of th'eprincipall Contents. mjfe,74I,&c. The dijferent meafims And gifts of the Spirit, 6I I,6I 3,62 3· How by the Spirtt we are(ealed, and to what end, 655,&c. The pivatefpirit ..hat,694· TheSpirit of the Law, diffe– rent from that of tbe GofpeH, I) 17, &c. oftheStarrethat appearedtothe Wifemen, r 2 9,130 ,I p,I4o, I4 I,How they knew, it to be CH R Is T s, I42. Afl Starrei, Signes, IJ6 Great Stat~S from[maDbeginnings,86,87 Strength fromGod,andfrom men; how dif fereut, z65 Study; the labour, andfrtutsofit,575,&c. Subjects, their duty, z8 I Subfidies, part ofthe Frincu d11es; horv to 6tpayd,&c. b.9z,&c.b.I5o, I)6,&c. Superfiition; whog11ilty ofie. b.29,&c. Superiors, how to be reverenced, 548. ofSwearing,lawfidl,andtmlawfufl,b.39, &c. Why t{ed with ceremonies, b.45 "T'lle Temple; a·iypc of Cw a I ST, t ~ 484.llubody hiw Gon's Temple; andhow ours, 483, &c. 789,&c.8xo, 815, 876, &c. 889, . &c.942,943, 953,978 <-.'igamft Tranfubfranriation, 157, 454 , 693 Treafon fuggtfted by Satan, 848, 88o, 893, &c. 976. That it may be in the will ttlone, 8o6,8o7, 844,&c. The appro– vers and concealers oftt,who they be and their grounds csnfuted, 79I, 8o7,'&c. 85J,86r,?7o,878, &c.894,&c.9II, &c.9 I7,941,S/5 5,975,978 ,&c.:rro or Who make Religton a colouro[it,8o7, 8o8,88r, &c. 894,95a,roo r. often ftrangely difcovered, and defeated, 85o. 8p. &c. 954·976 .&c.g86.&c.NiJt to be hid tmderthefe•lcofconftfeon,853• Treafon to [11jfer sthm to violate the Kings Perfon, 869 Tribute, to bepaid,b,88. &c. The Trinityof Perf'ons proved, 6z3.642· &c•.675·7D0.7I5-757· Injinuated in the .Angelica!! Hynme, 120. The unitie oftheir ejfmce, 642. The workesandat– tributes of each Perfon, 75g·, Creation and Redemption, the comTJWI worRes of all three, 632.675 CHUST's Triumph overhefl anddeath, ~69. &c. 574· 663.&c. Trumpets,wberein, andwhy ufed,by Goo, b.ro~ Tru!l:; to 6ep11t in Go I> alone, 499. b. What need ofaTefiament tofave m, 583, 584. The New- Tefiamenr, ,.hat, and what itbequeathes m, 583, 584. The difference ofthetwo Tefiaments,53,54, 55, I3I,l6•,•68,9I7,&c. 5oz, ~•. Truthtogoewithrighteott{nejfo, "Iheir knowledge under the old, compa7tdwith OtiYS rmder the nrw, 67, I 3 I u.&c. z'Oo. V ofThankfulnelfe for Go ,·s great mer. cies, in o11rgreat deliver1nces,93i ;958, 966,&c.98o,&c.g83,&c.o(Thankfulnelfefor c HR 1sT'S incarnation, vEnues cannotbe(evered, ro6. What 15. Andforhisp4fion, 345,&c. fruitfuU,whatnot,93.TheVerrues fimes,me;~{ureandfullfe/fe,z4,Z5 ,p.~of ofaCkriftian ;their mixture, 105.ro6. {et Times of ftjlingandfea.fting, io3, &c.a~aternim of them in CHKisT z21J. and Chrtjlians, ro5,ro6 ''e Tongue, the hen andworn member, Voanimirie, .mdVniformitie, both nece[- 6o3,6o4. Whytohc keptchaJf, 659· fary, 599 The confnjimofTongues, bow reverfod, ofVnbdeefeani inconftaT>cie, 3oz.&c. 601(, 6-1:3~ of Voionwith CH a I s -r, 5.Themeanes Traditions,wbattrue,whatnot, lfi>07, b. thereof, 9 27,&c. OfVnityandconcord,b.IH.I66.Howw~fl ofTraytors,andtheirdijjmneforts,n3, Go n_lovu it, t5I· The benefit ofet, 774,776,&c. 784,&c.8r),8z6,8zr, aniloferier,zSo.&c. 44'· Wher~~~. &c. 844,855,&c. '95o,&c. Thrir Vniry.,nof!irit,598.•6?z· TbeVmne bypocrijie,823.'l'hcirhloudtainted,8z4• of the Head, the true V~Ity, I5:t How many wayes aman may be a medler Vnkindnelfe, how deeply tt wotmds, 321 wilhthem,9P• '!_he!rwofullend,78o, .Againft Vnthankfulnelfe 1 b. ~l ' . I 1