Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OftheNATIVITlE. Sermon1 5, and pitifullaplig~~aseverwasany: Morelik<! to be abho~redthanadoredoffuch Perfons ~Willthey be as good as their word (rrown Will they not fiep backatth· light 1 ·reRent rhemfelves oftheir journey, and wilh rhemfelvesar home againe ~Bur' fo lindHim,andfo finding Him,worjhip Him for all that ~ Ifthey will, 'lerily then' Great u tbeir Faith. This, the cleerefi bcame ofall. ' ~~"·,!::4,; The ..f2.yeneoftheSouth, (who was a figureofrbefeKings ofthe Eajl}fhecameas great aiourney,as thefe. But whenlhc came,lhe found aKing indeed,King Salom,. in all·his.,l~.oyalty. SawaGloriotu King,and aGloriotu Court about him. SaJV him.,and heardhim,:Tried him, with many hard quefiions, received fa~isf:<Clion ofrhcmall. .CS! '\ This, was worth her comming. Weigh, what fhe found,and' what rhefc here, As poore anJ! unlikelyabirth,as could be,ever to proveaKing,o~ any grear tpatter.No fight, to comfort them ; Nor a JVord, for whtch they any wlutthe wtfer: Norhin• worththeirtravell• .Weighthefe together, and great odds will be found between~ herfaitgand theirs. Their~, the greater farre. · . We!I 1 they will rake Him,as they find Him: And,all this riotwith{bnding,ivor}l,ip Rtmfo~ all that. Theftarre !hall make amends fortheManger: And, forfld!a EjU<, they wJll difpenfe with Enm. ..·, · And,what is it toWorjhip?Sorrie greater niatterdure,)it is,rhat HeawnandEarth; theftir.r.esand the Prophets(thus)doe bur ferve to lead them, and conduCt us tq. For . all (we 'ree1ends inAdor::re: Scriptur~'&Mundm Adhocfunt, fit colatur qui crea11it, & t~derettlr quflnlfiravit; 1'lie.ScriptureandWordare but to thu end,that He, that cre~td the on,<; 1 ~nd in!fire~ rpe other, might be bur worfbipped: Such reckoning did the~ feeme, ~P make of;tt, he~e. Andfuch, the Great Treafurer of the ~eeneCandate. Thefq C~J.UK.from ,theMountamesofthe Eajl; He,from rheurtermof!: part ofJ£t4iopi 4 came,;md·callle for no other end, bur o~ly this, To worfoip: a11d;when they had done that,hoine~againe. Tantitft Adorare. Worththewhile,worthour comming,if(com. ming)weao~but tp~~>but worfoip, and nothing elfe•. And fo I wouldhav~mmac.' compt of. it. . r. . , · . • • - To_tell you, :what if·is,inparricular,I mull: put you over tot~eXI. Verfe,whereii is fet dowl)e, what tpey did, when they ••orfoipped. It is let downe in two atls TI~:~T•vviiv,·and n~:~•~if.,,; Failing downe, andoffering. Thus did they; rhus we to doe> Wetodo,ethelike, when.we willWorjhip. Thefetwo are all: andmore than thefc, welindnof. · We can worfhip Go n butrhreewayes: Wehavebutthree things, toJV~rfhipHim withal!: ' TheSorde,He bath infpired;' TheBody,He bath ordained us; l And,the < Warld!y ,Goods, He harh vouchfafed tobl,elfc us withal!. We;Nworfbip Him,with .· -• '"; afl~Je.eirigrhereisbuto(\e reafonfpr,alj 1 . , ,._" , . . .. '" '""\'"- _ · IfHe.~ ~re~~hdintous our Soule, but framed nf>t our B~dy .(but fomeotherdid that). ,N:~it~c;rbdw.Your knee 1 nor renc011(( yol!r head, but keepe.onyour h~rrs;and fit even.asXOJi dpe_hardly. Bpt, ifhehave fr;~I?ed tha\ Body ofyours, ~nd everymem• her ofir,fet htm have the honour both ofZead,andknu,and everymem~erelfe. , l Aga,i~~,i(}Ebe not,He,thar gave us our worldlygpods~bur[omebody elfe; what He .. . ;· ..-i g~ve nox,,th~t wirh-hold/rop:t Him,.;m~ f~<~;re nor•. B,m, ifall col?efrom Him,afl to {Cturneto Htm: IfHe fend all,to be worOupped Vilrh all. And thts{•1n good footh)1s !~m:!~.x: out.Ratio~abil;ohfe.quit;'!'(as' the ApomF·1alff\hit.)~9 more,thanReafon would,we fuould worlh1p H1m wtrha\1. , . .., .,. ,. . Elfe,ifall our worjhij b'e'inwar,done,Io/,s,wirp·our}earts,and not our hatts(as (ome fondly iinagine) we give.Himbur on~dft:'hree... W~put Him toHis Thirds; Btd ·" , ..• Bim,Be~oqtentwirht~at; fi.egers.'l'l.~f!}iJ'(ebutirm>ardwo:JI>ip._. Tharisour ofrhc Te;"<t, quite. for,thoug)l(I doubt !jOt,hut) thefe ~~;r,e,perfor!lled that alfo ; yer,he:e ·'' ' iris nor• .Saip.~ MattheJVmentions it nq~ ,;..It is nqqo befeene : No .Vidimm ontt. Arid ~he text is :1 ridimm ;a~d,·ofa stam; that is, ~ofan Outward"'iflble JVO!jh'Jl to befeeqe.o~al!· . Tli~e,i~·a v141m~~1upo~t,he IVO;jhij of the Bod1, it ~aybe feene: P.,.oqidenw..· .. .Le~us fee yo4fal!down~'vSo 1$ .there,~pO.t.J theworjhtp Wd~11 our JVorldly ~~ff, th~t~'ay bc.~eet_!e ~~~~fdt I oJ/e,r;(~J_{¥:•Let us,£~~.>:}~hetlm-, anqwhat you;!:~ (•