whotheiren~mies, 18~, z84. Princes &Mgruity thereof, w#hour ~ ' dG' "d 8 fi , .. h naer .t•one terme P.. D S 41101/lte , 79 , mJe,_ 37+· Tfltrttn rzg teoufntf!e and 799· oftheir anointing;8oo.The1 hold mer:ze (n,eet, 98, &c. b. 7 3 , &c. The neither ofthe Pope norpeople, 8oo, &c. ple'! sofmercy,tmth, righteou(nef!e,aoe{ 935, &c. They are S4£retlintheir Perpeace, aborlt tt, and'thezr reconciliation fon,Office,&c. 8oz,&c.• Theiranoit~.- 99, roi, &c. b. 73·• our redtmptio; ting what,it il; tlndwh~th.erit may_ bee fom holl! fm•D hJginnings., tu, &c. wipedoff, s·o3,&c. 8I9,&c.llorvthey Tkmby heaven anrj,eart!. reconailed. hormdio beGoo's Se1vants, 818.c/e. 116. T/Je joy ofit,·6S·. ·The.reby aDga~ men~ie~ af}uiallvertttein them, 82o. the,redin(oone, 15o,&c. o(theplemi Their right todt4le with holy Perfons 11nd fiilf!ejfe if it, 388. Ho~jitly And jufl!; mAtters, 820. Thetrfafety fromG,o o, perfoPmed>399· 'Thegrutne({e of 11 6y · 8r6, &c· 83I, &c. Their Crowf/es, by C H a 1: • . r,.449.•. &o. Howwroaght, • whum tohJet on andt4ken ojf,837,838 66],&c.Whtch.pafi;AIIdwbichtocome To betme to them, though ofafat(e R.tli. 655 .Redei,nptiopoj;a/1 hJ C" 1 Is r: gion,853· '[htirSupremMie in ChNJ&h ' 709. 'l(gredemptionwithot~tfataf4m. Altd State, 442. Their dues, whAt, 4nd on, 101, b. 73· Th~lijftrenC£of rctleehow to bee paid, b.!!~~ 89, &c. Their ming, and't!Pctpting, ';'o8. of OilY RefHn(/ionfromGo o, 'b. 9e,&c. When, d.emJel', Hioj'er{op. 'l!{Jttttres 1 &t.if. 27 ,· ~ ttndiJihy·(alledGods, · b. I45>&c. &c. Wkere Gon jirjlfonamcd, 426, Promife;how tt diffirethfam performAnce, That thejujieft meh needone, ip6 102. Go o's promi[es,their accomRli(hofuti.reformed Reformers, .. 1.89 . menfto hepatiently WAitedfor,5 99,60 0 Regeheration, whatit iJ; andhowtreat-A fretended Propqecies anddreamet, 716, benefit, .497· Wreoght 6y the H iH y &c. <.Againft the pretended liberty. of G H,o s r, andwhy, 31, 68o. Tbatit prophecying, 717, &c. Prpphecies a i6fom CH R r s T's death andre{t.rre. - greater flay to 011r faith than miracles, flion, 589. Agreaterworke than creaIO,I45·WhythechiifeJtPropheeiesbf tiofJ, tboPgh lvret~ghtllSJf, .644, 679, C n "Is ·c ••mo ;,. tirncs of diflre{fe, 68o . ' I.,I' Ip Religion, the necejJAry points of it plflJne; Go D' s Providence O'tftr the leaft of His And what reckoning (q,h~made of. them, · workes, 96z, &c. Tlwit iJ dijftrent,.. r8, I9.,JO}. TheGhti:ftianthemlytrue, theopj(lJ$ are, 965 109,122,127. Howheg,.n, and •fter ofthe Bookeof Pfalmes, · 263,2.70 propagatedovertheearth,Io4,69o,&c. Ppnilhments ara mtdiciJ!U, ·883. What 385. POjihility '.[falvation to All that gopd commeth hy the due ptmifhment of boldthe necejfary points of it, Io5.That .flnpe, 191. Jrhy ca!le;l j11dgements,2'JJ I it iJ A law., 4ndhatJJitJ l.at?.es, ,I 6I, r6z. Q[go.odPurpJ)frs wttho{lt1[efl, 98o, &c. ~tall, nor chiefly in hearing,24o~i411 Puritaae~;whqthey were lind..are, 411d what To Gejoyned withjuftice, 265,&c.':i82, ·r their.tenets;46z,463, 6ro,·!S94; 696, &c.Whatjirengthcommeth{i'omit,265, , 7C3,b.z9~&c. &•. How it 6othcuxethandpre{erveth, " , 300. Thehadfuits-.of dijfentinit,and R ,, theremidies,9IJ,&c. Hiwtodifcerne , truereligionfomfatfe, 92o, 949,95!· REdcmpdon,whAt it if, 1111d wh4t ozm, Religion a companion.andJNrtherer of Z9, 68,654,668. Go o's guat loyallie,948. Thejir{lpart if thechug~ . mercyarJdlovadec!aredinit,4,'S,6,4~> 1 · ofKings,b.123,&c. b.r4g 77, 78, U4, rr5, uo,.u r, 126,"343> RepeQt•ance, the necefitie ofit, 193, &c. &c. 359>37o,&c.378,&c.496,498, 2.44, 249, &c, What it if, 204, &c. 582,&c. 965.· Why1mtheAngeliht[t 207. zo8. 2!2.249· 255. b.62.63. menredeemed,6. Redemption,agreaThe mazmerofit,zoo.zo3·&c.How, t~rwor~eofGo Q than Crtatios,9,47, wrot~~ht by looking o'n CH R Is r &rn· I I7,496,498. Thewbnderfu!lmanner cijied, 339· 342. &c. U:hat matmer tNr• oj'it, 5'8 1 ) 9, II4, 510, &c. That it il ning i't is, 207.208, b. 62. 63. ofth•t :fromtkeLawandftomcorruption,32.Tbe which i.-wrought by plagues, And thop· prwh