Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ofthe principall Contents. O/ChriftsunpuAileO'dPatience, • I 3' EviOplots, why"permittedto com;,rMrd, Patriarchs, wbyfo coiled? and thatthty ' beforttheyf•deft.rtd, g8o,&c were Princes, · 798,8r7,&c Policy Ecclijiajlica/1 andCivil/, their nePeace, wtth~11t it no (ervice acctptablt to ceJity, diflmllion,&,c. 282." Why jome God,u3. Thefirjlthingto befought,af ' poore,[omeri<h. b.zz ter Gods glory; r 24. Procured6y gtvtng Pope: ofthe power ·by him ~fitrped in.things God his gi~YJ, 125. The El~gies ofit, temporaU;915, &c. Hisprkle,&c.226, ll4,IZ5 ,4r6,&c.67z,68o,&c, The Iocr. ofhi; keyes,68t. Hi; jndgement hwlranw oftt,127. It wtwot befevered not inf•llible,7'1. 5,726. His difjm(ations from rrghttall{ntjfe, r 05. What Chrift 4gainjl Gods commandwients, · b.2 o dtd, •ndji1foredfor tt,417.The perftlll- 'Prayer,how furthered byfafting, 2~2,254 011 anddtJftrentfortH/tt,418,&c. H•w Whatjlrength .cquiredby it, z_66. vJ to be{ought,419. Of peace in Chtmh and chiefefruit ofrtpt'ntance, 2 53,&c. The Commot1.11Jealth,4 18, &c. ofpeace in rt· chiefipart of.Godsjirvict,992.0fpraylzgion,4I4,4l·8, &c.913,914,&c. Our er,andtheerroHrsconcerning it: [et pray. peace Wtth God, how wr~ught,,mdwhat tr,the L1.rds praytr,&c.b.36. The force ttworketh,58o,58r. vJway~fpeacein of pr•yer inremo,1ingplagues,r64,&c. the middejl ofCD/1/roverftes,r 8,19.9I. Priejls prayers, their efficacy, &c. r66. 105.414, &c. 913,914. Peace now, . What gefftue ·prayer rtquireth, b. I65, h~ingeth pwe for ever, 1 o5, at Chrifts 166. Prayer imdProphecie whence, 4nd htrth,peaceoverthe Eartb, every manner , tbetr mutual/ relamn, .. 715 ,&c, way, r z3 Prayers a11d prtt/illiom in·one ana thsflzme Pennance,to6eimpoftdandappointed6ythe fpmh, ·' ' 774,780 Priejls, 257, z58, the three partJ of it, Preaching, where andrvhy 'ltarmedpr~phe~ •865,&c cyi11g, and hdW'to6eregarded,7r8. To OfthePenirentiallPfolmtt, z54 breed neither differati~!l nor pre{u'mptioll, Pemecoft, hw high, and what manner .. · •· ·.: ., ·,·" •740 fe".JJ. 595, 596, 6o6, 6o.7, 6o8, 6o9, Preachers, w'homay 6e, who 'not,717.Their 61z,6 I8,628,6 29,631,6 51,668,670 voyce,~ow andwhm Gudsvoice,6or,&c. 699·70!J,736·7'Jl6 . The dutiestheret~ 6o9.612.614· Not e.(pare the "!ighey, 6elot~git~g, 596,599,606, 6o7, 6o9, therich,&c. b .r,&c. Their 11tter1nce 6r5,6r6, 6t9,67Z,7ll,743,746 to6emild,&c,69o. Agamjlproud c~nPeople,theirfoH1 andgiddine{/i,z76,z78 temners, a.~dprofotmd ceTJforers of them, &c. Thtirjudgement not to be regarded, • b.6' z36. Agamjl the deftre of their applarl{e, Precifians, their mifregmling ofauthority; Z34·Godspeople, thei~worthandprero- . . , 949 gattvu, 279, &c. Wh] reftmbled to Pnells, Godsremtmbrantm.Joi. · Their Sherpe, 28o place, their duty,267,&c.z8r ;&c. The of Perjury, b.4z,&c refpec1 flite 1~ them; andwho theirenemies PerfeCtion, what inthff life, 586 z83,2 84. Not a!lofthef11 to·prwh.b.34 ofPerfeverand: in Gods {ervice, 994· '1'/;eir CMnft!l, and comfort to kejo11qht, lfowneeJfuUiti!, · · 535,659 andconfejftontobemadetothem, 636 OfPerfeveranceandfoiling back,3oo, &c. l,'ricfthood; in a peculiar 11Wimr fr•m Chrill our example ofptrfiveranct, 369, Chr~ft,688,691,&<. The twofoldf'rv~ 391. Perfeverance in Chrifts Difiiples, er them(over[znne,689.How highap.- . . 4I5,4r6 vourthere6yjhew(dtomm. ' 69r Phanfees, whdt mAnmr mm, 5o7,&c O.fgoodPretences ID badpurp.[es, 287,&c. Philofophiethwarteth not Divinity, I36 ofGo D 's Preventionofotir de fires•4r5, Plague,thewlje,thecureofit,&c.b.r59, 835,&c. &c. P/ag11tt r(m6v(d6y (X(cutionoflu- Againjl Pride; IIJ, n4, u5, I33, &c• . Jlict. b.r66,I67 ·647,b.z,&c.b.r63. The evidences Pleafures temporiiU mnpartd wiiheterna/1 ofit, b. 5· T~atit i< an hinderance of . . torments, ju,&c of Almes, 317 Plorsltket96irthn,97z,&c. of defeating Princes, their pla~e,thtirduty, i.67>&c. '!/them, 971 z8r,&c. fYh.~treJPeflduetothem;alld Ttttt ~ wh1