• A TAB L B, OF Warre,andwhatnfe to Gemadeof it, 1 3 3 . &c. 1 gs. T{o fin whether ·. deflnfive, orojfenfive,_184.I85.1"h"t t~(eofDivinitJand Dtvmestntt, 186. I 87, Si1111e the chtefe hmdrance of fuc– _ee/Je therein, I 84 'Againft all vaiweWall:e; 287. what the goodWay, whattktbad, ' l05 W eapons,what their lawfull ufe,what not, . 8?8 ofWeeping forJinne, . 210 Whire,thecolortr ofJOY JJ»dtrtumph, 535 The d~nble Wine-preffe wherei» CHill sT wtU, 57Z· &c. The Wine-prelfe of Gon's wrath; howt'#>eke~toutofit, 576 CH •., s T's threeWitneffes,i11Heaven, inEarth, 744.&c. Women, their devotio11 to S: H l\ I s T, 404,&C. Con's Word,whatitistom,277,278. · Go n'swrittenWordfurtr than extra– Drdinary revelatioNs, I43• The obedience dt~etoit,5J.p.b.6.7•70· and IZ9· CH a Is T, how the Word, 164 .Workes ; What tru':J goud,whatTiot, 646. 647· 7'9· 764. They are,fuch~t<r their endis, 254· HD1Pto be valued, I56. z56. &c.325,326. WhatWorth reqttired in them, 2 56. How dCCtp– ted by G on, though•mJperfell,258. 732. Thenecejity of them, 93· I 57· 583. 646. 74I. b. 14. 15. '34· &c. <rhe Cht~rch plenteOU$ inthcm,94- To be jojwedwithhumility, 94· They nothing Wonhwitho11tCH" IST, 149 .Their reward, b. 2 I. That it;. .from G 0 D. 5 free grace, 126. How they are maligned and condemned, 2 97, To be done chem. fit!ly, andwithout delay, b. 15 6. &c. I» what (en(e calledafoundation, b. 23 • 24 • TheheftpleafingtoGon, 5 88. To be done conjlamly, 731. How they arefr~m Go ?• 764. Th,ewanto(them,thebane ·ofthu age, 732.Thoje theprincipal/ that 11redoneto Societies, b. I 9 • How G 0 accepteth the willfor the Work,66,I 2 :. I 2 6. I 27. What things mptijitero make agoodWorke, 229. &c. 23 4 . of the good WorkesofAlmes, Faf/mg,Pra_yer, l53.&c. 732• ourheft W orkesatttn– ded hy the Tempter, 229. &c. 234. &c. His policiesto keepe m fr~m them, or to poifonthem, 229·./7.0. 233. &,. Workes of devotion done to C H " I s T and rewardtdby Hi11t>405.&c. Seeming impedtments of goodWorkes, 407.·of Worksofmercy,469·47o.v!de Almes. ofthegeod workes done in Englandfince the Reformation, b. 17. of Workes of [11pererogatim, 256. The Workes of devotion compar'dwith Almes, 292. G o n's Worlhip; the end both of the world, And Script11re; andwhat it is, I 46 Therightmannerofit, 479·99I.&c. The kindes o(it,146. 147· To6tdone .u by rhe[ot~!e,foby the body,475.&c.479• -Ne»S- Ut«kwardneffi in cowming to zt, z 144 ,• ~ ~ l\' l I J, ~ ~·" , FINIs.- ( ., •'T