Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

SERMON A PREA .CHED before the K I N as. M A I E s TIE, at White,ball onSaturday, the XXV. of'Decemher,A.D. MDCXIX. being CH RI S T-MASS E day. L VK. II. Ver. XII II. Gloria in alcifsimis D E o, & in terra pax,hominibus bome . voluntatis (vel,* in homines 6ona )7oluntM.) *~elbin ha· m1m us. Glorie Ge to qod in the hiJ,h Hea'JJens, andpeace upon earth, and *towards mengood 'frit ti. · * or,in E LAntheme of the Ji2.t!,eere of Hea-ven forrhis men. day. For, having heard the <..Angels Sermonat twife; • Of the 'Jo{gtivitie, 'Of the Inventionof u R r sr: andfeenethe Ji2.t!,eereofAngels{ec,with their nature and condition: there remains nothing but the Antheme, to make up a fulllervice for rhe Day. This is it. Saint Luke, befides that bee ;s an Evangelift, bath the honour further, that he is the F{almifl ofthe New Tejlament: foureHymnes more bath hee added to thofe of the old. Of which , foure, this is fo much the more excellent than rhe reit, in that iris not of any mans fetting, though never fo skilful!: the Dirrie and it are both Angelicaft; from the Angels borh. That, we prai.fe God with the tongue of Angels, whcnfoever we praife Him with this, with Gluria in exceljis. . The Summeofit is: that though,alldayes oftheyeare, and for all benefits; yet, ThcSummc. thisd.ty?andforrhis (now)above all, Go o is highly to be glorified : More highly thenmothers; Nay moll htghly then; for,itis in altifimu, the highejl of all. That Heaven and Earth, and menare to joynein oneconforr: He.wen and Earth firit; Heaven on high, Earth beneath to take up one hymne: both in honour of H1s htrth, both are better by it; Heaven hathglorie,Earthpeace,bymeanes of ir. He"wn hnthg\one;l,etentur c"'li: Earth,peace; extdtet terra, at thy Nativity ,0 Lord. _War. Pbl.~G.u. rantedby tlus Song; at thyNativity,0 Lord, !errheheavens rejoycelortheglom : let the Earth begladforrhepeace, that come ro them by ir. :'\nd men, hominibm, though they reil:, and comein !all: afrcr both,yettheY: to doe lt as much; Nay, much more than bo.tb,for Gods goodwit/toward them, wh1ch brought