of the principall Contents. andprerogative,847· Their power inJ}i– rituaU m•ttcrs, rooT· How at Jirftfit over Godspeople,b.II 6. Their govern. ment t/;ebi(l; IJO>v needfi.ll it ih and the 11•am ofit;how htlrljilli.b.Ii 5,6·c.b.I1 r What jhottid be their care of religio11, b. 123 &c. whata6enejitit.is[I]to havea Kmg [z] 11 have one wellqualijied,z 73, &c. 277, &c. 3o8.8I8.939. b. 126, &c. Dmies to God andthem,joyned. b. 90,9 I,&~. That they raigm,Taigne long, and wt!l,i<fromGod,939,&c, Ofthe Emmiu to Kings and I<tngly gsverne– tnmt, 776,&c. 937·948,ch.978,&c. Their right, what ; and whence derived. . 798.8r7,&c. 868,&c.935,&c. Kingdomes hmdttary,the teft, b. 115. of the flrength anti weakeneJfe of King– Q.omes, 264,&c Knowledge.; the perfiflion ofit, rvhat,335. Ment defire ofit, 17· To be joyned with prat11[e, Io5,1c~. But in pm,in thebefl, . •ndattainedtobydegrees, 715,726 Knowledge ofdi't!tne things h1w to bevalu– cd,324. Chrijltan Knowledge, what, 3~3>384;&c L ney, and whatto beloskttoinit.90·9l· . . 205.206 Light: ttJ goodne{f'e, perfiflion, &c. 750, The differentjortJ ofit, andallfrom G• ' . ' 750·!5' Litde things, not to btlittlefetby,s6..!i. Outoflmle things God r~{ilally brtt;t, ct great . . 86.87.1II•.r~ Love: thetJatureanddegrw o{it.323,&c.•t 33o.Gods toman,fhewedby Chriftsin. carnation.11.73• ofChrills Love to men. 319•.&c.3.7o,&c.p7o.&c. Ours kindled by his,364.&c. Thejroptrtiesof trtte love.4o5 .&c. Loveof (;od ivhich th~ right. 746. Chnfis to m;ours tohim: ihe r~ward,the proofe ofit,&c.j 33.6rg. &c. 672 .Love to the dead:the jignes and duties o[it,4o5,&c.433· 'Ihetruelove o(Chrift, what.;o7. of love met wttb unkindnelfe. 321. 3,;1.2, &c. The love of foules.p3 •314• Love a chiefepart of godlinejfe. . _ • 2 z of Loyalty in Subjec1s. 945,946,&c• That it uagift o(Godsfpint,87o• Thdt no hindran~e to Religi1r1. 945,&c M MAgi!lratc~ ; tluir pl.ee, intqu•lity; CHrift both 4 LambeanJ aLion; 667 dr~ty,•nllwh•t due to tiJem,r+5.&c. Law; manmadermderitbyjinnt, 29. Magi,whofocaledifold, 135'·136 Hi& bearing oftt,J3. Chriftsd•Clrme, a Mahomctifme, worfe thAn Heatheni(me. L~w, and fo to ht(alled, r6x.&c.x65, , 10., &c. Gods Law,thejlrmgthofmam,z6-j. Againft Malice. 643 The Law o[Mofcs, theLaw ofChrift, Mao; whertip {ilperior, whJi'eiiJcinfirisr te 597• Larveshorv to bejertijed.b.r49· the t.Angels.x.i.3 . 8.I4.lt{an~nature What Law the meafiere of our righteou{- adoredby the .Angels.&. 5 I. Mans t>it{try mjJi.993·GodsJfatute,andhiscommonwithout Ch~ift.7c>. Ofmans threefold Law.l6I.HorvbyGodsLarvandmans, e{fate.r5I. In every man twoint/1,67'- men kept backfromfinne. 266 Mans dignity amsng the creatures, and . HowGod is our Leader. . 276.&c howefleemed.by God, 96') Learning; no hindrance to failh in Chdft. Mary, hervirgintty before,in, andafter her, . . 136 child-birth.71.TheLandofpro,ni(e.xo: of the Lcnr-fafl : the antiquit1, dnrance, o{Mary M_agdaleo,l>(r love,dwstion,and manller,andfea[onoflt. zo'4. 209.11 j; prerogatives, 185.&c. 404. 531, &c. &C.l23.&C,U7.246,&C.259 543•553,&C. Leven of dolirine of life, 456 Ag&infl Mariana's dotlrine ofthe killing of Life eternal!, why to be~ in heiwefl, ro1. Kings. 8o7.8o3 Wqat manner Inheritance.387.5or .How Martyrs, n1hy theyfuffireJcheerefNUy. 356 wethminto be with Chrill,79,&c.our Chrifttlietrt<eMediator. . . 76.77 frvo lipu: How loft a11dreftored, ai1dto Mepitation,theproftt therehy rmiv'd. 64fl rphom. 399· 4oo. &~. Our iierv life in The want ofaffetlton,frst» the want oftt. Chrift.39'· A verttJMS life how arace 8 orgame. 366. Long.life sfno worth, if Meetings,their t.reat~ejfeDr 1f!t4miejfe.9'(. 1!_olreligious,838.839• Ot~rLifeajour· 93 - - ·-- --- - - :Ctttt l{ewor1.