r9,&c. That one there is,andhowby m acknewledged,6 4 o 641. That bee u God, andaPerfon di– jlmB6y hl1njel[e,642.7I3· Hi;procij!i– on from the Father,a~d thesonne,6 43 , 688,701,713. 8u if{iceandwoikes, 644, 651,654,679,714. Ho•~heeu gr~eved, and why hejhoHid not be, 61o, 65r,656,&c. Hi<rel•tion toChri(! ' 683. His threuommings,their ordcr,d;fi ft~ence, anddtgrm, 686,&c. Hiuom– mzng h1whighafavour,714,595. HoJV hre # a gtfi, and the givrr•faUgifts 745 ,&c. His different gifts , 623,631-: 635 ,&c.668.&c.7' 5,&c. What rme[. jity 1[hu wnming, 6yi. Why fent at Ptiltec#,597,598. Why hecamenottill Chri!l•Jiended,633,&c. Whyfitftrth ~J many types,6J6 .How andwhy he firfl vtjibly, andnow invijibly,6oo The necej!tty ofreceiving him,639,644,655• 656 What.fpecialltntereji he hath in6ap• tiftne, 641 . How to know ifiVe have htm, 645,742 .Hif gi{ts,h6w dijlri6uttd,67o His place what, andhow to bu pnpared, 671. His comming, howproc11rtd,679• H1r11 hindred, 6o7, 618, 626, 647• His properties whmin he is uftm6/td61 the Dove. 68o. Hit commiHgon Chrifi; thecaNfl ofhis cominingon othm.699• His annm;tiation by Chri!l bimfilfl.617Horv he dwe!leth intl1,andfilleth11s.6o5·· 6o6. 6ro.6n.6rz.66j.&C.67I.&c, How givento thtm that havehimalready 61 r.,622.6ZJ. Ho1vmaiaie preparedtl 'uceivehlm.' 598.&c Gifrs ltfi m, & (cm liS 6y Chrifi; &thir AUtance