of the-prin.cipall Contents. pruach.ojdeath;l75 .&<'. When,and how -t~repent,r73,&c.TI;e joy ofupmtance, 179· 148. The bodies part in it, 208. .Votive repentance, zrr. The e!Jentiall pafion of repewtance, what., zrz. 220. &c. z)O. &c. b. 63.of repermnce de– htycd,andthe catf[es ofit, 1 :Z3· I 74·178. 201.zo3. &c.z 13.245 .2)8.• b.53·54· oftb.rt which i<forced, 18r. 207. Re– pcntancuo befitjl of allpreached, 239. o(thcfrttitsofit;2J8. &c. 249· &c. ~56. &c. Tr~dr.ceme11tsto it, 242. &c. llow before faith am{ remifion ofjinnes, 244· 245. 248.b.62.&c. Nottobee di(jatcbedin amoment, 246.259. How ttptmifbmtnt and acure, 255· of Re– pentance t~ be repentedof, 2 56. Rcpen– qnce the Jlampe of CH It I s T's re– furreefion, 5 I 5·5r6. How to be wronght inf14. . 6) 8 Reprobation, not ab(olute, I27 Rdt; 1vhereto hefound,465,&c. It and glory incompatible on earth, 466 C/Jriffs RelurrcCrion; the certainty ofit, &c.3S5,396>4ro, &c. 413. 423,&c. Why his death and it everjoyntly menti. oned>388. Hi<jlatea[terit,386.389. "'be benefitsof#, 389 394,&c. Why jirfl repmed bpnJngell,4o8. The tilr;e andplace ofit,4o8,4.12. Whmceit was andwhether,47 2.Howgreat aJigne it>vM,28z,&c.5o5,&c.By what things {orejhadorved,484. By what power ejfo– iled,with what ea(e,andto ,vhat end,&c. 481,482. &c. why on the thirdday, 490 .To whomjirflrevealed,& hy whom }t'hlif!Jed,)3r,&c. The mejfage of it, h_ow important,554• It the G.Jpe!lofthe Gojpe/1,)56· t'hundof it, andofours, $57,&:. u;hu retr1rne from death, and hell, andtriumph over bath,569. What it >vorketh inw,589· ol~r hope ofre(ur– rrCiion,p. Tl:re gronndofi't,386.396, &<.412,428,&,-. 452·5Q0,514·556· Ref:me[flon twofold, of the hody, if tbe foflft,390,&C. 401,&C. 459,&c.461, 500.5 r6. Ref:~rrec1ion of the[11rne{lej/1 1ve arc now clothedwith,429,&c.Re(nr– reflion to life, to condemnation, 430, f61.558. How the body bettered by it, '+89· How to attain<a ]oyfrtllrefurreEii– on, 491. The CMJ{ort that commcth ·thence,539.Onr re(r<"rru1ion MJew hirth, 563,564. Howejft[fedby CHRIsT, 539. Re[11rreEiion ofall in C H It I s T thatdyein<.Adam, . 55 8, 560 Wh•t ~{everc~ce due to Chrifi, exalted, . 546,&c. No newRcv<;lat•ons after Chrill:, 55 Reward : how great a lojfe it i< to loofe Gods,hytilkmgmens,z35,&c. wl 14 t •. the hope ofit worketb, 394,&c. ofdi- .vmereward~ • .9 95..b.z 3 ,6o R1ch men~ tlmr dttty, b.r.z. Riches, iheir 111'1Ctrtamty, b.8. What da,.ger in the.~, 316, &c. How they_ i:o.mmand wery where,b.3,&c. Not totmjl in them. b. 3, &c. Pi-ide,'theirworme,b.4. That they 4rc thegift ofGod,b.13,&c.Theirright -tif'e,317,&c. Nod~monflrati'fJejignesof Godsjjeciallliking,Fz,&c. That fun– dry Richmen are faved, _ 3 I 5.7o4 Righreoufnelfe of the Law and Gofpe/t, 1 o4. Tmerighteou{nejfc tends topeace, IO).b.72. Hor>therehy Godis (erved, 993· God, ortr. righteoufmfe, how, And why,b.7I•]z,&c. Thefruits ofrighte– ou(neffe, b. ]l, &c. Our righteoufnejfe twofold, accounted, anddone,b.75, Our righteoufnejfc how imper.fee!; 676. s SAcraments ; C 1-1 1t I $ T how to bee found Ill them u 8. Both i!Juedout of C H.lt Is T;sjide,345,]38,&c.Byhoth OUT fins afepurgedin theguilt,Andin the fpot, 59,738 · 739,&c. :The neglec1of them how pumfhed, b.,I63. Whence and howoperativt,572,5 73,589,5go, How needfi•ll they are, 6r6. · Their number, 687,738. HoJV fe•les, andofwhat (ort, 66o. The jpirit in~ dijf/Tent ma.nner given by both,714. Water and hlo:ulin borb,740: What they receive, who re– ceivethem unworthily, . 'r 741 Saclifice; c H R I s ·r's ,what manner - one,44r.The Chriflians',!hreefsld,zr8., z55, The Iewif!J no better norv than thofe of the Gentiles, ' · ,,._ ro x TheSaintsinb"'r;en or1rpammes andw!tne!Jes, 366 Sarans Apojlles they thatrejijl chrifls, 7d: S:nisfldion: fhe nec(/ity ofit to Godsjr•– flice, ro I. Horv 11:ade by Chrififor ortr debts, 156,1)7 ,ofaSaviour; andthefalvatiM ofjinnln, 38,&c.The order ofmans[alvatton,>zo Thef:mnTJeofit,59,6I. Sai<!Jation from jinnefirjl,then froJ1>tleath,b.5o,5I• It Ttttt 3 Gods