AT AB L I; ;;.arnation mibirth. 16. 6o. 73• 87. Invocation ;thtJrerogativesofit;;;di;; , ~8·93 · H>9,&c. 132. The Bethlehem mAdeejftflqaf!, 72 if vertues 93• 94• The figne whereby Saint John, why likenttlto an Eagle, 4 : .~OR a R 1 s 'I' may bee found. I<!l8, &c. Ionas, the Prophet of the Gentj[(S 503 "1"11efigne of aChri}Na11:II3 ·~7o. 48o. 723. Wherein a type of C a; 1 51 ' J'~liDJVedbyglory. II7•470. Howtobe . . 5o 9 ,&c: I~;fumed sf. 4 7 I .48·o.t~;be joynedrllith Joy; whereof If properly ari(eth, 8 35 ; The otedience andgoodworkes,94·471.479 dijfmnt kindrs of it, 37, 69, 70, 3 34 , ltumiliation· C a a x s T's And Ollrs. Tbeloy•ffalvatim, 38,68, 71 , 709 , ' • . 664 899• Reltgiom Ioy, 898. With 1 Nt Humour; mifotkenforthefiirit• . 6Io 1oy no contentment in anything, 8.p. Hypocrite, what ;andhow di{c.ernedf694· of the Joy to comt, 457· C 411 fiteffi 6 4 6. When mgfl tobefeared mJjl,mJoy, s 31 ned. 226, &c.z3I.Z90·Z9I·294• of Ifraelites,thtirperverfmef!e, 276, 27 8 Hypocrites, aJJd the different forts of . &c~ them.z3x. oftheirdevotion. '1-17, Jubilee, wbkhth~trueone, 699, 7o8, &c. 709 Judges, their dutie : alltobeat!aft jttdgtd, I ! A G~inDidlene!fe, 763 greAt ajiNNe, b. 124, &c.The downe-fallofit,by CH R 1ST's birth, Ill 'Ihe Name I E s u s·howgivtn,how exAlted, ho•v to /.e reverenced, 473, &c. Compa– . redwith theNamelmmanuel, 75 lefuites,what m4n»ermm, 682,690 Iewes And Gentiles """~ilul, 104. The !ewespunifhment {orl:illin~ CHRIST, 884. The IewifhCommm-wealth why 110t ab,lifoed tiNC H a. 1 s 'I' came u. Why atrheloweft whm flee "'"' borne, 87, 131 Imaginations, what 111n1 dayes wsrjhipped, b, 25o26 ofthe nAmeImmanuel, 71, 72,74• &c. lmpenicencie Ana the CIZ~{es ofit, 196, ' b.63 Imprecations, ho•undwheN lawful!, 775 C a 1\ I s 'l''s Incarnation; the wmder of it, I9,20,27,72• 'The tn~th of it, 2o. ThegrAm ijfuing from it, 5· The end and benefitofit, . u, 11 The heavenly lnheritance,!Jfhat,5o I, &c. flow we are rejlored to our inheritance, 500, 5oI, 708 Initiation; therites ofit, 7I 4 AgainD AilliJJg the Innocent, 88x, &c. The want of Innocencie fopplied bype– nitencie, . 249, 250 C a R 1 s 'I'' s Interceffion, ~~>hat, andhow ejfol111all, 623 our o~Pne Invemions,thtWlflll{all{i1mes, ' b~I6J,I64 b. I52,153,&c. Selfe-Judging how necejfary, 7o6 Go o's Iudgemems,theircau(e: hDWthey •re re111oved, b. 159, x6o, &c. I59, I6c, I64. Why often exmttetl 6y An– gels, b. 1 62. The t.ff Judgement uni– verfall, &ertaine, &c. 2ox, 243, 28I,' 7I8,b.151• How to 6e{avedinit,7x8, &c. Go o'siudgememsagainftimpe– nitent jiNners, 11nd relapfint rightmu Perfons,andthe memori•lsojthem,299, &c.;ro6. oftheJudgementimmediate– ly afterdeaih, 31z IufiiceandReligiont#6ejoymd, 2 6 5, &c. Iufiice, how required in J.!.~lers, 267, . 270 Iuftificationby C a R I s T's righteouf 11ejfe, b. 70, 71,&c. Th•t it u aIudici– al1Afl,b.75,76• Howby faith, how 6yworkes,7,8. b.76,n,&c, · - THe KeyesofsheCIJIITch; whengiveli) to whom, their power, necefii!J, ufe, &c. b. 49, &c. / Kings ;whycaUedGo o'54nnointtd,789; 819, &c. How they holdofCH .. Is 'I', 335, &c. b. 94,95• HowAndwhytobe {eAred,948,&c.Their nlation to GoD, 778,8I7;&C.947• What they .are fl_ thechur&h, 78o,8z8,&c.. ThezrFer– fons not to be violated, not in warre, nor IJy If her Prinm, 789, 8o6, 868. Row o•d(oever not to be toNched, 791, &c. Their Cr#.,ms preferredby themto theJr li1m, 8z6, SJ7. Their pmmilltn{t, · · AnJ