Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

The TAB L Jt, Memoryofthings pajl,how needfu/1. 301. 302.309 Merciespleafor m,99. Mercywilhout,and Againjlmerit,918,96o,&c.xoo3. of the h~wels of Gods merciu. !}19. &c. 960. The eternity anti neverfailing of them. 430. '1he .foverAigmty ofmercy, 958.&c. 'the nature if it, 11ndwhatin God,96o,&c.Ail&reaturu needit,961 &c. extendedto a!J,evmthife in heU,961 &c. The callje of creation, previdence, &c.463,497. Grwer rhano11r greateft ji11s,964. More or leffiaccerdingto the objell, 965,&c. The Fotmtaine of aU Godsblefongs, 497 0 OAthes; when they hind; whm~01• b:· 47· 48. What lawfitU, what not. thtir different kinds. b. 39·4o,&c. Againjl prophane oathu, andexecrati1ns, 993 • Of the _Oath Ex officio. b. 47 Obe?tence,IVhat tt u,471. To hejoyntd Wtthhumtltty,471,479· Theonely infal. /rUejigneifleve,629,&c. Though im. perje{}, yet actepted, 6n. The way to hleffi.r05.478, 479• It not controver– jies,the way ofpeace,r8, t9.9o, ofobtdi– encetsGodsw~rd. b.129,&c. Chn!ls otedience afiive, andpafive, 619 vfgainft Obfiinacy in}innt,r97,&c.537, 659 Of the Chriflian Offertory. b.35,36 Merits,not 11 heprefumed •/·733· Life eter– nA!J, not[r~mthem,5oo. The right ac– ceunt ofthemg~odor bad,x56.256,6u. b.76.77, &c. ofthe SaiiJts merits, b. 76.n.Chril1meritedhisglory, 474 The Mid'ft Chrifisproperplace, 420 Milduefft, how pleajing tBGod.6go. Of Chrifis mitdnelfo, 916,&c How by Offerings Godu worfoipped, 146 Oinrmenr, with thefpirituaU, 7or,701 Order,thenecejity·~~exuUencyof'it,76o, &c. ojOrderandunity, 441 ChriftsMinifters,theirgifts,caUing,worke, 701. 702. 757• 758,&c. HOWIItjirjl, aNdhow now enabled.7o 2. Their unl1io11, mijrion, andfo6m!fi~n. 702.703·714. .All Chtlrch.ofjicers fo jlyled,76 I. Their placu to bee f"f"'tiotml to theirgifts, . . 764>765 Chnfis Mtffioo, to what; andthat it uthe cat1ftofa!lothm, 699,&c Monarchy,the hejlgovernment. r 3.b.II 5. &c. ofMortificatinn, or dying tofin, 390 Mo[es,whmipatypeofChrifi. 92 Sudden Modons ofgrace not tohe defji(ed, 6ox The Multitude how hard tobe rHled, 276, 278,&c Mufick, the right uft ofit, 263 o[Myfteries:andthe my(leries ofg:odlinejfe I 7. I 8. My(lerie,hsw different from tHe– remony,2x. 22. Myjlerits l{godlinejfe, what to werke in us 5 andhaw wrouKht hy ..,,a. Myjleries ta he heteeved, not com– prehmded, 72 N ~':;~J ,. ' .. 'GODS Name;'our dt~tytoit.b. :ro. &c. 83, &c. Againjltht ahttft lj'it, 993. Godsnames,their diffirewce,iffica- , cy,&c.b.68,&c 71ierealityofNames, impoftdhy God, 74· ~.6~~69 Orders, hsw • Sacrament, how not, 687. What grace conferred6ythem, 695, &t." ;;o3,H~w reteynedin the Churoho[Rome, . 687. p PAraclete, why caUed, 624 Againjl Parity in Church or Common– wealth, 777 Parliaments , what manner of Ajfemhliu theiru(e, duties,&&. b.z4i Chrifis Paffion, hi.s humility and111r heiJe. fit greater thmi11, tha10 in hif birth, r5. 10. How to leoke upon it andregard tt, 334,34o,&c. 349,&c.J65 . Thereby Godswrathpajfethftom "'•77· Therein WIIS paiiJeandfo•me intmhangeably,37 I &c. The greatmffi ofit, 4£7,488: Therei»ChrifipreffidtiS ina wine-preffi 57Z PJ!Iions; why attributedto God, andhow, 657, &c,Why.fometimehtfjeal<ethtPin pajrion,xg4,I95 .202, WhatobjeOtour f4Ji•nstobehe(lowedon, 2.20 Paffeover what; Chrijliam h4Vt one, tke dutiesthereto belongi11g,447,&c. Eafter our Paffeover. 439,440 Pafl.ors, who fo c-Uedofold, 58o PafiorstfndDollors, how Godsgifu,615.' 669 &c. How to bteefleenudof. 670. l!_~w_tht] vep~w_ ~hernjilvrs on their4fl'J!,t 3Z •V .•