St:rmon 15. fhil word {hall not paffe; .Here, on this, we to fix our ey,e; and toground our faith 1 H · o-this thouo-hwenettherheareA~<gell, norfee.flar, we may (bytheGraceof G~~~ do;full 1~ell. For,evelithey; tha_r have h~d both thofe,have bin faine to refolve ·into this, as thetrlafl; befl,<tnd chtefefl p:>lnt of all. Wtmeffe St. Peter: He •P<c.ut: C· hh .(andtheywithhun)fai)'CHRIHS Glorte,ai<dhcardthevotcefrom·Heavm 1 _ai~h J/ ty c.Jilormt: Whatthen ~ After both thefe, dttd"ivimw andvidimM(both [, {{) ~ecomestothis, Habemtuttutemjirmiorem; &c. Wehave amore.fure W~rdof V err, , 9 ; , ;~ hecierhan both thefe: Firmiorem,a more (rm;a moruleere; than them l:ioth. And · Si tlclegimt« (for 1 dlegimtuh i~vidim~~<,) If hor: weer.ea~ tt wrmenj it tsenough.ta round our faith,an l~tt eJ.argoe. ·· -· • . ' , ' g And yet(to end thts pOint;) Both thefe, theftar, and the Prop!Jectl!,theyra·re buo circum{u(a Lnx: Withour, both. Befldesthefe, there mull be a ltght•rvtthm,m the eye: Elfe, (we know) for all them,notlungwill be feene. And,that mufl comefro~ Him, and the enlightemng_of H,s Spmt. Takedus foraRrtle : No knowmg ofE~ jus, ab(que Eo; of His, withoutHtm, whofcuts. Nmher,ofthejlarre,- wrthd~G Him that createdit; Nor, of theProphem, wtthout Hun, that tn/Jltredit. Bur, rhts third'comming too; He fending the light o( His Spirit, within,in'to thei, minds;they ·' • " then fawcleerely, This, the.ftar .; -now the Time; He the Child, •that this day was borne. . . 1' • •., ·, ' He that fent the_fe two ivithopt;[[.o this thirdwilhi11 : and then, it \vas ridi." "'"' ind~ed. Thelight6f the.ftar, in theireyes. theWord of Propheciein their earessthe BC4me of His Spirit in their hearts; thefe threemade up a full vidiwli; And, fo muchfor vidiml#flellam Ejus,the Occafion.of their ~emmi~g• '· I NBw rorenitlllfl,theirco,nmingitfelfe. And idoll~wes well. For,irisnoe:i j j14r only buta L~ad-flar: And, whither fhouldfterta Ejtts dr~c-ere, but adEum·r whi- Thoir eo m~ therlealus, butto Him,whofe the.fiar is~ Theftar, to the's M after. . , =':,~'V<••! All this while we have beene at dicmtes,fayingand feeing: Now we fl1all come · toFacientes, fee them doe fome-what upon it.' It is notj:tying, norfeeing will ferve St. lames: He will call,and be llill calling for oftmde mihi,/heiv me thy Faith by fqme Iam.•.•_s_; · Work~. And, well may he be allowed to call for it, this Day: Iris the day of 'vidi– m~~<,Appear'ing,Bein<> feene. You have feene His fiarre; Let Him now fee your fiar, another while. And,fothey doe. Make your Faith to be feene: So ir is:Their Faith, in thejlepsof their Faith. And,Co was Abrahdm's,firfl,by commi~<g forth ofhis countrey; As, thefe here doe, and fo rvalke in the fteps of the faith of Abraham; doe his Rom.~. 1 a; .firllworke. . . It is not commended, to flandgazing ttp into beavcn too long, Not on CHRIst AC!s. 1 • 11 • Himfelfe a(cmding: much leffe onHisflar. For,they fate not frill gazing on theftar; TheirVidimr« begat Venim&; their{eeingmade themcome; come a great journey•' Venimtu is foone fayd; but a jhort Word: But, many a wide and weary ftep they / !llade, before they could cometo fay VmimM,Lo,here weare come; Come and at our Journeys end. To looke a little on it. In this their Commi~<g,we confider, r. Firfl,the dtf/ance of the Place,they camefrom. It was not hard by,as thej1upherds(bur a fiep / toBethldiem,ovenhefields:) This was riding many a hundred miles,and cofl them many adays journey. z. Sec'?ndl y, ~econfider the W<ty ,that they came: Ifit beplea- ) fant,or pla111eandeajj: For,tf it be,ltls fo much the bcrrer. • This was nothingpled~ fant;for,through defarts.-all the way wafte and defolate.'Nor(fecondly) eafyneither: ~or,overtherocks and crags ofbothArdbiu([peciallyPetr.ea)their journy Jay·3·Ycc tf[afe: Bm it w~s not ;but exceedinp; dangerous,a lying through rh~ middefl of the B bbkeTents ofr,edar,a NanonofTheeves and Cur.throats;to paffe over thehdls of c~lc.r.4; Ro ers;Infamous then,and infamous to this day.No paffing,withoutgreat troop,or. r co(,' 0Y·4·Lafl we confider the time oftheir comming,the feafonoftheyeare•. It was no 'fi'!'erprogreffe. Acold commi~<g they had ofir,at this time ofthereare; Jufl the 1 wor ttmeofthe yeare,torake ajourney, and fpecially along Journey,m. The Wates d~ep,thc weather Gmp,the daies flJort,thc funfanhefl,chevery \ · dead ~